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Muktasana: Meaning, How To Do, & Benefits

Muktasana is one of the seated yoga posture that promotes relaxation and meditation. It is one of the most essential basic level pose, similar to Siddhasana and offering the same effects as siddhasana.

The pose is described in one of the thirty-two asanas of the second chapter of the Gherandasamhita. Practicing muktasana calms the entire nervous system, strengthening the core muscles, massaging the internal organs, and giving relief to the lower back.

Muktasana Meaning

The pose name Muktasana comes from the Sanskrit root. Here the word Mukti, meaning “liberation,” and asana, meaning ” yoga posture.” As such, it is also known as liberation pose, free pose, meditation pose in English.

The pose stimulates the first chakra, the muladhara, and purify the nadis, which are the 72,000 energy channels of the body.

Practice Guide to Perform Muktasana (Liberation pose)

It proceeds to break down the pose into manageable components, providing detailed instructions on body positioning, alignment, and breathing techniques essential for executing Muktasana yoga correctly.

Preparatory Yoga Poses

How to do Muktasana

Sit in Dandasana: Sit on a yoga mat or a comfortable surface with your legs stretched out in front of you or Dandasana.

Bend Your Legs: First bend your right knee and bring your right heel towards your perineum (the space between the anus and genitals). Then bend your left knee and place your left foot on top of your right ankle, allowing your left heel to press against the pubic bone.

Hands Position: Rest your hands on your knees, palms facing upward, or you can place them in a comfortable mudra (hand gesture) such as Gyan Mudra (thumb and index finger touching).

Straighten Your Back: Lengthen your spine, keeping it straight but not tense. Relax your shoulders away from your ears.

Close Your Eyes: Close your eyes gently and relax your facial muscles. Take a few deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling slowly.

Maintain the Pose: Hold the position for a few minutes, maintaining a relaxed but attentive state. Focus on your breath or allow your mind to settle into a calm state of meditation.

Release the Pose: To release the pose, gently uncross your legs and stretch them out in front of you.

Follow-up Yoga Poses

Precautions & Contraindications

  • If this pose feels challenging at first, practice it for shorter durations and gradually increase the time as your flexibility improves.
  • To do this asana, keep the heels of your feet at the right place.
  • If you have pain in your knees, avoid doing this asana for some time.
  • If you have knee or hip injuries, consult a yoga instructor or professional before attempting this pose.

Benefits of Muktasana

  • keeps the mind calm.
  • enhances spiritual power.
  • enhanced flexibility and strength


Muktasana is excellent for calming the mind, improving posture, and aiding in meditation. Remember, yoga is about finding comfort and ease in each posture while respecting your body’s limitations. Enjoy the practice and listen to your body’s signals while performing Muktasana.


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