How to Do Super Brain Yoga (Thoppukaranam ) And Its Benefits?

Super Brain Yoga has enabled people to achieve mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. With the inherent yogic practices, one can attain a higher state of awareness and improved bodily function along with a coherent spiritual connection. Followed by people for thousands of years, it is among the most popular practices and routines to establish control over the mind, body, and soul.
One of such traditional practice is Thoppukarnam ( Superbrain Yoga) from Indian schools. It is accepted by the Gurukulam education system. It is also called as “Uthak-Baithak” in Hindi or in Tamil, “Thoppukaranam”. It is not a punishment form in the classroom as popularly known in Indian educational system but a confirmed Yogic practice for many who wish to take the steps while offering prayers. The devotees pray for pardoning themselves for any error or mistake made by them which is caused by bad intent. It is a way of punishing themselves via this process and often on a marginal note, it is a common scene in temples. It signifies the person’s quest for redemption by punishing himself through this practice.
Derived from words “Thorpe” meaning hands and “Karanam” meaning ears, Thoppukaranam is a well-known Yogic process which is believed to improve the concentration of the mind and to activate the parts of the brain which then helps in one attaining a higher sense of alertness. As per the Hindu Yogis, the “Superbrain Yoga” effect this practice has, activates the brain’s energy connections. It helps in achieving a supreme level of consciousness through a simple process.
It has gained support from various research studies, and most of the developed countries have adopted it as a regular exercise which is also recommended by Doctors. It is also implemented in Schools competently. With its far-reaching effect on the human brain, it is becoming popular among masses especially in India and Western countries as well. It is aptly named as Superbrain Yoga which earned its reputation, especially in Western countries like the USA where special workshops are duly carried out to support and teach eager people to learn and master this technique.
Following are the various steps to carry out this practice which enables the brain to get higher functioning and better cognitive abilities.
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How To Do Superbrain Yoga:
Step 1

First, you have to stand while facing the sun in the morning, preferring to do during sunrise, with the feet towards the straight direction as the face and spread in the same direction. The tongue should be duly kept pressed firmly and maintained throughout the first step onto the mouth’s upper part.
Step 2

Now place your left hand on the right earlobe with the thumb in the front of the lobe while the fingernails facing outward and the second finger behind the right earlobe. As per the Yogic belief, the right earlobe represents the left part of the brain. By holding the right lobe in such fashion, you energize and activate the left brain part as well as the pituitary gland.
Step 3

Now place the right hand on the left earlobe, similarly like the first step, with thumb in the front of the earlobe facing outwards and fingernails and second finger as same as the first step. The left earlobe represents the right brain, borrowed from the same Yogic philosophy and belief. Holding the left earlobe in such fashion energizes as well as activates the right part of the brain along with the pineal gland.
Step 4
Now simultaneously press both the earlobes in a way that the left arm is placed beneath the right arm.
Step 5
After getting into this posture, start squatting as much as possible while holding both earlobes and pressing on them. The back posture should be kept in a straight position while doing this. Repeat this process 10 to 12 times while inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth.
It is a rather simple process that can be practiced without making complex postures and breathing patterns. Simple repetition of this yogic practice will help you achieve a higher level of concentration and activate your pituitary and pineal glands. It will help facilitate the activation and energizing of parts of the brain. It stimulates the brain to achieve higher concentration and helps in improving focus.
Benefits of Super Brain Yoga
Super Brain Yoga sort of enhance your whole body parameters. If your brain is working well then all other parts can surely work well. Choa Kok Sui has even written many books on super brain Yoga and its healing methods.
- Super Brain Yoga coordinate and synchronizes the alpha mind waves and, simultaneously, stimulates and initiates your cerebrum.
- It reduces anxiety and stress and offers you a fresh mindset.
- While the practice opens up the cerebrum, it directly affects the responsiveness and ultimately leaves you with a sharp response.
- It works super nicely on all those suffering from dyslexia, uneasiness, sadness, cerebrum haze, etc. The super Yoga practice improves your condition and leaves you at a better stage.
- Those who practice it daily have reached an excellent level of tranquility where nothing can mentally harm them.
- Daily practitioners have witnessed the response and reactions have gotten too quick.
- It regulates the intimating drives.
- The yoga practice increases thinking power and helps in concentrating
- The practice increases spirituality and mental growth.
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Super Brain Yoga is a simple exercise that involves touching the earlobes while squatting and then standing up while holding the tongue against the roof of the mouth. This exercise is believed to increase mental clarity and focus, improve memory and concentration, and reduce stress and anxiety.