yoga for ovarian cyst
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How To Treat Ovarian Cyst: Try Yoga For Ovarian Cyst And PCOS

The relaxing and gentle yoga stretching exercises are an inexpensive and natural option to reduce the problems associated with ovarian cysts. Since the main cause of ovarian cysts is imbalanced hormones. Yoga helps in balancing the hormones and regulating the functioning of the endocrine glands thereby reducing the size of ovarian cysts. Apart from this, infertility or psychological effects can also be better managed with yoga.

There are asanas in yoga that apply pressure to the abdomen thereby improving the function of the uterine muscles, promoting the pelvic region, and rejuvenating the abdominal organs. Yoga also regulates the functioning of the endocrine glands, thus helping in alleviating the pain associated with the polycystic ovarian syndrome and ovarian cysts.

Causes of ovarian cyst & How yoga can help?

Ovarian cysts are a common problem in women. This can be caused due to pregnancy, pelvic inflammation, Endometriosis, Dermoid Cysts, Cystadenomas, and hormonal imbalances. Many small cysts develop on the surface of the ovary as a result of altered hormone levels. In some cases, it has been seen that the size of the follicle continues to increase even after the end of a certain period of menstruation, which is called an ovarian cyst.

Yoga asanas and gentle stretching exercises provide a natural way of regulating hormones. Yoga with its relaxation exercises helps to manage the functioning of the endocrine glands, thus reducing the causes of endometriosis and stimulating ovarian function.

On the basis of the study, It is said that 3 months of regular yoga practice showed remarkable performance in managing the symptoms of ovarian cyst and uterine fibroids. However, the first step towards healing an ovarian cyst is to get rid of stress and obesity.

Try 5 Poses of yoga for ovarian cyst

Our conclusion after reading several studies is that yoga can certainly play a role in a holistic approach to diagnosing Ovarian Cyst and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

1. Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar)

Surya Namaskar is the best of the yoga asanas, which combine twelve yoga postures in a sequence to form a single yoga pose. This practice alone is capable of delivering the benefits of a complete yoga exercise because it is a stretch of the whole body.

This sequence of 12 poses will help in controlling the hormonal imbalance and keep both the mind and body healthy.

2. Yoni mudra

In yoni mudra, yoni means uterus or womb. Its name is so because the person doing this asana has no contact with the outside world. It is like having a baby in utero. Among the Yogasanas that remove ovarian cysts, it is very useful for peace of mind.

  • To do this asana, sit comfortably on the mat in a quiet place.
  • Now join your two pinky fingers together. Also join your thumbs.
  • After this, join both the middle fingers under the junior fingers.
  • Keep in mind that under the middle fingers, place the ring fingers in the opposite direction of each other and press their nails with the first tip of the index finger.
  • You can do this mudra anywhere.

3. Titliasana (Butterfly Pose)

Yes, this is one of that yogasana by which many types of health problems of women can be overcome.

It acts to stimulate the reproductive organs of both men and women. Actually, by the practice of this asana, the reproductive system remains healthy and blood circulation increases in the reproductive organs, due to which these organs perform their functions properly.

To do butterfly posture, first of all, sit on the ground. Now bend both the feet and join the soles with each other. Try to hold the feet with the hands and try to pull them inwards, try that the heels touch the body. After that try to move the knees up and down like butterfly wings, emphasizing on the thighs. During this, there may be a strain in the muscles, as well as try to touch the ground while moving the knees up and down. This asana can be practiced for 20 to 30 seconds or more.

4. Pavanamuktasana (Wind Reliving pose)

By doing the Pavanamuktasana posture, all the problems of the stomach are removed and help in the balance of hormones. Pawanmuktasana is also beneficial in yogasanas that remove ovarian cysts.

Lie on the ground on your back. Now slowly raise both your legs upwards and bend them from the knees and put them on the chest. With the help of both hands, hold both feet tightly. Now raise the neck slowly and touch it with the knee. After that come back to your normal position.

5. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Talking about the major benefits of Bhujangasana, the main effect of this asana is on the abdominal muscles and spinal cord. Along with this, there is a proper flow of blood in the body, and menstrual irregularities end. It relaxes the pelvic region.

Lie down on the side of your stomach by laying on a mat. Your body should be absolutely straight. Keep the palms of both your hands near the shoulder. While inhaling, now lift the head upwards while emphasizing on the hand. Your chest should also go slightly above the ground. Stay in this final pose for 30 seconds. While exhaling, come back to the ground.


Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or Ovarian Cyst Yogasanas open up the pelvic region and also regulate the functioning of the endocrine glands. Along with these, the mind can be easily calmed by the practice of Pranayama. With both these things, you can do the powerful Sudarshan Kriya Yoga created by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar to free you from negative emotions, infertility, and psycho-emotional turmoil.


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