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Trikonasana (Triangle Pose): Basics, Steps, Benefits & More

Yoga has numerous benefits that can essentially turn around your life. It can change the mental, physical and spiritual state of a person. There are various yoga asanas that you can practice to achieve a better mind and body. One of the most popular asanas is Trikonasana.

The pose resembles a triangle hence Trikonasana is named so.

Trikonasana Basics

Sanskrit PronunciationTrikonasana
MeaningTrikon = three angle or triangle/ asana = pose
Pose TypeStanding and balancing pose
Pose Levelbeginner-level pose
Style of yogaHatha Yoga
Other NamesUtthita Trikonasana
Stretcheschest, back of thigh (hamstring), and side body on the top side
Strengthening thighs, hips, core, back, and side body on the bottom side
Duration30 second to 3 minutes


Its name is from Sanskrit words, ‘Trikona’ meaning three corners, and ‘Asana’ meaning posture. Unlike other yoga asanas that we know of, this asana requires you to keep the eyes open while you are practicing in order to maintain balance.

The pose is a beginner-level standing asana that particularly allows you to realize how much you often take legs for granted. It focuses primarily on instills stability, expansion as well as evenness.

In addition, Trikonasana is a combination of various elements. It instills improving flexibility and strength of the legs and the feet and also expands the torso. When the arms and the legs are stretched out, it creates a form of evenness in the body. As you balance arms, legs, and torso, your mind becomes steady and even. As your mind extends to the further points, you turn towards your inner awareness where the true experience of yoga begins.

Like other asanas, it is essential for you to keep your stomach as well as bowels empty when you practice this asana. Also, make sure that there is a gap of at least five to six hours between the meal and the practice. This will provide you enough time to not only digest your food but also generate energy for the practice.

Practice Guide for Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)

Trikonasana is a beginner-level yet rewarding yoga pose that requires careful attention to detail. This guide provides practitioners with a systematic breakdown of the pose, offering clear instructions on body positioning, alignment, and breathing techniques. The inclusion of illustrations or images enhances the learning process, making it an invaluable resource for those seeking to master Triangle Pose and deepen their yoga practice.

Preparatory Poses

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Steps to do Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)

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  • First of all, you need to stand straight and then place the feet about three to four feet apart.
  • Make sure your right foot is placed completely out at ninety degrees while the left foot is placed at fifteen degrees.
  • Now align the center of your right heel with the center of the arch of your left foot.
  • You have to remember that the feet are applying pressure on the ground and at the same time the body weight is equally balanced on both the feet.
  • Now take a deep breath and as you begin to exhale, bend the body to the right from your hips and ensure that your waist remains straight. Raise the left hand up and let the right hand touch the ground. Make sure both sides form a straight line.
  • Depending on your comfort level, place the right hand on the ankle, shin, or even outside of the right foot. It doesn’t matter where you place your hand, just make sure you don’t distort the sides of your waist. Now quickly check the left hand. It should be properly stretched towards the top of the room and in line with the top of the shoulder. Let your head sit in a neutral position or turn it to the left and keep your gaze on the left palm.
  • The body should be tilted to the side rather than forward or backward. Both the chest and pelvis should be open.
  • Now stretch as much as you can and concentrate on stabilizing the body. Take long and deep breaths. As you exhale, make sure to try to make your body more relaxed each time.
  • Now take a breath and then come up. Drop the arms to the sides and then straighten the legs.
  • Repeat the same process using your left leg.


Muscular strength

By doing Trikonasana regularly daily, apart from legs and knees, the muscles of hips, neck, spine and ankles get strengthened. This improves muscle tone, stamina and overall body strength.

Alleviates back pain

The gentle stretching and movement in Triangle Pose can help alleviate mild back pain by reducing tension in the spine and promoting better spinal alignment.

Enhanced digestion

The abdominal pressure in Trikonasana may contribute to massage and stimulation of the digestive organs, potentially aiding digestion. Improved digestion is often associated with vagus nerve activity.

Enhanced flexibility

Trikonasana stretches the hips and spine while stretching the chest and shoulders, preventing muscle stiffness and tension. This deep stretch increases the body’s flexibility and range of motion.

Balance and stability

Regular practice of Trikonasana improves balance and stability by focusing on body alignment and posture, reducing the risk of falls and promoting better overall posture.


There are several things that you should always consider before practicing Triangle Pose.

  • In case you are suffering from neck problems then you shouldn’t look upward. Simply continue to look straight and ensure that both sides of the neck are elongated, evenly.
  • If you have the condition of high blood pressure, then you should look downwards rather than looking downwards.
  • If you have any heart-related issue, it is better to practice this pose against a wale while you place the top arm on your hip.
  • You should avoid this asana in case you have low blood pressure, headaches or diarrhea.


Trikonasana is a balancing pose that improving flexibility and strength of the legs and lateral hips and opening and stretching the muscles of the hips, hamstrings, and spine.

Remember to approach Triangle Pose with patience and caution. It’s normal to stumble or fall out of posture while you’re learning, so use a support or a wall for support if necessary. As with any yoga practice, listen to your body and modify poses as needed to suit your current level of flexibility and strength.


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