Padmasana (Lotus Pose): Basics, Steps, Benefits & More


The Lotus pose, or Padmasana, is a significant and ancient yoga posture that has been practiced for centuries. It is characterized by sitting cross-legged with the feet resting on the opposing thighs. The hands are typically placed in a specific mudra, such as the Gyan mudra, where the index finger and thumb touch, forming a circle.

Padmasana Basics

Sanskrit PronunciationPadmasana
MeaningPadma = Lotus, asana = posture or pose or position
Pose TypeSeated
Pose LevelIntermediate pose
Style of yogaHatha Yoga
Other NamesVajra position, Kamalasana, Lotus Pose
StretchesHamstrings, Adductors, Hip Muscles, Glutes, Groin, Knee, Ankle
Strengthening Back, Shoulders, Chest, Spine, Lower Back
Duration30 second to 3 minutes


Padmasana is made up of two Sanskrit words ‘Padma’ meaning lotus and ‘Asana’ meaning posture. The Sanskrit name Padmasana is named after the beautiful blooming lotus flower, which takes root in the mud and then its petals are ready to fully bloom.

One of the most recognized yoga postures, when a person masters Lotus Pose, his knees remain in opposite directions, the soles of the feet are directed upward and look like the petals of a lotus flower.

The Lotus pose holds spiritual and symbolic significance in various cultures and religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and ancient yogic traditions. It is associated with meditation, concentration, and spiritual awakening.

Lord Shiva, Buddha and many ancient yogis are often shown meditating with crossed legs, promoting the practice of Padmasana as a means of achieving a meditative state.

In fact, the seal of Pashupati (Lord of Animals) that we found from the Indus Valley Civilization depicts a figure in a sitting posture, suggesting that sitting meditation or contemplation was indeed a part of ancient culture.

Practice Guide for Padmasana (Lotus Pose)

Padmasana is a Intermediate-level most recognized yoga pose that requires careful attention to detail. This guide provides practitioners with a systematic breakdown of the pose, offering clear instructions on body positioning, alignment, and breathing techniques.

Preparatory Pose

Steps to do Padmasana

Sit in Dandasana

  • Sit straight with your legs extended towards one edge of the mat.
  • Spine should be straight, feet together, and hands resting next to the hips.
  • This is a starting posture is Staff Pose (Dandasana).

Ardha Padmasana

  • Grab the ankle of the right foot with your hand, bend your right knee and lift it to the upper body.
  • Keep the soles of the bent right knee in such a way that the sole of the foot is towards the sky. This is a one legged lotus posture.
  • Your toes should remain outside and your heels should be near the lower part of the stomach.

Align Left Foot

  • After this, do the same with the left foot.
  • Grab your left ankle, bend it at the knee, lift it up and cross the left ankle over the right shin and point the right foot upward.

Hands Position

  • Press the heels firmly on the lower abdomen, for meditation, place your hands upwards on the knees for Gyan Mudra and Dhyana Mudra.

Maintain Focus and Breath

  • Keep your gaze fixed on the chosen point.
  • Breathe steadily and with awareness, inhaling and exhaling through your nose.

Hold the Pose

  • Hold Padmasana for 20-30 seconds or as long as comfortable.
  • You can gradually increase the duration as your strength and balance improve.

Follow-Up Poses


Improve digestion

Padmasana Yoga gives gentle massage to the internal abdominal part of the body, which increases digestive power. Moreover, blood flow gets directed towards the stomach which enhances the digestive system. When the lotus position is practiced regularly, digestive problems like constipation are eliminated.

Enhanced flexibility

Padmasana stretches the hips and spine while stretching the chest and shoulders, preventing muscle stiffness and tension. This deep stretch increases the body’s flexibility and range of motion of the hip joints.

Balance and stability

Regular practice of Padmasana improves balance and stability by focusing on the ankles,which is very helpful in promoting better overall posture.

Helpful in menstrual problems

Since Padmasana yoga helps in strengthening the abdominal pelvic area. It makes this area more flexible, thereby reducing the risk of cramps during menstruation.

Balance the chakra

The lotus pose helps to balance the root chakra or muladhara. Since you are sitting on the ground, you are connected to the earth and maintain stability, which are the essential characteristics of this chakra.

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4 Variation of Padmasana

There is a plethora of lotus pose to choose from and so many options to consider that yogi can end up feeling overwhelmed. Well, Lotus pose with Sarvangasana makes you perfect yogi. Let us look at different type variant of Padmasana.

  • Baddha Padmasana –  when padmasan bounded called Bounded Lotus Pose. Which is beneficial for abdominal organs.
  • Urdhva Padmasana –  Lotus pose with headstand called Urdhva Padmasana and this should practice by the long-term practitioner of headstand. the newbie won’t try this, please.
  • Ardha Padmasana – Ardha means half in yoga sitting posture easy pose then half lotus pose and then full lotus poses sequence recommend for the newbie.
  • Utthita Padmasana – Utthita means extend so this posture practice if you master in full lotus posture.


  • People suffering from knee pain should not practice this at all.
  • The practice of Padmasana should be avoided even in case of severe back pain.
  • Pregnant women should practice Padmasana only under the supervision of a yoga expert.
  • Do not practice this asana even if you have any kind of problem in your legs.
  • Practice it as per your capacity, do not force your body in any way.
  • If you experience pain in your legs while doing Padmasana, then come out of this asana immediately, do not forcefully try to stay in this asana.


The continuity of the Padmasana or Lotus pose in the depictions of various spiritual and meditative figures across different cultures and time periods highlights its enduring significance in the practice of meditation and spiritual development.

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