Dining Etiquette & Its Importance In A Child’s Life

Apart from teaching basic etiquette or manners to your children, it is very important to teach them some basic dining etiquette or table manners so that their eating experience is also excellent.
Dining Etiquette are visual cues to our etiquette situation that play an important role in making a favorable impression on your child. Whether your children are eating at home or out, they have evolved over the centuries to make the practice of eating with others enjoyable and sociable. This is also one of the biggest manners in life, which tells your manners, however, common sense is often your best guide.
Dining etiquette rules every child to professional should know
Table manners are like the rules you follow while eating, including the use of utensils. Different cultures follow different rules. Eating with family, friends and business associates reflects our status of civilization and our manners and is therefore essential to professional success.
Each family has its own standards to follow, as in etiquette, “good manners are social skills that are a reflection of the “breeding” of your children, not in the sense of genetics, but of how you raised them. No matter where your kids are eating, good table manners are very important. This helps them to be successful with future employers and professional life.
Dining Table Manners Tips
Here are a few tips to well-mannered eating.
Napkin Etiquette
The napkin is the first thing you want to touch when you sit down. At a casual meal, immediately after sitting down unfold the napkin and gently place it across your lap. It will catch any food that falls off your fork.
Whenever you have to get up in the middle of a meal, keep that napkin on your chair, not on the table. This will signal that you are coming back and come back and put it on your lap again.
Table Setting
When presented with different types of eating utensils (knife, fork, or spoon), use the outside utensils first and work your way in.
Handling Utensils
There are also rules for keeping knife and fork after eating food. They should not be left just like that.
First of all, let us tell you that there is a way to hold the knife and fork. In American style, you have to hold the knife in the right hand and the fork in the left hand. When you eat, keep the knife and fork parallel to each other diagonally across the plate.
If you have drinks with food, you don’t just put down your knife, you put both utensils in a resting position: cross the fork over the knife.
When to Start Eating
At a small table of only two to four people, wait for everyone to be served before starting to eat. At business meals, start when the host tells you to.
Resting Utensils
Table manners infographic showing how to hold your knife and fork.
In continental style, the knife and fork should be placed in an inverted V with a slight angle and the tips of the knife and fork pointing towards each other.
Table manners During the Meal
Never talk while eating. Chew with your mouth closed and if you eat with your mouth open, then that situation becomes very uncomfortable for the other person.
Let me tell you, never keep your elbows on the table while eating, it is not considered good.
The most important thing in table manners is that if everyone is eating together, then one should wait for the elders to start eating.
Remember that while eating food, the small plate is for breads and the big plate for the rest of the dishes, so do not keep the roti in the big plate.
Pass foods to the right. If you’re starting to pass the bread basket, first offer something to the person on your left, then take something for yourself, then pass it to the right.
This is the problem with many children. If you ever need something to eat, ask your partner to pass it on. While getting up in the middle of eating is against table manners.
While eating, stir gently to cool it instead of blowing it.
Never make the mistake of playing TV or phone in front of children while eating. Along with this, children should also be prevented from doing this. Actually, due to this, the attention of children remains less on eating. In such a situation, they can eat more or less in haste.
Use a napkin to clean your lips, but don’t use it as a towel to clean your face and nose. When eating food, keep in mind that the napkin is always kept on the right side of the table.
There are also rules for putting away your knife and fork when you’re finished eating. They should not be left just like that. Place your fork and knife at the 10:00 and 4:00 o’clock points. This is an indication that you have finished your mile.
Like good manners in general, these simple dining etiquette will be appreciated by people who come into contact with your child and you. we also recommend teaching eating through hand .