Benefits of Rosehip Oil
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What Are the Benefits of Rosehip Oil And How Does It Work?

Rosehip oil is obtained from the fruits and seeds of the rose plant. When rosebuds are released on the bush, they leave behind bright red-orange, spherical fruits. The oil is made by pressing these rose hips.

This oil also known as rosehip seed oil, most rosehip oil comes from the species Rosa canina L., which is mostly grown in Chile but can also be found in other parts of the world

It is believed that rose oil was used medicinally by the Maya and Native Americans for its healing properties, often as a carrier oil for essential oils renowned for treating a variety of skin conditions.

Keep reading to learn more about how does rosehip oil works and the benefits of rosehip oil.

How does rosehip oil work?

Rosehip oil also packs a potent medicinal punch of vitamins and essential fatty acids, along with linoleic, alpha-linolenic, and oleic acids, tocopherols, and carotenoids, for their valuable healing benefits. It also contains phenols which are loaded with antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties.

Rosehip oil also contains vitamin C more than an orange or lemon and vitamin A, vitamin F. It also has a moderate amount of essential fatty acids especially-

oleic acid
palmitic acid
omega-6 or linoleic acid
omega-3 or gamma-linolenic acid

The high concentration of linoleic acid is particularly treating mild to moderate acne and has been found to help treat hyperpigmentation.

Its antioxidant content evidence that it is an alternative and complementary medicine, which may be useful for many medicinal and cosmetic properties.

As an oil, Anecdotal evidence supports it may also have potential as a skincare product.

Benefits of Rosehip Oil

Rosehip oil has been known for its healing properties since ancient times, but only recently have many people discovered its skin benefits. What is surprising is that the benefits of rosehip oil are real.

Rich in Antioxidants

Rose hips are known to have antioxidant effects. (study)

The high levels of polyphenols, carotenoids, and vitamins C and E present in rosehip can act as powerful antioxidant properties in the body.

Rose hips contain more vitamin C than oranges or lemons. However, the amount of vitamin C depends on the species of plant and the process of extracting the oil.

The antioxidant effect also supports collagen production, preventing damage in the body caused by free radicals.

Moisturizes your skin

Along with rose water, rosehip oil also helps to keep the skin healthy. Actually, the anti-aging properties present in rosehips are considered helpful in reducing the signs of aging i.e. wrinkles.

A study found, Rosehip Oil use has been found beneficial in keep skin moisturized as well as healthy glow and looks younger.

The anti-aging properties found in rosehip are due to the vitamin C present in it. Apart from providing protection to the skin, Vitamin C also acts as an anti-oxidant. Because of this, it can also help in making collagen.

Source of lycopene

Rose hips are a great source of lycopene. (study)

Lycopene is a type of nutrition supplement, it acts as an antioxidant, which is also very important for your skin.

It protects the skin from damages caused by sunlight and pollution. It nourishes the skin as well as helps in keeping the skin healthy.

The lycopene element is very beneficial for our skin as well as for our skin, along with vitamins A, C, K, B-6, there are many other minerals, which are good for health. At the same time, lycopene also protects the skin from the effects of age and the sun.

Lycopene is considered a more powerful antioxidant than other carotenoids.

Boost collagen formation

Rosehip oil is a moderate source of both vitamins A and C, that building block of collagen.

Collagen is a fibrous protein found in the body. Collagen is one-third of the protein found in the body. Which is necessary for bones, muscles, skin, hair, ligaments, and tendons. Collagen gives strength and elasticity to the skin. Apart from this, collagen is also important for giving strength to the body.

Reduced osteoarthritis pain

Rosehip oil is a folk remedy for any kind of irritation or inflammation and osteoarthritis pain. A review of studies showed that the polyphenols and anthocyanin constituents in rosehip oil are known to reduce inflammation and joint pain.

Additionally, a compound called galactolipids present in rosehip exhibits strong anti-inflammatory effects. This effect found in rosehip has been found beneficial in reducing the pain of arthritis and arthritis due to inflammation.

Other rosehip seed oil skin benefits

A study found rosehips are a great source of vitamin A. vitamin A helps to maintain body organs such as skin, hair, nails, glands, teeth, gums, and bones.

It contains high concentrations of vitamin A, known for-

  • Reduce hyperpigmentation
  • Fade the scars and fine lines
  • Reduce wrinkles
  • Improve skin barrier
  • Improves skin elasticity
  • Ease skin irritation
  • Reversing sun damage
  • Tights the pores and brightens your skin.

Possible side effects

Most research reports that side effects of rosehip oil are rare, but can cause symptoms of an allergic reaction like other synthetic products for sensitive skin types.

The allergic reaction may include:

  • red, itchy skin
  • rash or hives
  • itchy, watery eyes
  • nausea
  • swollen mouth, throat, or face
  • congestion
  • dizziness

To reduce the risk of an allergic reaction, a patch test should be done before using rosehip oil for the first time.

How to use rosehip oil

One must do a patch test before using rose oil topically. This will ensure that the oil is safe for the skin.

Although it is generally a dry oil that gets absorbed into the skin easily.

Rosehip oil can be used topically. It can also be applied directly to your skin. Vitamin E can be added as a preservative if needed. It can be used as a moisturizer along with any other carrier oil several times a day.


The benefits of Rosehips oil as a therapeutic remedy and beauty are encouraging.

Rosehip oil is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and essential fatty acids that so may ease skin irritation, treat eczema, inflammation, and skin barrier, and moisturizing your skin as well.


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