Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose): Basics, Steps, Benefits & More


Bhujangasana is a back-bending pose that also known as Sarpanasana, Cobra Asana or Serpent pose. In this posture, the body forms the shape of a snake. While the head is in the raised posture of the snake. The benefits of Bhujangasana are not less than other Yogasanas.

The pose is one of only a handful of asana that are taught across all levels and all styles of yoga.

Bhujangasana Basics

Sanskrit PronunciationBhujangasana
MeaningBhujang = snake / asana = pose
Pose TypeProne beck bending
Pose LevelBeginner pose
Style of yogaHatha Yoga
Other NamesSerpent Pose, Snake Pose, Cobra Pose
StretchesLower Back muscles, hips, hamstrings, thighs, neck, wrist, palms, forearms and shoulder
Strengthening Wrist, forearms, shoulder, lower back, and the muscles attached to the spinal column
DurationAs feel as comfortable


Bhujangasana is the Sanskrit language terminology that is made up of two words, in which the first word is composed of Bhujang and the second word Asan. Where Bhujang means snake or cobra and Asana stand for yoga posture. Hence, it is often referred to as the Cobra Pose.

Bhujangasana comes under the category of Hatha Yoga. This asana is the 8th posture out of the 12 steps of Surya Namaskar. Hatha Yoga and Gheranda Samhita have considered this easy seeker to awaken Kundalini.

The pose is one of the rugs lying on the abdomen. With this posture, the muscles of our body are strengthened, the spine is strengthened and problems like back pain also overcome.

Apart from this, if you regularize Bhujangasan then it will relieve you from stress, anxiety and depression and your mind will also remain calm.

Let us know how to do Bhujangasana and learn about the benefits of Bhujangasana.

Practice Guide for Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

Cobra Pose is a ssential component of a balanced yoga routine that requires careful attention to detail. This overview provides practitioners with a systematic breakdown of the pose, offering clear instructions on body positioning, alignment, and breathing techniques. The inclusion of illustrations or images enhances the learning process, making it an invaluable resource for those seeking to master Cobra Pose and deepen their yoga practice.

Preparatory Poses

How To Do Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

To do Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose), first choose a clean and ventilated place. After this, spread a mat and lie down on your stomach.

Keep both the legs straight and the soles of the feet should be upwards and the toes of the feet should be together.Your forehead in a comfortable position on the floor. Keep in mind that in this position both your feet and heels touch each other.

Now bring the palms of both your hands below your shoulders and keep both your elbows parallel to the floor.

After coming to this position of the asana, first of all take a deep breath, take support of both your hands, lift the head, then lift the neck and then lift the chest and stomach.

Keep breathing continuously until the back comes in a curved shape.

Keep in mind that only the body from the head to the navel should rise and from below the navel to the toes should remain evenly adjacent to the ground.

If possible, keep your palms and arms straight and tilt your head backwards. Keep your eyes upward.

This asana will be completed when your head, neck and chest above the waist will rise like the hood of a snake.

Do not put any pressure on your shoulders during this, even if your elbows are slightly bent.

In this position, when you look towards the sky, your breathing stops for 5 to 10 seconds. If you are unable to hold your breath, take it normally.

In the beginning, while doing this asana, stay in this posture for some time but gradually increase the time of this asana.

Do only that asana which does not cause pain in your waist and neck. Once you have done the asana, rest your hands on the ground for some time.

Follow up Pose

Benefits Of Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Performing Bhujangasana seems easy to everyone but it is very painful in the beginning, it requires regular practice. This asana is practiced by bending the neck and back so that the body has many benefits. So let us tell you what are the benefits to the body.

  • Cobra Pose is considered a good yoga pose for reducing weight, it helps in eliminating the fat in our body and it also corrects the metabolic activity.
  • The accessibility of Cobra Pose may make it a cost-effective alternative to keep the human body healthy, your whole body gets the flexibility to do this asana.
  • The regular practice of Bhujang Asanas helps women in problems related to the menstrual cycle. And reproductive diseases also disappear.
  • The most important benefit of Bhujangasana yoga for back pain. In addition, it can also increase spine strength and flexibility.
  • People who perform Bhujangasana daily have a very strong backbone and are also more flexible than before. Apart from this, it helps to strengthen the muscles of the chest, shoulders, arms, and abdomen.
  • If the toxins stored in your body have difficulty getting out. By performing cobra pose, it is very easy to leave excrement and does not cause diseases in the body. It does not cause constipation and acidity.
  • Benefits of Bhujangasana to the patient of asthma. Other common diseases of the throat also disappear with the use of Bhujang asana.
  • Many people practice cobra pose to activates the pancreas, due to which insulin is produced in the right amount, so people suffering from diabetes must do this asana.
  • This asana has a good effect on the Eda and Pingala Nadis located in the back. In particular, the gems that come out of the brain become strong.
  • Though Cobra Pose is technically considered to activate the whole body, stimulates the internal organs and increases the blood circulation in our body.

Time Interval

The morning is considered an optimal time for yoga practice because the body is refreshed after sleep, the mind is calm, and the digestive system is empty, allowing for better focus and flexibility.

If, for some reason, you cannot practice yoga in the morning, it is generally acceptable to practice in the evening. However, it’s advisable to maintain a gap of 3 to 5 hours between your last meal and the yoga practice. This helps ensure that your body has enough time to digest the food, reducing the risk of discomfort or complications during the practice.

It’s important to note that the specific recommendations may vary based on the type of asana and individual health conditions. Always consult with a qualified yoga professional for personalized advice based on your specific needs and circumstances.


To get the best benefits of Bhujangasana always keep the mind these precautions.

  • Do every procedure of Bhujangasana according to the rules according to steps. If you make any change in it, then your body may be in trouble.
  • Pregnant women, or those who have a crack in the rib or wrist, or have had a recent abdominal operation, such as a hernia, should avoid this asana.
  • If you are beginners, then practice this asana under the instructions of the yoga guru.
  • If you have a hypothyroid problem, do this asana only after consulting a doctor.
  • Adopt a person who performs Bhujang posture, while lifting the front part of the body from the ground and while bringing it down, it is very important to ensure that the palms of both their hands have equal force.


Cobra Pose is a beginner backbends that wonderful way to build strength, flexibility, and mobility. It improves flexibility along with muscular strengthening.

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