Benefits Of Clove Tea
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Benefits Of Clove Tea For Health

The benefits of Clove tea is excellent for your overall health. 

Cloves are one of the most popular specialty spices, with a place in cookbooks and traditional recipes. This spice is also used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine for its amazing benefits.

Drinking clove tea has been in practice for centuries, even being mentioned in the histories of ancient civilizations. Drinking clove tea is an invigorating and delicious way to treat certain health conditions.

You may wonder what Indian people look for in the flower bud of the clove tree and include them in their food and beverages.

However, modern science supports many other health benefits of clove tea. Drinking clove tea is a refreshing way to get many important nutrients.

In fact, animal studies have shown that the compounds in cloves may have several health benefits. The antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of cloves exceeds that of many fruits, vegetables and other spices.

Most impressive health benefits of cloves tea

Clove tea is such a tea, which can not only be enjoyed fondly but its consumption also provides many benefits to your body. This can prove to be very useful especially in winter.

Here we have given information based on research. When using clove tea, just remember that it is not a cure for any serious illness. There is only one way to avoid health problems.

High in antioxidants

Cloves are rich in several important vitamins, minerals, and other antioxidants, including eugenol, which may help reduce oxidative stress.

Antioxidants are important compounds for treating memory loss caused by oxidative stress. (study)

A test tube study found that eugenol reduced free radical damage by five times.

Headache and toothache

Clove tea has been traditionally used for headache relief. Cloves have analgesic properties, which can also provide relief from toothache.

If you want to try home remedies to get relief from gum or toothache, then gargle with lukewarm clove tea. This removes the bacteria present in your mouth.

Pain relief

With the onset of winter, some people face the problem of stiffness and pain in their knees. Especially elderly people have difficulty in getting up and sitting. In such a situation, clove tea can be very beneficial for you. Drinking clove tea in winter also cures muscle pain.

Cure cough, cold, and fever

The biggest benefit of drinking clove tea is that it eliminates the problem of cold and cough. Since cloves have a hot taste, this tea provides relief in cold.

Cloves have anti-inflammatory effects, which can reduce cold and cough.

If you have mild fever then this tea is very beneficial. Drink a cup of hot clove tea. Cloves have properties that provide instant relief from fever.

Actually, clove tea is the best home remedy for cold, cough and fever.


Clove tea also provides health benefits. Drinking clove tea before meals stimulates the process of saliva production. Clove tea also stimulates the digestive system and reduces acidity. It is good for digestion.

The properties of cloves help in maintaining proper digestion. Clove tea can provide relief from symptoms of digestive problems like flatulence, gas, indigestion, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. Apart from this, clove and its oil can also reduce the symptoms of peptic ulcer. (study)

Strengthening immunity

Consuming clove tea is considered very beneficial to strengthen immunity. Antioxidant properties are found in cloves, which help in strengthening immunity. It also helps in protecting the body from infection.


Cloves tea have many potential health benefits, including pain relief, reduce stomach ulcers, and helping block the growth of bacteria.

As with many healthy foods, they’re most effective when included as part of a healthy and balanced diet. Try integrating a few sip of cloves tea per week into your routines.


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