Yoga For Tennis Elbow: Yoga Poses To Relieve Elbow Pain

Tennis elbow, also medically known as lateral epicondylitis, is caused by inflammation of the muscles of the forearm. This is usually the result of extensor carpi radialis brevis tendonitis (ECRB) inflammation, which we can usually cure by doing yoga at home. Doing specific yoga poses for tennis elbow may also help reduce pain and prevent recurrence.
Although its name is Tennis Elbow, it is not necessary that people playing tennis have this problem, this pain can happen to anyone. This problem is very common among tennis players, hence the disease is named tennis elbow. Damage to the outside tendon of the elbow leads to the tennis elbow, damage to the tendon inside the elbow, golfer’s elbow, and wrist pain leading to carpal tunnel syndrome. You can do yoga with tendonitis, and in fact, it can help relieve symptoms and prevent them from happening.
To reduce the excruciating pain caused by tennis elbow, start doing yoga asanas that will loosen the elbow tendons, tight muscles, and re-organize, rebuild and strengthen the muscles.
Listed in this article, yoga for tennis elbow treatment is an effective, gentle way of reducing inflammation. Yoga for Tennis elbow pain will prevent recurrence of the condition, reduce the stiffness associated with tennis elbow, and improve the flexibility of the tendons, which will help you get back into your normal routine.
Why yoga for tennis elbow?
Yoga is a mind-body and physical ability, which combines breath control, meditation and movements to stretch and strengthen muscles in various ways.
There are many benefits of yoga for tennis elbow that address strength, flexibility, and balance – also include:
- Improving mobility
- Promoting relaxation
- Improving strength, stability, flexibility, and balance
- Reducing stress
- Improved posture
- Protecting the spine
Yoga is a mind-body therapy that can often be a great way to help manage not only tennis elbow pain but also the stress that accompanies it.
Yoga for Tennis Elbow or Golfer’s Elbow
Ideal yoga exercises and stretching are completely safe for tennis elbow. However, some poses can be modified accordingly, which support the affected tendon.
Here are some specific yoga for tennis elbow and bad knees:
Mountain Pose – Tadasana
Mountain pose is a holistic pose, in which the stretch loosens the tight arm and shoulder muscles, which perform better neural and circulatory functions of the muscle involved in elbow.
- First of all, stand up. After this, keep your hands in front of you as high as shoulders.
- Now squeeze the fingers of your hands.
- Then bend your wrists and take your hands above your head, so that the palms remain outwards.
- Straighten your arms touching your ears.
- The palms should be towards the sky.
- Feel the stretch from your fingertips to your shoulders.
- Now stand on your toes and maintain the stretch for 50 to 60 seconds.
Downward- Facing Dog Pose – Adho Mukha Savasana
Adho Mukha Savasana is a good option for stretching the muscles of the hand and wrist in a variety of movements. Practicing this will help in creating coordination between muscles, joints and nerves.
- Lie down on the stomach.
- Now bring the palms of both hands near your shoulders and slowly raise the front part of the body slightly.
- Now raise the middle part of the body up by kneading the ground.
- After this, raise the hip slowly.
- While doing this asana, if the eddies are not vaccinated on the ground, do not force yourself, and keep them up.
- If you are not comfortable keeping your knees straight, then bend the knees slightly, you can take help from the above picture.
- Now bring the head in the middle of both hands and focus the vision on your navel.
- In this case, breathe in and out 5 times, if you feel difficulty in it, do it as much as you can comfortably.
Cobra Pose – Bhujangasana
Cobra pose will also train to distribute weight on both ends of the muscles involved in tennis elbow. Normally this loosens the arm and shoulder muscles, allowing the tennis player to move without the support of the elbow.
- First of all, lie down on the back.
- Now bring the palms of both hands sides of the shoulders.
- Keep the legs hip-width apart.
- Press the palms against the ground, and raise your upper body upright by straightening your hands.
- Now forward, while moving the neck upwards, the back has to bend backward and keep the pelvis attached to the ground.
Plank Pose – Kumbhakasana
This yoga move for tennis elbow is simple and highly adaptable. This pose can combine arm stretch and wrist rotation motion. It loosens tight muscles of the elbow and shoulder and is conducive to arm extension and wrist extension.
- First come to the tabletop position on the yoga mat, then with one of your feet backward, close the claws to the ground.
- Similarly, spread the other leg also.
- Now try to lift the body by placing the weight of the whole body on the toes of your feet and the palms of your hands.
- During this, keep the waist and neck absolutely straight and after remaining in this state for some time, gradually become normal.
Upward Plank Pose – Purvottanasana
Purvottanasana increases the range of motion in the wrists, arms, shoulders, back and spine. Its continuous practice also reduces the possibility of injury in future.
- Spread a yoga mat and sit on it with both legs straight in front.
- Now place both your hands behind the hips at a short distance (about one foot).
- While placing your palms on the floor, keep in mind that the fingers of both hands should be in the direction of your feet.
- Now put your body weight on both your hands and lift your hips off the floor.
- Straighten both your legs and try to keep the table completely on the floor.
- In this position your shoulders and legs will be in a straight line.
- Now raise your hips as high as possible so that your chest rises.
- Now tilt your head back
- Do this posture until you are comfortable.
Never attempt to exceed your physical capacity in yoga for tennis elbow. If your posture isn’t perfect or you have pain in your back or shoulders, try doing yoga using armbands or elbow pads to support your waist, elbows or palms.