Power Yoga Workout
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Practice Core Power Yoga Workout At Home

Core power yoga are challenge, flow, and style yoga to fit every level. It is a dynamic practice that not only targets the core muscles but also engages the entire body. The combination of challenging poses, fluid sequences, and attention to breath creates a workout that builds strength, flexibility, balance, and mindfulness.

There is more to a yoga workout fitness routine. When it comes to health benefits, yoga is looked at from the right perspective. It’s great for stretching, centering the mind, and relaxing after a long day.

We have brought you the best online yoga workouts that we have offered on the internet through our 7pranayama.com.

What is Core Power Yoga?

Core Power Yoga, sometimes referred to as Power Vinyasa, is often seen as a Westernized adaptation of traditional Ashtanga Yoga. Ashtanga Yoga is a dynamic and physically demanding style that follows a specific sequence of poses linked together with breath and movement.

Beryl Bender Birch, an Ashtanga Yoga teacher, played a significant role in popularizing the practice in the West. She coined the term “Power Yoga” to describe a vigorous, fitness-based approach to yoga that draws inspiration from Ashtanga but may deviate from its traditional sequence and philosophy.

Taking about of core power yoga, it is a multi-disciplinary and a combination of many different yoga styles. Which will basically challenge you mentally and physically.

yoga trainer Beryl Bender Burch invented power yoga to make yoga popular in their country. He started doing yoga in a fast and dynamic style, which later became known as Power Yoga. After that, its trend is increasing rapidly. Apart from gym, yoga, aerobics, new centers of power yoga are opening. Due to making fit in less time, it is also becoming the choice of people.

Most of the asanas of Power Yoga are derived from Ashtanga Yoga. It is considered the western incarnation of Ashtanga Yoga. Since then, Western yogis have practiced this practice known as Core Power Yoga. Yoga guru Maharishi Patanjali created eight limbs Ashtanga Yoga for physical, mental, and spiritual purity. Power yoga is born out of this. The specialty of this yoga is that it does not have any set pattern. Every yoga trainer does it in his own way. The order of the asanas used in this is not fixed.

Power Yoga Workout

The core of traditional yoga is meditation and restraint, while power yoga focuses on the strength and flexibility of the body.

Power yoga is a type of yoga in which it is not mandatory to follow the rules, discipline, and restrictions of traditional yoga. It is not a lifestyle but a type of aerobic exercise. Experts say that they should be practiced frequently. Their initial exercise burns only the calories of the body, while burning calories, also tones the muscles well and also makes bones strong. By doing this the body becomes elastic.

Actually, power yoga is made by combining Surya Namaskar and some other special asanas in yoga. Generally, it is also called ‘gym yoga’. Power yoga includes asanas, in which the whole body exercises together. This asana helps in reducing calories by increasing the heart rate, due to which the extra fat of the body starts ending, the body becomes flexible. Due to this, the weight also starts reducing rapidly and the bones are also strong. Power yoga is like a workout, which includes many exercises. In this, many rules are not followed like yoga, nor does it need to be done daily.

Power yoga workout for Beginners:

Core Power Yoga is very vigorous and excellent for beginners, achieving physical results. Because it combines different styles, which allows for both physical and mental exercise.

It is an athletic style of yoga, in which the emphasis is on strength and flexibility more than the speed of breath and spirituality. It does not have a set range of postures, so the style may vary by teacher and instructor. In power yoga, different types of exercises are used depending on the body of each person. In Power Yoga, the instructor tells to beginners the exercise tips according to their body.

A Sequence of Power Yoga Workout At Home:

You can voluntarily add any sequence of asanas to the practice, but in general it must consist of seven asanas – Ardh Chandrasana, Navasana, Ustrasana, Shalabhasana, Chaturanga Dandasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana and Utkatasana. They have to be practiced non-stop. Apart from this, other asanas can also be added to the practice. Along with the practice of asanas, the method of breathing and breathing also holds an important place in Power Yoga.

