Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose): Basics, Steps, Benefits & More

Half Moon pose

Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose) is one of the Hatha yoga asanas which is said to help in channelizing the lunar energies of the body.

The pose looks like a half moon’s flat edge as the torso while the lifted leg essentially draws a line. In this pose, the energy presented in the standing leg as well as the extended arm is supposed to radiate like the moon’s brilliance.

Ardha Chandrasana Basics

Sanskrit PronunciationArdha Chandrasana
(are-dah chan-DRAHS-anna)
Meaningardha = half/ ‘chandra = “moon” / asana = pose
Pose TypeStanding and balancing pose
Pose LevelIntermediate level pose
Style of yogaHatha Yoga
Other NamesIndudalasana
Stretchesback of your thigh (hamstrings) and your buttocks (glutes)
Strengthening The core muscles
Duration30 second to 3 minutes


Ardha Chandrasana is an intermediate level challenging posture that ‘s particularly require more balance to preform. It’s standing and balancing asana can be quite disorienting, but when it is practised regularly, it essentially helps in making the person more aware as well as cultivate the balance in the person.

Moon has great importance in yoga. It is considered a good source of energy in the human body. According to Hatha Yoga, the moon is a symbol of providing peace and energy to the body. The word ‘Ardha Chandrasana’ comes from Sanskrit in which ‘Ardha’ means half, ‘Chandra’ means moon and ‘Asana’ means posture. That’s why it is called Half Moon Pose in English. The way we extend our hips and back when we bend can make it quite a challenging posture to try.

Practice Guide for Standing Forward Bend Pose (Ardha Chandrasana)

Half Moon Pose is a challenging yet rewarding yoga pose that requires careful attention to detail. This guide provides practitioners with a systematic breakdown of the pose, offering clear instructions on body positioning, alignment, and breathing techniques. The inclusion of illustrations or images enhances the learning process, making it an invaluable resource for those seeking to master Half Moon Pos and deepen their yoga practice.

Preparatory Poses

Steps to Do Ardha Chandrasana


  • Begin in a standing position at the top of your mat, with your feet together.
  • Root down through your left foot, engaging the thigh muscles.

Transition to Triangle Pose

  • Step your right foot back, creating a comfortable distance between your feet. Your front foot should point forward, and your back foot should be at a slight angle, about 45 degrees.
  • Extend your arms parallel to the floor, shoulders relaxed.
  • Hinge at your left hip, reaching your left hand down towards your left shin or the floor. The right arm extends straight up, creating a straight line from the top fingertips down to the bottom fingertips.
  • Your gaze can be directed straight ahead or towards your right hand, depending on your comfort and balance.

Transition to Half Moon Pose

  • Shift your weight onto your left foot.
  • Begin to lift your right leg off the mat, keeping it straight and in line with your torso. Engage your core to help with balance.
  • Simultaneously, start to open your hips and shoulders to face the left side of the room.
  • Extend your right arm towards the sky, creating a straight line from your right fingertips down to your right foot.
  • Flex your right foot and keep your gaze either at the floor, straight ahead, or towards your right hand.

Refining the Pose

  • To refine the pose, work on stacking your hips on top of each other and aligning your shoulders.
  • Engage your standing leg by pressing firmly through the foot, and keep a micro-bend in the knee to avoid locking it.
  • Lengthen your spine and lift your chest, avoiding rounding in the upper back.
  • To challenge yourself further, you can experiment with reaching your right arm over your head, parallel to the floor.

Exiting the Pose

  • To come out of Half Moon Pose, slowly lower your right leg back down to the mat.

Return to Triangle Pose

  • Transition back to a standing position at the top of your mat.
  • Repeat the sequence on the other side.

Follow Up Poses

Benefit of Half Moon Pose

  • Half Moon Pose improves the flexibility of the spine. Therefore, regular practice of this asana helps in avoiding spinal problems like sciatica pain and back pain.
  • Practising this asana creates stretch in the shoulder muscles. It improves the strength and flexibility of the shoulder joints.
  • This asana stretches the upper chest area. Thus, it helps in health problems like asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
  • It promotes the entire digestive system. As a result, it helps with problems like indigestion, constipation, GERD and irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Moreover, This asana is an asana that helps high blood pressure patients. Also, it stretches the neck thereby improving flexibility.


  • Pregnant women should not do this asana.
  • Moreover, it is beneficial in health problems like sciatica, hernia and lower back problems.
  • Since this is a balancing posture, do not bend your torso too low, otherwise you may fall.


Ardha Chandrasana is a balancing pose that involves standing on one leg while reaching the opposite arm and leg away from each other, creating a crescent shape with the body.

Remember to approach Half Moon Pose with patience and caution. It’s normal to stumble or fall out of posture while you’re learning, so use a support or a wall for support if necessary. As with any yoga practice, listen to your body and modify poses as needed to suit your current level of flexibility and strength.

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