Surya Bhedana Pranayama (Right Nostril Breathing) | Steps | Benefits

Surya Bhedana Pranayama Right Nostril Breathing Steps Benefits

We have two nostrils for breathing. In traditional Hatha Yoga, they are called Nadi, in which the right nostril is called Surya Nadi, and the left nostril is known as Chandra Nadi. The right nostril is considered to be associated with the Surya Nadi, which is called Surya Swara or Pingala Nadi, After this, it got its name Surya Bhedana Pranayama.

Surya Bhedana Pranayama is a simple and effective breathing technique which is one of the 8 classical pranayamas mentioned in the yoga texts Hatha Yoga Pradeepika and the Gheranda Samhita.

What is Surya Bhedana Pranayama?

The Surya Bhedan Kumbhaka a breathing technique from Pranayama, which is one of the eight Mahakumbhakas. Where Surya means the sun or Pingala . and the meaning of the word “Bhedana” is piercing or enter or breaking through something.

In Suryabhedi Pranayama, the breathing is performed through the right pore of the nose. The right pore of the nose is called the sun tone and the left is called the moon tone. In the process of inhaling the breath through the right hole, the energy flows through the Pingala Nadi ie Surya Nadi. In exhaling from the left pore, energy flows through the Ida Nadi or the Chandra Nadi.

Performing this Suryabhedana Pranayam purifies the pulse present in the body known as Pingala Nadi. Additionally, surya Nadi also becomes active by doing this. Due to this reason, this pranayama has been named Suryabhedana Pranayama.

Surya Bhedana is a breathing exercise to strengthen solar energy, to increase warmth, willpower, and enthusiasm.

The practice of Surya Bhedana Pranayama stimulates the root chakra, increases the vitality of the body as well as relief from anxiety, depression, and mental illness.

How To Do Surya Bhedana?

Choose a clean place and place a yoga mat or a clean sheet there. And following the steps mentioned below, make Surya Bhedana Pranayama successful.

Steps 1: Asana

Surya Bhedana Pranayama should be practiced in a quiet environment. This Pranayama proves to be more fruitful in clean natural air. Therefore, by first choosing the best place, place a mat there and place it in the normal posture.

Steps 2: Yogic Sitting Posture

First of all, sit in a cross-legged position on the yoga mat. You have to sit in the posture of Padmasana, that is, keep the paws of the left foot on your right thigh and the paws of the right foot on the left thigh. Those who cannot sit in Padmasana posture, they can sit in Sukhasana posture. At the same time, those who are difficult to sit on the ground, they can sit on the chair.

Sit in a comfortable pose. We advise you to sit with your backbone straight and make sure you fill breath in the lungs. Keep both your hands on your knees. Now forget all the worries of your mind. Keep the waist straight and close both your eyes. And try to concentrate on yourself.

Steps 3: Yogic Hand Gesture

Right hand gesture:-  Make Vishnu Mudra with the right hand.

Vishnu Mudra is practice with the right hand. In this mudra, both the index finger and the middle finger have to be touched with the root of the thumb. Apart from this, the rest of the fingers are upright. This mudra stimulated the first three chakras – The Muladhara, Svadisthana, and Manipura.

This hand gesture called Vishnu Mudra (symbol of Vishnu), which is used to breathe through the nose during the Nadi Shodhana. Because some pranayama techniques say one nostril to breathe at a time, while the other nostril is lightly closed. This mudra always uses for Nadi Shodan Pranayama.

Left-hand gesture:- Make Gyan mudra with the left hand and put it on the left fingers and place it over the kneecap.

Steps 4: Breathing Process

In Surya Bhedana (Right Nostril Breathing) pranayama, inhalation is done only through Right nostril and exhalation is done only through Left Nostril. The thumb is used to close the right nostril and the ring finger is used to close the left nostril.

Choose a level of exercise, you can easily keep up with and breathe comfortably.

