7 Best Citrus Fruits You Should Try

Sweet and bright in color citrus fruits bring a splash of sunshine during winters. Their tangy taste can make everyone’s mouth water, but citrus fruits are not only delicious and appealing to look at, but they are also good for health and over well-being.
Citrus fruits grow on evergreen flowering trees and plants belonging to the genus Rutaceous. Their special feature is that they are high in citric acid and are usually juicy and fleshy in the pulp.
They are widely cultivated in tropical and sub-tropical climates all over the world. Although native to Australia, New Guinea, New Caledonia, and Southeast Asia. According to FAO, there are 140 citrus-producing countries but still, about 70% is grown in the Northern Hemisphere.
Interestingly, all citrus fruits are easily divided into segments and relished worldwide for their fresh flavor and juiciness. In addition to the utility of citrus fruits in juice production, uses have been made to develop alcoholic beverages by fermentation.
Nutrition Value of Citrus Fruits
The fruits of the Citrus genus are one of the most popular fruits worldwide. They have not only good taste, flavor, and incredible scents but are also known for the presence of an array of bioactive components. They represent their high nutritional values such as vitamin C, folic acid, and carotenoid content.
However, citrus fruits are not a good source of protein like other foods. They are very low in fat content and are also rich in bioactive phytochemical compounds such as limonoids and flavonoids. Do not increase the amount of acid in the body.
However, citrus fruits are a scarce source of protein. They are very low in fat or sodium, which does not increase the amount of acid in the body. They contain many bioactive phytochemical compounds- limonoids and flavonoids. Contains both glycemic and non-glycemic carbohydrates or potassium.
In addition, citrus also contains folate, calcium, thiamin, dietary fiber, niacin, vitamin B6, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, and a variety of phytochemicals and essential oils.
Citrus And Health
The fruits of the Citrus genus are endowed with various health-beneficial properties.
With the essential vitamins and minerals, citrus fruit’s bioactive phytochemicals, citrus flavonoids, limonoids, and coumarin, may to some extent protect against several cancers such as colon cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, and colon cancer.
In addition, they are associated with lipid-lowering and cardiovascular-protective activities.
Citrus fruits are eaten and loved around the world for their fresh taste, vitamin C, and essential minerals. Vitamin C is one of the most talked-about and most effective nutritional vitamins.
Vitamin helps in improving the functioning of white blood cells. They are an essential part of the immune system and help the body fight off many infections and diseases.
Benefits of vitamin C (aka L-ascorbic acid) may include protection against immune system deficiencies, heart disease, chronic diseases, cancer, stroke, prenatal health problems, enhanced brain function, eye disease, and even skin wrinkling.
Citrus fruits are a good source of soluble fiber. It is believed that the dietary fiber present in them contains more than 50 percent soluble fiber.
The property of fiber is that fiber is not digested directly, but the nutrients obtained from it help in improving the digestive system in our body, digesting other nutrients, and keeping the digestive system fit.
On the other hand, Citrus fruits are low in calories, so any person can eat them. Most of all it is beneficial for people who want to lose weight.
The antioxidants found in citrus fruits help the body and face fight stress and reduce fine radicals.
Citrus fruits are rich in potassium, which is very beneficial for your heart health. Potassium is good for muscle contraction, fluid regulation, etc. Along with consuming foods rich in potassium, the risk of stroke is reduced.
Some studies show that it is also rich in a flavonoid called quercetin, which is beneficial in reducing chronic inflammation in the body. Actually, the flavonoids found in citrus fruits can have neuroprotective effects on the body. Due to these properties, citrus fruits can be included in the foods that keep the mind healthy.
List of Citrus Fruits
Well-known Varieties of Citrus Fruits Describing Here-
- Grapefruit: White, ruby red, oroblanco
- Mandarins: Clementine, tangerine, tangelo
- Lemons: Meyer, eureka
- Limes: Key lime, Persian, kaffir
- Oranges: Blood orange, kumquat, navel, cara cara
- Other kinds: Citron, sudachi, yuzu, pomelos
Grapefruit is delicious on the planet and boasts a unique flavor profile. It is believed to be a fruit between a pomelo and an orange. This tropical citrus fruit contains 92% water, vitamin C, and antioxidants and also makes a great snack with very few calories. The flesh of this beautiful fruit can be red, white, or pink in color depending on its variety.
Clementine Fruit (Citrus Clementina) are hybrids of smaller-sized mandarins oranges. They are smaller in size than oranges and the second-largest cultivated group of citrus fruits after the sweet orange. They are usually labeled as marketing names “Halos” or “Cuties.” Mostly grown in southern California, Arizona, and Florida. however, they also share many of the same characteristics as other oranges.
Tangerine fruit (Citrus Tangerina) is an orange-colored citrus fruit that is closely related to, or possibly a type, of the mandarin orange (Citrus reticulata). they are a much sweeter, reddish-orange, soft, pebble-skinned variety compared to orange. All tangerines are mandarins, but not all mandarins are not called tangerines.
Lemons are rarely eating alone because of their unique sour taste, but lemon has gained a lot of fame due to its properties and health benefits. This is useful in the preparation of food and refreshing drinks all over the world. It is also an important fruit in Ayurveda. Lemon is recognized since ancient times as the best anti-disease and boost immunity fruit.
Key Limes
The Key lime (Citrus Aurantiifolia) is a citrus species, that has a stronger aroma and is acidic than the Persian lime (Citrus × Latifolia). Key lime is also known as Persian lime, West Indian lime, Bartender’s lime, or Mexican lime. They are greenish-yellow in color, with light green to a yellowish pulp, many seeds, and have a more acidic floral taste.
Oranges are a popular fruit, which is consumed all over the world, rich in sour-sweet taste and juice. Orange also adds to the beauty of the fruit market during the winter season. People eat it by peeling it or extracting its juice and drinking it according to their wishes. Apart from this, orange juice is also useful in a variety of beverages and savory dishes.
Pomelos are high in citric acid. It belongs to the species of lemon and orange. On the other hand, after its taste, the pink flesh is sour and the white flesh pomelo is sweet. It is one of the popular fruits useful in many Chinese festivals and in Southeast Asia.
Citrus fruits are different in their shape and type. Therefore, the number of their nutrients can be somewhat different.
They are especially considered to be good sources of Vitamin C. Apart from vitamin C, they are also rich in dietary fiber, potassium, folate, calcium, copper, etc. In addition, they also contain flavonoids, alkaloids, phenol acids, and essential oils.