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Basic Yoga Poses: 15 Yoga poses For Beginners

“Remember that every person starts somewhere, beginning practices makes a man perfect.” In the Basic Yoga Poses sequence, we bring poses of yoga for beginners that will build a habit of yoga practice at home perfectly.

Often, it is seen – Some people do not do yoga because they feel that yoga is very difficult for them, it is not age or should be good for it already, now we will not be able to do it. Apart from this, some people start yoga with some yoga Asanas which are a little difficult and they are difficult to do in the beginning, due to which they leave yoga. often, this pushes us towards unrealistic expectations.

If you are completely new to yoga or starting yoga for the first time, there are some asanas that can start you on the right path. Here are the 15 Basic Yoga Poses for beginners.

Starting a yoga practice at home can be a great way to incorporate yoga into your daily routine. Here are some steps to help you get started:

  1. Find a quiet and comfortable space: Choose a room or a corner of your home where you feel comfortable and free of distractions. Make sure you have enough space to move around.
  2. Get a yoga mat: A good quality yoga mat will provide you with cushioning and support as you practice yoga. You can buy one online or at a sports store.
  3. Choose a sequence: There are many different types of yoga, each with their own sequence of poses. As a beginner, you might want to start with a gentle sequence that includes basic poses like downward dog, mountain pose, and child’s pose.
  4. Watch online videos or take a virtual class: There are many online resources available to guide you through your yoga practice. You can find online videos on YouTube or take virtual classes through apps like Glo or YogaGlo.
  5. Start slowly: It’s important to start slowly and listen to your body. Don’t push yourself too hard or try to do poses that are beyond your level of experience. Remember that yoga is a practice and it takes time to build strength and flexibility.
  6. Breathe deeply: Deep breathing is an important part of yoga. Focus on your breath as you move through each pose, inhaling and exhaling deeply and slowly.
  7. Be consistent: Consistency is key when it comes to yoga. Try to practice yoga at the same time each day, even if it’s just for a few minutes. This will help you establish a routine and make it easier to stick with your practice. Here are some basic yoga poses that are great for beginners:

1.Tadanasa (Mountain Pose)

start with Tadasana or Mountain Pose or Samasthiti is the basic yoga pose It often happens, when we talk about yoga poses Tadasana comes first in our mind. No matter who we are teaching or discussing, whether it be a child or old age, all can perform it, who is not disabled.

Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart, arms at your sides, and palms facing forward. Take a deep breath and feel your body rooting down into the ground.

To know more about Tadasana see:- Tadasana Steps and benefits

Skip it:- This pose is not recommended if you have a migraine or any type of headache, suffer from sciatica, or are in the late stages of pregnancy.

2.Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)

Tree pose is essentially a balancing pose, and it does have many benefits which lie in both improving the balance of the body as well as enhancing the entire nervous system.

Stand on one foot and place the sole of your other foot on your inner thigh or calf. Press your foot into your leg and bring your hands together in front of your chest.

To know more about Vrikshasana (Tree Pose) see:- Vrikshasana steps and benefits

Skip it: Avoid this pose if you have knee injuries or low blood pressure.

3.Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)

This particular asana allows you to realize how much you often take legs for granted. Your legs are powerful as well as graceful. When you feel a bit disconnected from the lower part of your body, this asana can revive the faith you have in the lower body. This asana instills stability, expansion as well as evenness.


To Know more about:- Trikonasana Steps and Benefits

Skip it:– Avoid this pose if you have neck problems, low blood pressure, headaches, or diarrhea.

4.Vajrasana (Adamintine Pose)

This pose is also known as the Adamantine pose. Generally, breathing exercises such as Kapalbhati Pranayama, and Anulom Vilom are basically done while sitting, and it is often said that when it is done so, the body essentially becomes strong as a diamond.

To know more about Steps of Adamintine Pose and Benefits

Skip it:– Avoid this asana in case you suffer from a knee problem, or you had gone surgery in the knees recently.

5. Balasana (Child Pose) Yoga

Balasana is a very easy position in yoga, which is very easy to do, but its benefits are very special. A person of any age can do this asana easily.

To know more about Balasana (Child Pose) Yoga Steps and Benefits

Skip it:-If you have knee injuries or complaints of joint pain. Avoid also if you have high blood pressure or are pregnant.

6. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog)

This pose is a quite popular standing pose that is a bit inversion which builds both the strength and flexibility of the body while stretching the entire body. It is a significant and essential part of Surya Namaskar  (Sun Salutations) and it is often practiced during yoga class, many times.

Spend a minute in this pose to really get the best out of this yoga to achieve energizing benefits. If the arms of your body are fatigued, drop to the Table pose during one breath and then return to this pose. You don’t have to remain still in this pose. In fact, you can find movement in order to boost your energy. There aren’t any right or wrong movements, so you need not worry.

