Shankha Prakshalana

Shankha Prakshalana Kriya (Natural way of Cleansing)

Shankha Prakshalana falls under the Dhauti Kriya of Shatkarma or SHAT KRIYA and is one of the six yogic cleansing techniques, the traditional name of which is Varisara Dhauti. Under naturopathy, the yogic process of Shankh Prakshalana has an important place in the removal of foreign matter and the complete destruction of digestive problems. Shankh Prakshalana…

Jnana Yoga

Jnana Yoga (Gyan): The Yoga of Knowledge Or Wisdom

Jnana Yoga is part of ancient Hindu philosophy. There are many different paths that lead to enlightenment or improvement of your body or repair of your soul. Yoga gives us peace of mind and even helps to elevate our soul to a higher level. However, different people respond differently to the different yoga paths available….

Kriya Yoga

Kriya Yoga – A Powerful Way To Meditation

Realizing the divinity in one’s soul, attaining divine bliss in one’s soul—this is the treasure that Paramahansa Yogananda gave us through the teachings of Kriya Yoga. There are four dimensions of our life – sense, intellect, body, and energy. In yoga, there is a path related to every dimension of life – Bhakti yoga associated…

8 Limbs of Yoga

Everything you need to Know the 8 Limbs of Yoga | Ashtanga Yoga

The fabled Yoga Sutras of Patanjali dictates about 8 limbs of yoga, every one of them provides guidance to an individual on how to live a purposeful as well as a meaningful life. It is up to the person to learn each of them and to incorporate them into his practice. The “yoga” word means…