It would be better if you prepare a sequence of power yoga for yourself according to your need so that you can get the most out of yoga workouts at home.

Ardha Chandrasana / Half Moon Pose

  • First of all, stand straight on the yoga mat. Then move the left foot two feet away from the right foot.
  • Remember so far you have to keep your hands straight.
  • Now move the hands and feet to the triangle pose.
  • Now keep the claw of your right hand slightly above the ground.
  • There should be a distance of about one and a half feet between the toes of your right hand and the right foot.
  • Move one hand upwards and the other in the same position upwards.
  • Now raise your left leg in the air.
  • Remember that in this position you have to keep a 90-degree angle between your two legs.

Know more about this asana click here: Ardha Chandrasana

Naukasana / Boat Pose

  • First of all, lay a mat on the ground and sit on it.
  • Take long deep breaths and keep the spine straight.
  • Now open your legs forward and arch your back slightly.
  • Now raise your legs up to about 60 degrees and also raise your hands above the ground.
  • As shown in the above picture.
  • During this, keep taking long deep breaths and bring both your knees to each other.
  • You will feel that as much as you are lifting your legs, your back is going back.
  • Keep your hands straight and stay in this position for about 40 to 60 seconds.

Know more about this asana click here: Naukasana

Ustrasana / Camel Pose

  • Sit in the posture of Vajrasana, then stand up.
  • Keep such a distance between both the knees that they are parallel to the width of the shoulders.
  • Keep both hands on the waist.
  • The posture of the hand should be such that the fingers are on the side of the stomach and the thumb should be tightened together on the spine.
  • Take a long breath. Now bend the upper part from the waist backward, bring both the palms on the soles.
  • Stay in this position as long as you can hold your breath, then straighten up. Exhale and then do it.
  • While doing the asana, the focus should be on the spine.

Know more about this asana click here: Ustrasana

Shalabhasana / Locust Pose

  • Lie on your stomach, palms, and arms should be straight.
  • Keep your chin on the mat. Inhale and lift head, chest, and hands off the floor.
  • Now keep your arms straight forward.
  • Connect your legs so that your knees can easily lift off the floor.
  • Keep your gaze down so that your neck remains in a neutral position.
  • Breathe in this posture three to five times.
  • On exhalation, drop the body down to the floor.

Know more about this asana click here: Shalabhasana

Chaturanga Dandasana / Four-Limbed Staff Pose

  • Lie on your stomach on a mat.
  • Then rise on the strength of the hand and keep the feet on the fingers, then come upwards until a 90-degree angle is formed between the upper arm of the elbow and the lower arm.
  • Keep the head in a straight line and look forward and focus all attention on the nose.
  • Keep the back straight and give the weight of the body on the hands, shoulders, and feet.
  • This position is called Chaturanga Dandasana, it can be practiced from 30 seconds to 60 seconds.

Know more about this asana click here: Chaturanga Dandasana

Adho Mukha Svanasana /  Downward-Facing Dog Pose

  • Come on your arms and legs, and bend forward and make your body like a table.
  • Keep your hands in such a way that it appears that they are the legs of the table.
  • Then, while exhaling, raise the waist and then make a v-shape (v-shape) by raising your body, strengthening your glutes and elbows.

Know more about this asana click here: Adho Mukha Svanasana

Utkatasana / Chair Pose

  • Now stand with your feet as wide as your shoulders.
  • After this, make both your hands parallel to the ground in the front.
  • The palms of your hands should be towards the ground.
  • Now bend your knees and try to come down slowly, like sitting in a chair, but keep in mind that your knees should not come ahead of the toes.
  • Keep breathing normally.
  • After staying in this position for some time, come back to normal position.

Know more about this asana click here: Utkatasana


Core Power Yoga builds upon this foundation, blending elements of Ashtanga with other yoga styles and fitness principles to create a dynamic and accessible practice. While it shares some similarities with Ashtanga, such as flowing sequences and challenging poses, Core Power Yoga often incorporates variations and modifications to cater to a wider range of practitioners and fitness levels.


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