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Anjaneyasana (Low Lunge Pose): Basics, Steps, Benefits & More

Anjaneyasana is a beginner level standing posture that requires the strength to perform. Yogis of all levels can used as a post-workout pose into their daily vinyasa yoga practice.

This backbend stretching offers lots of variations including Mula Bandha (root lock) and Uddiyana Bandha (abdominal lock) which opens the legs, pelvis, chest and spine.

Anjaneyasana Basics

Sanskrit PronunciationAnjaneyasana
Meaning“Anjaneya ” = Lord Hanuman (son of Anjan)
Asana = pose or posture
Pose TypeBackband, Balance, Hip Opener, Standing
Pose LevelBeginner
Style of yogaVinyasa primary series
Other NamesLow Lunge Pose, Crescent Moon Pose
StretchesThe thighs and groins and opens the chest. I
Strengthening The body
Duration30 second to 3 minutes


The name Anjaneyasana comes from Sanskrit words, that resembling the “Son of Anjani”. Anjaneyasana is a combination of two Sanskrit words, where Anjaneya means “Son of Anjani” and Asana means yoga pose or posture. In Hindu mythology Anjani, the mother of God Hanuman. Hanuman is a central figure in the epic Ramayana, is Ram’s aide. Anjaneyasana is a basic familiar standing pose that is found in the Sun Salutation sequence and many yoga postures.

Anjaneyasana can be practiced in a more relaxed, supported manner, or it can be practiced more vigorously to build more strength, balance, and flexibility. The pose has many variations that can increase the stretch as such, it is a deep stretch for the hip flexors and quadriceps.

Anjaneyasana is very similar to The Crescent Pose and Ardha Chandrasana. In Crescent Pose/High Lunge, the back leg is lifted, and in the low lunge pose, the back leg up to the knee is on the floor. Anjaneyasana helps to open the Root Chakra (Muladhara Chakra), Heart Chakra (Anahata Chakra), Solar Plexus (Manipura Chakra).

Let us see how to perform yoga low lung pose in a step-by-step way, along with benefits of low lung pose- opens the hips, improves balance, and can help with sciatica.

Practice Guide For Anjaneyasana (Low Lunge Pose)

Anjaneyasana involves a sequence of movements that challenge the practitioner’s balance, flexibility, and focus. To facilitate a step-by-step approach, the pose is divided into key components, allowing practitioners to grasp each element before attempting the full pose. These components typically include the initial posture, transitional phases, and the final position.

Preparatory Pose

Steps To Do Low Lunge Pose: Anjaneyasana

  • Anjaneyasana starts with Downward-facing-dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana).
  • Now while exhaling, place your right foot between the hands, aligning the right knee on the heel and the knee is bent at a 90-degree angle.
  • After this, lower your left knee to the floor and place the top of your left foot on the floor. (make sure your right foot place on the floor).
  • Press your right foot and left knee into the floor or stretch the right knee forward and the left knee back. and Draw the tailbone down toward the floor.
  • Inhale and lift your torso and lengthen your spine even more, along with Keep your neck long.
  • Now raise your arms above your ears, palms facing each other or in Anjani Mudra.
  • Pull the tailbone down towards the floor and lift your pubic bone towards your navel.
  • Bend your head slightly backward, without crunching, and lookup.
  • Exhale and let your hips relax and forward.
  • Remain in the pose for 15 to 30 seconds.
  • To come out of this pose, keep your hands back to the floor and get back into the Downward-facing-dog Pose
  • Repeat this pose with the left feet.

Beginners Tips

  • During this exercise, make sure to maintain a focus on your breathing.
  • If your knee is sensitive, you can place o double-up towel or blanket under your knee.
  • Beginners should practice this pose facing a wall and Keep in mind that when you move your foot forward, your toes should touch the wall.

Follow-up Poses

  • Warrior Pose I (Virabhadrasana I)
  • Warrior Pose III (Virabhadrasana III)

Anjaneyasana Benefits

Anjaneyasana is an excellent pose to practice regularly as one can see measurable results in a short period of time.

  • Since it is a balancing posture, regular practice of this asana puts enough pressure on the back muscles. Due to this pressure, the strength of the back also increases.
  • The pose works beautifully on the hips, front of the leg, muscles around the knee, intercostal muscles, arms, neck, and extends the chest.
  • The chest muscles become stronger by lifting the chest forward and breathing at a rapid pace. It also helps to open the chest. Due to this, it also helps in stimulating the cardiovascular organs. This results in increased blood flow and lung capacity.
  • It also adds stretches the front of the body and another is good for those suffering sciatica pain.
  • It is also effective in physical tightness in the entire body and strengthens the quadriceps, calves, hamstrings, shoulders, and arms.
  • The practice of Anjanayasana also helps in improving our mental health. It provides a sufficient amount of oxygen and blood to the brain, which is very essential for our brain.


Gradually increase the practice to do Anjaneyasana. Never practice this asana in case of discomfort. Always make sure that you have warmed up and your core muscles have been activated.

  • Don’t perform this Asana in the case of High B.P.
  • If you have a shoulder problem can practice it by keeping your hands on the thighs.
  • Avoid if any kind of injury around the knees and the hips.


Anjaneyasana (Crescent Low Lunge Pose) is known as the Shakti of Lord Hanuman. This standing hip opener and heart opener pose is also sometimes referred to as the Crescent Moon pose. Some of its variations are known by different names, so do not get confused.


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