Varun Mudra
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Varun Mudra: How to Do, Benefits and Side Effects

Varuna Mudra is designed to balance the water element in the body, it is likely associated with Ayurveda and traditional Indian medicine, which often emphasizes the balance of the body’s elements (earth, water, fire, air, and ether) for overall well-being.

To perform Varun Mudra, join the little finger (pinky finger) and the thumb while keeping the other three fingers extended.

Lets look into the benefits of Varun mudra, why practice is important for Varun mudra, and how to perform it correctly.

Varun Mudra – Mudra of Water

Water is essential for the human body and 70 percent is made up of water elements. There are five types of elements (Agni (Fire), Vayu (Vayu), Akasha (Ether), Bhoomi (Earth), and Jal (Jal)) in the human body, of which water element is one. If any element becomes imbalanced, then the body is not able to function properly. The balance of these five elements is crucial for the human body.

According to Ayurveda, different yoga mudras have been prescribed to balance these elements. Mudra is a yogic hand posture. By practicing Vayu Mudra, the balance of air in the body is maintained, in this way the sky element can be balanced with Shunya Mudra, the fire element can be balanced with Agni Mudra. Similarly, the water element is balanced through Varun Mudra.


Varuna is a Sanskrit word, it means water and Mudra means yogic hand posture. This is the most popular hand gesture posture, which can be used for meditation as well as pranayama.

Most importantly, Varuna Mudra is one of a series of therapeutic mudras that are believed to have healing properties. Also known as Jal-Vardhak Mudra, which comes from Sanskrit, where Jal means water, and Vardhak means “to increase.”

This mudra is done by joining the ends of the thumb and little finger together. Actually, the smallest finger of the hand is considered to be the symbol of water element and the thumb is considered to be the symbol of fire element. Therefore, mixing water element and fire element together changes our health. However, this yoga posture is being practiced for years and people are benefiting from it.

Steps To Do Varun Mudra (Mudra of Water)

Varun Mudra is associated with the water that performing together with deep breathing and meditation asanas. It is a yogic hand gesture that is performe by the small finger. The small finger is the symbol of the water element that protects the body from diseases cause by water. such as dehydration etc.and the thumb is the symbol of the fire element. When these two elements combine, the water element increases in a human’s body.

There are some simple steps that will explain how to do this Varun Hasta Mudra.

To practice Varuna Mudra, find a comfortable seated position, relax, and bring your hands into the mudra position. You can incorporate it into your meditation or yoga practice, holding the mudra for a few minutes while focusing on your breath and intentions.

  • Close your eyes and take some deep breaths with the awareness of the breathing process.
  • Now fold your small finger and tap the tip of the small finger to the tip of the thumb.
  • The rest of the three fingers should be keep extended as much as possible.
  • Removing all thoughts from the mind has to focus the mind only on OM.
  • In addition, it should be practicing with both hands simultaneously. .
  • Do not decrease or increase the speed of breath from your side.
  • Perform this pose for 35 minutes at a stretch every day or for 10 to 12 minutes three times a day.

You can practice this Mudra by standing in Tadasana Yoga (Mountain pose), otherwise sitting on a chair.

Benefits of Varun Mudra

It is believing Varun mudra has a lot of spiritual, mental, and emotional benefits.

Balancing Water Element: Varuna Mudra is believed to balance the water element in the body according to Ayurvedic principles. This balance is thought to promote harmony and health.

Therapeutic Properties: Like many mudras, Varuna Mudra is considered to have therapeutic properties. It may be used as a complementary practice to promote physical and mental well-being.

Stimulating Fluid Regulation: The mudra is thought to influence fluid regulation in the body, helping to alleviate issues related to excessive water retention or dehydration.

Emotional Balance: In addition to its physical benefits, Varuna Mudra is believed to have an impact on emotional balance. Balancing the water element may contribute to a sense of calmness and stability.


  • Prevents all types of diseases from dehydration.
  • The practice of this mudra leads to healing and longevity.
  • Also, prevents gastroenteritis and nerve pain and shrinkage.
  • Regular practice of this mudra also purifies the blood and improves blood circulation in the body.
  • Varun Mudra helps remove skin disease and also makes the skin beautiful.
  • It is best to practice this mudra in summer as it calms thirst.
  • The practice of this mudra provides relief from diseases like short urination (lack of urination), low semen (oligospermia), short menstruation, etc.

A Specialty of Varun Hasta Mudra

According to acupressure therapy, the smallest finger of the left-hand controls the left part of the body, and the right hand’s smallest finger controls the right part. With the pressure of both, the right and left parts of the body become healthy and powerful. In this posture, massaging the little finger with the thumb balances the power.

Time Interval

It can be practiced anytime while standing, sitting, or lying on the bed. You can chant a mantra or chant the om words silently. There is no specific period for this yoga mudras. Of course, all the mudras are very effective when you do them between 4-6 am. For excellent, best, and efficient results, make sure you practice regularly for two months.

Side Effects

However, all mudras are beneficial to us without any side effects. Pressure should not be applied on the finger. Pressure means, your mind is restless and not stable. As a result, nothing at all. Perform this mudra freely.

Those with phlegm, bile, cold, cold, or Snowphilia should not practice Varuna Mudra for long.


As with any yogic practice, it’s essential to approach mudras with mindfulness and listen to your body. While these practices are generally considered safe, consulting with a qualified yoga instructor is advisable, especially if you have specific health concerns.


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