yoga for kidney stone
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Yoga For Kidney Stones: Poses to Promote Kidney Health

yoga has been practiced for centuries and is renowned for its holistic approach to health and well-being. Many people have found relief from various ailments and improved overall health through regular yoga practice. When it comes to kidney stones, while yoga cannot directly dissolve them, it can certainly play a supportive role in managing symptoms and promoting kidney health.

Certain yoga poses and sequences can promote circulation throughout the body, including to the kidneys. Enhanced blood flow to the kidneys can support their function and may aid in the natural passage of kidney stones through the urinary tract.

Yoga practices often include poses that stimulate and massage the abdominal organs, including the kidneys and digestive system. Improved digestion and elimination can help prevent the buildup of waste materials that contribute to kidney stone formation.

Beneficial Poses of Yoga For Kidney Stones

While yoga is helpful in guiding and promoting the well-being of the mind and body, yoga practice for kidney health also helps in easy removal of medium sized kidney stones. However, the effect of yoga varies from person to person depending on the symptoms and diet.

Here are some yoga poses that may help alleviate symptoms and promote kidney health:

1. Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

Ustrasana opens up the chest and stretches the abdomen, promoting circulation in the kidneys and surrounding organs. It can help relieve tension and discomfort.

To do Ustrasana, first, stand on your knees. You have to stand till the waist is straight.
Now forward, hold the heel of the right foot with your right hand, and hold the heel of the left foot with the left hand. And try to move your head back as far as possible.

Know more about Ustrasana and its benefits

2. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

This pose stretches the abdomen, stimulates the kidneys, and promotes digestion. It may help in relieving discomfort associated with kidney stones.

    Lie down on the ground on your stomach. Keep the legs stretched in such a way that the soles are facing upwards. Keep both hands equal to the shoulders. Keeping the palms on the ground, slowly raise the head and torso backward and the elbows will remain bent. Keep the neck bent backward. Stretch the whole body. Stay in this position for some time and keep the speed of breathing normally. Practice this at least three times.

    Know more about Bhujangasana its benefits

    3. Pavanmuktasana (Wind-Relieving Pose)

    This pose helps release trapped gas, aids digestion, and gently massages the abdominal organs. It may provide relief from discomfort caused by kidney stones.

    Lie down on your back keeping the legs straight. Then bend both your knees and press the stomach and hold the leg with your hands for help. While exhaling, raise your head up and touch the knee with your nose as far as possible. While inhaling, spread your legs straight.

    Know more about Pavanmuktasana and its benefits

     4.Garuda asana (Eagle pose)

    This pose strengthens the muscles in the legs, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves. Strengthening these muscles can help support overall posture and stability, which can be beneficial for maintaining proper kidney function.

    First of all, stand in Tadasana position. Bring your left leg over the right leg from behind and hang it. Now try to keep the toes of the left foot on the ground. Raise both your hands up and take the right-hand side behind the left hand and now try to join hands. As shown in the picture above. Now stand in this position for about 40 to 50 seconds.

    Know more about Garudasana (Eagle pose) and its benefits

    5. Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)

    This forward fold pose can help detoxify the body, improve digestion, and stimulate the kidneys. It may promote the natural passage of kidney stones.

    First of all, sit on the ground with both legs spread. After that raise both hands up. Then while exhaling, try to hold the toes of both the feet with the fingers of both hands while bending down. Both the legs will remain straight. Now slowly try that your head touches the knees. Stay in this state for some time. Do this practice three times. As you get used to it, the practice will improve. Slowly try to stay in this posture for one to two minutes.

    Know more about Paschimottanasana and its benefits


    While yoga can offer relief from symptoms associated with kidney stones and promote overall well-being, it’s important to approach it as a complementary therapy rather than a sole treatment.

    Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including proper hydration, a balanced diet, regular exercise, and stress management, is essential to preventing kidney stones and supporting kidney health.


    The content is purely informative and educational in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. Please use the content only in consultation with an appropriate certified medical or healthcare professional