Start on your hands and knees, then lift your hips up and back into a triangle shape. Straighten your arms and legs, and press your heels toward the ground.

Click here to know more about:- Downward Facing Dog Steps and Benefits

Skip it:- It is strictly said that you shouldn’t practice in case of carpal tunnel syndrome or other wrist problems, has high blood pressure, or are in late-term pregnancy.

7. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Bhujangasana is also known as Sarpanasana, Cobra Asana or Serpent Mudra. In this posture, the body forms the shape of a snake. This asana is one of the rugs lying on the abdomen. With this posture, the muscles of our body are strengthened, the spine is strengthened. And problems like back pain are also overcome.

Click here to know more about:- Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) Steps and Benefits

Skip it:- Pregnant women, or those who have a crack in the rib or wrist, or have had a recent abdominal operation, such as a hernia, will have to avoid this asana.

8. Titli Asana (Butterfly Pose)

The butterfly pose is a wonderful seated posture another name for Baddha Konasana is the Bound Angle Pose. And sometimes called Throne or Cobblers pose as it resembles the sitting position of a cobbler during work. Regular practice of this pose can cure the health of the reproductive system. And more beneficial in stretching the inner thighs and sciatica pain.

Skip it:- Never do practice this asana if you are menstruating.

Click here to know more about:- Titli Asana (Butterfly Pose) steps and benefits

9. Sukhasana (Easy Pose)

Practicing Sukhasana is quite easy and you can practice it anywhere. You get many benefits from its practice. The main thing is that Sukhasana benefits are Known for comfort and enjoyment as well as have a perfect inner life.

Skip it:- If you have an injury or swelling in your hips and knees, do not do this asana.

Click here to know more about:- Sukhasana (Easy Pose) Steps and Benefits

10. Kumbhakasna (Plank Pose)

It is normal for most disciplined yoga practitioners to be in a love-hate relationship with this pose. After all, not many people actually enjoy holding themselves in a particular push-up position for quite a length of time.

It can increase the stability of the upper body, hence helping to prevent various painful injuries like rotary cuff tears.

Skip it:- This pose is not recommended if you have carpal tunnel syndrome or other wrist problems. Don’t practice in case you have osteoporosis as it can lead to an increase in the risk of fractures.

Click here to know more about:- Kumbhakasna (Plank Pose) Steps and benefits

 11. Low Lunge

It stimulates both the mind as well as the body as it requires both concentration and strength to achieve balance in this pose. It stretches the hips as well as the psoas and also releases all the stagnant energy in the heart space and also increases blood circulation.

Try holding this position for at least 30 seconds on each of your sides. In case you become fatigued then drop the back knee to the floor for one breath and then return to the posture. It is a great yoga to strengthen as well as stretch the lower body along with gently warming your spine and also opening the heart. You can also straighten into the back leg or even bring a bit of a bend to the back knee in case you feel any kind of pressure in the lower back.

There are various variations that you can try.

  •  Drop your back knee and then lean forward in order to open the psoas and the hips.
  •  Bring the hands to the front thigh in case the arms are getting fatigued.
  •  Bring a gentle backbend with your extended arms or even bent elbows.
  •  Try a gentle twist by means of bringing your hands to the center of your heart and then bringing the left elbow to the right knee’s outside. Make sure that you repeat this on both sides.

12. Table Top Pose

It will not only warm up the shoulders as well as activate the core but also provide you with an opportunity to become well aware of the spine. You need to envision how the chakras of your body align with the spine as well as the energy which they can essentially bring to the body. You can use this pose to gently move as well as awaken the energy all the way through your spine.

Hold this position for one minute. In case you require a quick reset then simply go to Child’s pose for one breath and then return to this pose. It has various different options which can stimulate as well as move the body, which works the energetic channels all along the spine. You can bring the organic movements into this particular pose, simply wag your hips or even circle the torso or perform anything that feels good to you.

You can try different Yoga for Beginners variations too.

  •  Inhale and then move to the Cow Pose, by opening the chest and moving your spine.
  •  Exhale and then move to Cat pose by rounding your spine and inviting them back to open.
  •  Drop your hips to the right side of the floor to feel a bit of an opening in the right hip and then repeat on the left.
  •  Add simple and gentle side bends by means of drawing the right shoulder toward the right hip and then repeat on the left side.
  • In case you are sitting on a computer all day, then place the back of the palms on the floor with all of your fingers facing the body in order to get a gentle stretch to your wrists.

13. Hero’s Pose

It stretches the knees, feet, ankles, and legs that help in boosting the circulation as well as energy in your tired legs. This pose is a great pose for meditation and conscious breathwork which helps in clearing the mind.

Remain in this pose for at least one minute. You are free to sit on any blanket or a block if it is too intense for the knees. It provides the practitioner with different variations to practice which depends on the requirement of the day. Make sure that you remember that it is a big stretch for your knees, so you need to adjust accordingly. In case you want this pose to be more gentle then spread your knees a little wide to deepen and then bring your knees closer together.