Set your value for inhaling, exhale and hold.
A ratio of Inhale, Hold and Exhale is 1:4:2. The ratio 1:4:2 is mentioned in most classic.

inhale = x sec

exhale = 2inhale = 2x sec

hold = 2exhale = 4x sec

Pranayama beginners should start with the ratio of 1:1 for inhaling and exhale. For instance, if you inhale through one nostril for 4 seconds, then the exhalation from the other nostril should also be for 4 seconds. As you progress, the ratio for inhaling and exhaling can be changed to 1:2, which means if inhalation is 4 seconds, then exhalation is 8 seconds.

Some Simple Steps To Do Surya Bhedana With Bandha

For the Surya Bhedana pranayama practice with Bandha- Fiest of all as you read above sit in any comfortable poisition such as Padmasana, Sukhasana, Siddhasana or Swastikasana.

Just keep in mind that sit in such a posture, in which the knees are adjacent to the ground. In this, the spine, throat and head should be in a straight line.

Keep the palms on the knees. Close the eyes and loosen the whole body.

Now put your ring finger and little finger on left nostril and index and middle finger on the forehead and hold the thumb for right nostril.

Then close the left nostril with the small and ring fingers, and take a deep breath from the right nostril, close the right nostril with the thumb.

Close the eyes and loosen the whole body. Hold your breath and make Jalandhar Bandha and Mula bandh also.

For the Jalandhar Bandha– Raise the shoulders high and keep the back straight, tilt the body slightly forward. Press the chin firmly from the chest or between the clavicle, so that the respiratory tract and the groove are completely closed. Focus on the purification cycle and stop breathing for as long as is convenient.

For the Mula Bandha- Raise the shoulders high and tilt the torso slightly forward. Focus on the muladhara chakra and firmly shrink the anal muscles.

Before exhaling, come out Jalandhar Bandha and Mula Bandha . Finally, close the right nostril of the nose and take out the breath rapidly from the left nostril.

Steps 5: Time Sessions 

When you start doing Surya bhadhana, the process of breathing, hold and exhaling should be done 5 to 10 times at the initial stage.

15 Benefits of Surya Bhedana Pranayama (Right Nostril Breathing):

  1. This type of yogic breathing influences brains activity in different ways.
  2. Surya Bhedana Pranayama activates the body and bodily functions.
  3.  The digestive fire is increased by this pranayama.
  4. It destroys all diseases that are caused by the insufficiency of oxygen in the blood.
  5. Surya Bhide Pranayama has also effects on shooting ability in Basketball players. (study)
  6. The Hath Yoga says that Surya Bhedana Pranayama cleans the frontal sinuses, destroys disorders of Vata, and destroys intestinal worms.
  7. Activates and stimulates the pranic energy by energizing the Pingala Nadi.
  8. It helps alleviate dullness, lethargy, and depression.
  9. Brings fresh energy to the body so one can perform physical activities more efficiently.
  10. Useful in treating low blood pressure and infertility in women.
  11. It increases body temperature, thus removing the Kafa (mucus) imbalance. This is very effective in obesity. Regular practice of right nostril breath is helpful in weight loss.
  12. Very effective for stress management.
  13. It helps reducing anxiety, depression, and other mental illnesses.
  14. Balancing Ida and Pingala removes all the blockages in the pranic energy channels, which may lead to spiritual awakenings.
  15. It gives all the benefits of deep breathing as well.

Precautions Surya Bhedana Pranayama (Right Nostril Breathing):

1. Always practice this pranayama on an empty stomach.

2. In Right Nostril Breathing, inhalations from the right nostril and exhalations through the left.

3. It should be practice in the morning or evening or both. If you don’t have the time in the morning or evening, you can do it at your own convenience.

4. Make sure that you practice Surya Bhedana pranayama 45 hours after having your food.

5. Inhalation and exhalation should be in the ratio of 1:2.

6. If you feel even a little bit of discomfort then you can reduce the ratio of breathing.

7. People suffering from heart disease, high blood pressure or epilepsy should avoid this Pranayam.

8. People who have undergone brain surgeries, heart surgeries or abdominal surgeries should consult the medical expert or consultant before doing this Pranayam.

9. This pranayama increases the heat of your body so it should be avoided if suffering from fever.

 “Practice Surya Bhedana: Download today app 7pranayama  from App store or Play store”

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