Simple Yoga Poses
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7 Simple Yoga Poses For Beginners And Their Benefits

Yoga beginners’ postures and foundational exercises provide the greatest long-term benefits with the least risk. Simple yoga poses can lead to greater clarity at any age of life with great benefits for the body and mind.

In recent years, yoga has carved a niche for itself as a form of physical exercise and today it has become popular around the world. It promotes better control and well-being of the mind and body. Modern simple yoga exercises have evolved with a focus on strength, flexibility and breathing. Yoga for a healthy and vibrant life can create physical, mental focus and clarity at any age or stage of life.

Yoga newbies may feel overwhelmed and ridiculous by the odd-sounding names of the poses. Such people start with beginner yoga poses and the simplest yoga pose sequence that can lead you on the right track. If you do each of these at work, even for 3 to 5 slow breaths, this is a great beginner yoga pose that has stood the test of time for you to do every day.

 7 Simple Yoga Poses For Beginners at Any Age

Consider on your cheat sheet for finally mastering simple poses that you can feel comfortable creating or practicing yourself at home in ‘slow and gradual’ procedures.

Best simple yoga workout for beginners requires to deepen the yoga practice to build strength and confidence.

1. Tadasana or Mountain Pose

Tadasana, also known as Mountain Pose, serves as a foundational posture in yoga and is often practiced at the beginning of a yoga session. It provides a solid base and proper alignment for other standing poses. While Tadasana may seem simple, its benefits are profound, making it an essential part of any yoga practice.


  • Strengthens legs.
  • Improve balance.
  • Create stability.
  • Increases Height.
  • Opens up the chest and lengthens the spine.

How to practice:

  • To do Tadasana, first of all, stand straight by making a little distance in your feet.
  • After this, taking a long breath, with the help of the fingers of your feet, slowly raise the body and both the hands upwards.
  • After this join the fingers of both your hands.
  • Stay in this posture for 30 seconds and pull your body upwards.
  • After this, slowly bring your hands to the normal position.

2. Trikonasana or Triangle Pose

Trikonasana, or Triangle Pose, is a powerful yoga posture that offers a full-body stretch while simultaneously energizing the body. In Trikonasana, the practitioner stands with legs wide apart and extends one arm down towards the ground while reaching the other arm up towards the sky, creating a triangle shape with the body.


  • Stretches and lengthens the spine.
  • Reduces stress.
  • Opens the hips and shoulders.
  • Strengthens the thighs, knees, and ankles.
  • Increased flexibility.

How to practice:

  • Stand straight, make a distance of one and a half feet between the feet.
  • Keeping your right-hand open, raise it up towards the sky, look up at the palm of your hand.
  • Keeping the upper hand and the lower hand in their place, inhale and keep the body taut.
  • Keep the left hand along the left leg, while exhaling, bend down in such a way that your legs do not twist.
  • Place the palm on the ground on the left side of the foot and touch the ground.
  • Keeping the right hand by the ear, take it parallel to the ground, keep the gaze up towards the sky, then slowly come back to the first position.
  • Come back and pull both your hands up and down.
  • Do the same action from the other side as well.

3. Padmasana or Lotus Pose

Padmasana, or Lotus Pose, is a seated yoga posture that involves crossing the legs and placing each foot on the opposite thigh. While Padmasana is often associated with advanced yoga practice and meditation, it can still be accessible to beginners with patience, practice, and proper preparation.


  • Increases digestion power.
  • Calms the brain.
  • Keeps the spine straight.
  • Eases Symptoms of Menstruation

How to practice:

  • First of all, sit in a flat place by laying a rug or mat.
  • Place the left foot on the right thigh and the right foot on the left thigh.
  • Rest both the feet in such a way that below the navel, both the heels come and join in the middle of the pelvis and the soles of both the feet should rest on the thighs.
  • Now straighten the spine and neck.
  • There should not be any bend in the waist.

4. Paschimottanasana or Seated Forward Bend

Paschimottanasana , or Seated Forward Bend, is a comprehensive stretch that targets various muscle groups throughout the body. By folding forward from a seated position, it elongates the muscles along the back of the body, including the spine, hamstrings, and calves. This posture also engages the muscles of the abdomen and hips, promoting flexibility and suppleness in those areas.


  • helps in relieve stress and depression.
  • Soothes headache and anxiety.
  • Stretches hamstrings and gluteal muscles.
  • Massages the abdominal and pelvic organs.
  • Improve digestion.

How to practice:

  • To do this, sit with the legs stretched out in front, now keeping the palms on the knees, while inhaling, raise the hands upwards and straighten the waist and pull it upwards.
  • Now while exhaling, bend forward, and touch the toes with the hands.
  • Holding it, put the forehead on the knees.
  • Keep in mind that the knees should not bend.
  • And try to put the elbows on the ground.

5. Balasana or Child Pose

Balasana, or Child’s Pose, is often regarded as a relatively simple yoga posture that’s suitable for beginners due to its gentle nature and accessibility. Its simplicity doesn’t diminish its effectiveness, though; it’s beneficial for practitioners of all levels. Whether you’re a beginner just starting your yoga journey or an experienced yogi looking for a moment of rest and introspection, Balasana offers physical and mental relaxation, making it a valuable addition to any yoga practice.


  • Calms the brain
  • Helps in relieve stress and fatigue.
  • Relieves back and neck pain.
  • Increases blood circulation.
  • Rejuvenates the body. 

How to practice:

  • Sit on the ground with your legs extended in front.
  • Now bend your legs and keep them under the hips.
  • While bending the waist forward, touch the head with the ground and keep your hands straight in front of the head.
  • The palms should be towards the ground.
  • Stay in this position for 30 seconds to 5 minutes.

6. Vajrasana or Thunderbolt Pose

Vajrasana is often practiced as a meditative posture, promoting mental clarity, focus, and stability. It is commonly used for pranayama (breath control) and meditation practices due to its grounding and stabilizing effects on the body and mind.


  • Strengthening thigh muscles.
  • Enhances blood circulation.
  • Keeps the stomach healthy.
  • Helps in relieve constipation.
  • Strengthening sexual organs.

How to practice:

  • Bend the legs and sit on the knees in such a way that the toes meet behind, the heels open, the buttocks on the ankles, taking the feet, straighten the spine.
  • Keeping the elbows of both the hands straight, hands on the knees, keep the face steady.
  • This way you can sit anytime.
  • Sit in this posture after having food.
  • This is a very easy and useful posture.
  • Stay in this posture for 30 seconds to 30 minutes.

7. Setu Bandhasana or Bridge Pose

Setu Bandhasana can help beginners build strength, improve flexibility, and develop body awareness, making it an effective posture for those starting their yoga journey.


  • Stretches chest, neck, and spine.
  • Reduces thyroid problems.
  • Improves digestion. 
  • Reduces anxiety and stress. 

How to practice:

  • Lay the yoga mat on a flat surface.
  • Now lie down on your back straight.
  • Then bend the knees and bring the ankles near the hips.
  • Note that the soles are adjacent to the ground.
  • Now keeping the hands straight, take them near the ankles.
  • If possible, hold the ankles with your hands, otherwise, keep your hands on the ground.
  • After this, while breathing in, slowly raise your waist upwards.
  • During this, the chin should be adjacent to the chest and the shoulders, head, and neck should be on the ground.
  • Do not do any kind of manipulation with the body.

Also See: Yoga For beginners


Incorporating these simple yoga poses into your routine can help boost your health, increase strength, balance, and flexibility, and reduce symptoms of stress, fatigue, depression, and anxiety.

Also See: Easy Yoga Poses For Beginners


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