Effective Homemade Pregnancy Test Using Sugar, Salt, And Toothpaste

homemade pregnancy test

Although there are many Pregnancy test kits in the market, women have been using homemade pregnancy tests for many decades. Pregnancy tests were done through home remedies before modern pregnancy test kits because many times women feel whether they are pregnant or not. To confirm this, she takes the help of many domestic things. Women use sugar, salt, bleach, toothpaste, and baking soda as well as other things to do pregnancy tests at home. All these tests work on the level of hCG hormone in urine.

Homemade Pregnancy Test

Most women test pregnancy with a pregnancy kit when a pregnancy is suspected, but due to the kit being expensive, it is not possible for every woman to do so. In this case, a homemade pregnancy test can also be done with salt, sugar, toothpaste at home.

Salt Pregnancy Test

To test pregnancy with salt, take a small amount of urine in a disposed glass or a pot in the first morning. Now add about two teaspoons of salt to it and mix well. Wait for two minutes and watch the salt reacts with urine. If the salt reacts with urine to form bubbles, or the hCG hormone present in the urine reacts with the salt to form foaming. So this is a sign of your getting pregnant.

A pregnancy test with salt is very economical and gives effective results. However, most couples rely more on the result of the pregnancy kit.

But for your information, let us know that the pregnancy kit also does not give very accurate results and you need to go to the doctor and have an ultrasound to confirm your pregnancy.

Toothpaste Pregnancy Test

If you are worrying about whether you are pregnant or not, you can do a pregnancy test at home with the help of white toothpaste. Yes, we have many such options with the help of which we can find our pregnancy right at home.

Only white toothpaste is used for this test, as colored toothpaste contains additional ingredients, which can alter the exact result. Taking urine in a cup, put a very small amount of toothpaste in the urine cup. Mix it with the help of a brush. If HCG present in the urine reacts with the toothpaste, then the foam will start to appear or the color will turn blue.

Here we can tell that there is no scientific evidence available about this test, on the basis of which it can be said that its results are completely accurate. Even after doing this test, we recommend consulting a doctor to do a pregnancy test, so that the pregnancy can be confirmed.

Pregnancy Test Using Sugar

For the pregnancy test at home with sugar:- take a disposed glass and add two teaspoons of sugar to it. Then pour a few drops of urine into that bowl. If the sugar easily dissolves in urine then you report is negative or not pregnant and if sugar does not dissolve then you are definitely pregnant. Try to use this method in the morning to get the most accurate results.

Urine taken for home pregnancy test would be best to be first in the morning after all night, but if you have a habit of passing urine several times at night, then there should be a gap of about three hours between the previous urine and the urine received for the sample needed.


Above mention homemade pregnancy test won’t bring accurate results. for accuracy check with near doctor.

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