Adi Mudra
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Adi Mudra (First-Hand Gesture): Steps, Benefits & More

“Yoga” is a form of art practiced by yogis (Hindu monks) all over the world. yoga refers to specific mudras and attitudes. Mudras help in creating a balance between the five elements and enhance the smooth energy flow in the human body. mudra is known as “energy seal”, This has been the practice of our ancestors for years. Some yoga mudras are comfortable for us. Just by touching the hands with our fingers, we can influence our tendency, thinking. Like Gyan mudra, Varun mudra, Agni mudra, Shunya mudra, and Adi mudra.

Mudras are mostly physical activities that can be used to seal energy and heal the body with inner strength. As a well, they are great companions of the meditative practices with your asana-pranayama session.

This article reviews the Yoga science behind Adi mudra and its potential health benefits.

Adi Mudra

Adi Mudra received its name, Adi means first or primal, and Mudra means to seal or gesture. because it is the first position of hands are capable of inside the womb. Often we see newborn babies with this hand gesture. That’s why this Mudra has been associated with the Primordial Mudra and The babies’ Gestures because it is the first position an infant can make with the hands.

Entirely distinct and based on the principle of Ayurveda, It is a symbolic, ritualistic gesture of the hands. That is often used in a spiritual yoga practice to calm and quiet the mind and nervous system. Also, it is most commonly practiced during Pranayama as well as Meditation.

How to Do Adi Mudra?

First of all, sit in any comfortable seating posture and place the hands with palm pointing upwards on the thighs or the knees.

  • Close your eyes and take some deep breaths with the awareness of the breathing process.
  • Now fold your thumb and thumb is placed at the base of the small finger.
  • The remaining fingers curl over the thumb, putting pressure over the outer thumb and making a gentle fist.
  • Removing all thoughts from the mind has to focus the mind only on OM.
  • In addition, it should be practicing with both hands simultaneously.
  • Do not decrease or increase the speed of breath from your side.
  • Perform this pose for 30 minutes at a stretch every day or for 10 to 12 minutes three times a day.
  • You can practice this Mudra by standing in Tadasana Yoga (Mountain pose), otherwise sitting on a chair.

This mudra is beneficial for the body in many ways, it helps in curing various types of diseases, let us know the benefits of Adi mudra in detail.

Adi Mudra Benefits

It is believing Adi mudra has a lot of spiritual, mental, and emotional benefits.

  • Adi mudra increases breathing as well as lung capacity, thus increasing oxygen flow throughout the body.
  • It increases mental activeness and improve your motor skills, which is related to the crown (Sahasrara) chakra.
  • Improves the flow of oxygen to the head and throat.
  • It is beneficial in balancing and healing the sense organs.
  • The Adi mudra is also thought to stimulate the calms and soothes the nervous system.
  • This also helps to reduce snoring.
  • Also helps incontrol musculoskeletal system.
  • Morever, it stimulates to endocrine gland and strengthens respiratory muscles.

Time and Duration

All mudra has recommended duration of about 45 minutes a day. You can breaking up the practice into three sets of 15 minutes each throughout the day can be a helpful approach, especially for beginners who may find it challenging to sustain focus and endurance for a full 45-minute session at once.

By breaking up the practice, you give yourself time to rest and integrate the effects of the mudras, while also making it more manageable to incorporate into your daily routine. This approach allows for flexibility and can help prevent fatigue or strain that may arise from prolonged periods of practice, particularly for those who are new to mudras.

Side Effects

However, all mudras are beneficial to us without any side-effects. pressure should not be applied on the finger. Pressure means, your mind is restless and not stable. As a result, nothing at all. Perform this mudra freely.


Continuous practice of Adi Mudra will bring positivity within you. As its qualities are, It is a weapon that gets rid of weakness, dullness, and laziness and improve your motor skills as well as strengthens respiratory muscles.


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