How to do Bakasana (Crow/Crane Pose ) And Its Benefits?
“Bakasana” is just another name of Crane or Crow Pose, also known as Kakasna. Basically, work on arm and wrist balancing posture. We have come across many poses which are supremely amazing for a nice body. However, Bakasana has several benefits which are good for many reasons. Many Asians believe that the pose makes you feel immense happiness, and youthfulness. Moreover, the pose even assures you the longevity and it is even a Chinese symbol for all three attributes.
What makes this pose unique is the way we perform it. The pose is not everyone’s cup of Tea. It requires quite good practice and faith in self. So goes with its benefits, it boosts confidence and makes you feel more lively and more of life.
This asana is likewise called the Kakasana. There is just a slight distinction between the two. While the Bakasana takes after the position of a crane, the Kakasana looks more like a rooster crow. It is a similar asana, with your arms marginally bowed so the knees approach the triceps.
How To Do The Bakasana
- Warm up your body nicely and perform the routine asana first.
- Once you’re done with routine asanas, start this asana by coming into the Mountain Pose or Adho Mukh Asana. Keep your feet near one another, and put your hands immovably on the floor. You should guarantee that your hands are bear-width separated. This is followed up by the plank pose.
- Lift your hips slowly, and ensure that your center muscles are locked in as your knees come nearer to your upper triceps. In the practice that you are planning to do the Bakasana, make a rack with your upper arms as you twist your elbows.
- Look forward, and tenderly lift your feet off the floor. Move your body weight on the arms. Hold this posture for a couple of moments. Fix your arms to come into the Bakasana.
- Hold the posture for up 30 to 60 seconds. At that end, bring down your feet and pose the Uttanasana.
- Relax by normal breathing and wait and calm down yourself before performing the second round.
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Things to keep in mind before performing Bakasana
- Always perform this asana empty stomach or at least have a gap of four hours between your meals and yoga routine.
- The asana asks for quite a lot of energy so you should warm up your body nicely.
- The best is to perform the yoga in the morning time. No worries if you cannot make it up for the morning, try to do in the evening but make sure of the gap between the meals.
- You need not overhaul your body.
- Keep the patience and know your limits. However, you need to trust yourself a lot if you’re doing it for the first time.
- It is not recommended for beginners. If you’re at the Intermediate/level of practicing it. Go, give this pose a chance.
Pre and Post Poses of Bakasana
- Adho Mukha Svanasana/Mountain Pose
- Balasana
- Plank Pose
- Virasana
- Baddha Konasana
- Adho Mukha Svanasana
- Chaturanga Dandasana
- Plank Pose
You Can Also, Read – Garudasana | Vajrasana | Ustrasana | Mayurasan
Benefits of Performing Bakasana
- You can feel the overall strength in arms and the wrist
- It strengthens the spine.
- Strengthens arms.
- You can see the whole body toned
- It helps in improving the focus and body balance.
- Strengthens the abdominal part.
- Improved digestion.
All you should know Bakasana
This asana requires your arms to be solid enough to lift your entire body high. Be that as it may, the main thing you have to do is to beat the dread of failing miserably in this powerful posture. You have to take a full breath, let go of your worries, and go out on a limb that.
You will likewise need a solid establishment. Your solid center muscles construct this establishment. This will enable you to lift and move your knees, and help you convey them closer to your upper arms. It will likewise enable you to stay light all through, removing the weight of the weight on the wrists alone.
At that point, obviously, you will require solid shoulders and arms to help the heaviness of your body. You likewise require adaptable hips. Being physically and rationally arranged to do this asana is greatly fundamental.
Who Should Not Perform Bakasana
- Anyone suffering from Backache/ Slipdisc.
- Those who have weak wrists or damaged
- Those who have suffered major breakage in arms earlier
- Pregnant Women
- Lactating Mothers
- Those who suffer Numbness in their hands
Final Words
Bakasana is quite an amazing pose, especially for those who like to practice exercise that touches the core. Moreover, Bakasana has several benefits which are enough to live a happy fulfilled life. As I’ve already mentioned earlier, many Asians consider this pose as a symbol of Happiness, Longevity, and youthfulness. I guess nothing more we demand from a good life. It even helps us to focus efficiently in whatever work we are involved in.