  • You can also try different variations of this pose.
  • Remain seated in this pose and then practice pranayama or mediate.
  • You can add stretch to the back by placing the hands on the knees as you round the spine and drop the chin to the chest.
  • In case you wish to continue to stretch as well as open the body’s front then slowly recline onto the forearms and then go for a fully reclined position and grab the opposite elbows overhead.

We know that the backbends are quite popular to energize the body as they provide us with the opportunity to be open as well as vulnerable and release most of the energy which is stored in the body.

Practice this pose for at least a minute. In case you don’t practice it, then work on prepping for this particular pose by means of pressing the palms into the low back and then opening the heart without finding the complete backbend. It may not be a favorite Yoga Poses for Beginners for you but slowly working toward allowing the heart to open is the main key. You should practice this posture with all the intention as well as focus on the breath. No matter which type of variation you take, you need to press the hips forward and then keep the glutes as well as the core engaged to protect the lower back.

You can also try the following Yoga for Beginners variations.

  •  You can place one block right next to each foot.
  •  Place the hands on the low back gently to achieve backbend and then utilize the core to come to the center. Repeat this particular process as much as you want.
  • Take the one-armed variation by means of placing one hand on the heel or the block and then place the other hand on the heart.
  • In case this pose or any backbends are part of the daily practice then try walking your both hands closer to the knees.

14. Locust Pose

As a backbend, it has a similar opening of the heart and release of energy like Camel Pose. It also strengthens the back and even counteracts any type of stress or fatigue resulting from a poor pose or sitting a long time on a desk.

It is an awesome yoga pose for both beginners as well as advanced practitioners to practice for at least one minute. Also, you don’t have to hold this pose for an entire minute, you can simply work on one or many other variations.

It offers different variations to not only strengthen the back but also energize the entire body. You can explore different variations of this pose which are mentioned below.

  •  Bend your elbows as you keep inhaling and lift your chest and then keep exhaling and then release.
  • In order to add more intensity to this pose, you extend also extend your arms in your front as you keep inhaling and lifting the chest as well as the arms.
  •  Clasp the hands behind the low back for opening the shoulder.
  •  Try to lift the legs along with the arms and the chest.

15. Chair Pose

This pose translates to a fierce pose in Sanskrit. It channels the fierce energy as it tones as well as strengthens the entire body.

Practice this yoga for beginners for at least a minute while focusing on the breath and then coming into the pose Tadasana whenever you require a break. It is a great pose for different variations. Try to feel free to search for movement or stillness while you are practicing this yoga. In case the arms get fatigued, then bring the palms together right in front of the chest.

You can also try different Yoga for Beginners variations.

  • Take a gentle and simple twist on both of your sides by practicing Revolved Chair Pose.
  • You can try to lift the hip and then the balance of tiptoes.
  •  In order to add more intensity, you can stay on the toes and then slowly drop your hips towards the heels but don’t allow them to touch.
  • You can test the balance and lift one foot at any given time.

Savasana (Corpse Pose)

Savasana, also known as the corpse pose, is a relaxing and restorative yoga pose that is typically done at the end of a yoga practice. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Lie down on your back: Start by lying down on your back on your yoga mat. Place a small pillow or folded blanket under your head and neck if you need extra support.
  2. Allow your body to relax: Let your arms and legs fall naturally to the sides of your body. Close your eyes and take a deep breath in through your nose, then exhale slowly through your mouth. Allow your body to relax and sink into the ground.
  3. Scan your body: Take a few moments to mentally scan your body from head to toe. Notice any areas of tension or discomfort, and consciously release any tension you may be holding.
  4. Focus on your breath: Shift your focus to your breath. Take slow, deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Allow your breath to become slow and steady.
  5. Stay in the pose for 5-10 minutes: Stay in the pose for 5-10 minutes, or for as long as you feel comfortable. Allow yourself to completely let go and surrender to the pose.
  6. Come out of the pose slowly: When you’re ready to come out of the pose, begin to deepen your breath and wiggle your fingers and toes. Roll onto your side and take a few moments to rest before slowly sitting up.

Savasana is a wonderful pose to practice for relaxation, stress relief, and to help calm the mind and body. It can be done any time of the day, especially when you need to unwind after a long day or a stressful situation.


Remember to move slowly and mindfully through each pose, and to listen to your body. If you feel any pain or discomfort, ease out of the pose and take a break. Yoga is a practice, so don’t worry if you don’t get everything right on your first try. Keep practicing and have fun!

All above mention Yoga for Beginners and their different variations provide you with an effective and quick way to boost energy as well as productivity. Try these Basic yoga poses for at least a few minutes during the way to move your body as well as to clear the mind.


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