7 Yoga Poses For Tight Hamstrings & To Improve Their Flexibility

Once your hamstrings are painfully tight, it can lead to very problems such as poor posture, lower back pain, tension and weakness, and knee pain, which will often result in more energy requirements and contribute to injuries. Fortunately, some yoga poses for tight hamstrings can be important additions, because they are a great way to relieve tension in the important muscles of your hamstrings and can directly ease your discomfort when you are running, biking, or climbing stairs, or playing sports. Yoga postures often work with stretching along the back of your thighs to your knees and lower legs, which will compensate for tight hamstrings and ensure healthy joints.

Just make sure you always listen to your body and don’t force yourself into the poses, which can lead to injury. Use props such as a yoga strap, blankets, pillows and bolsters, and blocks to provide support so you can sink deeper into the stretch in the new posture more comfortably, safely, and more efficiently.

Incorporate these seven of my favorite yoga poses into your routine to gain flexibility in your tight hamstrings and maintain a healthy and balanced body.

Tight Hamstrings With Yoga

Stretching your hamstring muscles prior to addressing tight hamstrings with yoga is an ideal way to lengthen them and prevent discomfort and pain. The standing hamstring stretch, for example, is performed by straightening your legs and bending the arms and head together. Stretch the major muscle groups of the affected area, but focus on your hamstrings if they cause the most problems.

Do not forget to do stretching before and after yoga practice because its practice increases flexibility in the hamstrings and gives them relief from pain.

Practice These Yoga Poses for Tight Hamstrings Muscles

1. Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)

Uttanasana is an excellent stand-alone pose for stretching the hamstring.

The simplest and most basic of all yoga poses to release tight hamstrings, this simple forward fold can be practiced by anyone, regardless of flexibility level.

Begin standing with your feet either touching or hip-distance apart. Spread your weight evenly on your feet and place your hands on your hips. Making a ‘hinging’ motion, bend forward from your waist, trying to keep the back as flat as possible. Rest the weight of your torso on the floor. Your knees can be either bent or straight, whichever is more comfortable for you. You can place your hands on the floor, your shins, thighs, or blocks. Soften your weight forward and down, releasing the force of gravity. Relax the weight of your head and soften your breath.

2. Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend)

Another standing forward fold, this pose uses a wide-legged variation to better target a different side of your hamstrings.

Stand on your mat facing the long edge. Walk your feet very wide until you cover at least 80% of the mat. Check that your feet are straight toward the long edge of your mat and evenly spaced away from the edge of the mat. Press evenly into both feet, distributing your weight evenly.

Now draw your hands over your hips and, again, hinge from your hips (leading with your chest) to dive forward onto your feet. Try to press the floor away with your feet. Kneel up on your knees to forcefully activate your quadriceps muscles (raising your thighs). The more actively you engage your quadriceps, the deeper you can stretch your hamstrings. Soften the weight of your torso forward and surrender to your stretch.

3. Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)

Another very basic pose, this pose can be used by varying degrees of hamstring flexibility.

Begin sitting on the floor with your feet facing forward in front of you. If you know you have tight hamstrings or if you feel like you’re going to fall backward, sit on a yoga block to elevate your hips. Stretch your feet to touch and point your toes straight up towards the sky. Moving forward from your chest, begin tucking in from your hips and bend forward on your legs as far as you feel comfortable. Rest your hands wherever you want. If you like, you can also loop a strap around the balls of your feet and pull it back against the strap to create resistance for the forward bends to be deeper. Only go as far as your breath will allow you to.

4. Janu Sirsasana (Head-to-Knee Pose)

Another simple sitting posture is the forward bend. Before doing this yoga posture, you can do subtle exercises, due to which the muscles are ready for the future. Janu Shirshasana also creates an opening through the hips.

Another simple sitting posture is the forward bend. Before doing this yoga posture, you can do subtle exercises, due to which the muscles are ready for the future. Janu Shirshasana also creates an opening through the hips.

Sit down with both your legs straight. Keep both hands straight on the ground. In this position, your spine should be absolutely straight. Pull the toes of your feet towards you. After that take a long deep breath. Then bend the right leg and place it on the thigh of the left leg. Tilt your body forward from the waist.
Grab the sole of the left foot with both your hands. Try to keep your head on the left knee.

5. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose)

Adho Mukha Svanasana also helps in making the hamstrings stronger by creating a stretch. Apart from this, Adho Mukha Svanasana also strengthens the shoulders and arms. This is a good yoga posture to tone the body.

Now take a long deep breath and raise both your hands upwards. Slowly exhale and bend towards the ground. Place your palms and soles on the ground. Raise your hips up toward the ceiling until you form an inverted V shape with your body. During this, your hands and knees should be absolutely straight. Pull your shoulders away from your ears and raise your tailbone up toward the ceiling. Feel the stretch on the hands, waist, and legs as much as possible.

6. Triangle Pose ( Trikonasana)

A great release for the hamstrings, this pose is the best to use to target really tight muscles.

Stand in the straight position. Keep a distance of two feet between the feet. Pull the standing hands in the direction of the shoulders. Slowly lean to the right side. The left knee should be straight and pulled. Touch the right toe with the fingers of the right hand, move the neck slightly towards the right hand, and move the neck a little to the right. It can touch the right shoulder. Extend the left hand upwards. Maintain this position for 2 to 3 minutes. Breathe slowly. Repeat the above steps on the next side.

7. Hanumanasana  (Splits Pose)

The above posture is a very deep hamstring and hip opener and should be entered with utmost care and caution.

To do Hanumanasana, first of all, stand on clean ground by laying the mat. Bend both the legs from the knees and sit down. Rest both the knees on the floor in front and sit on the toes. Slowly move your left foot backward and your right foot forward. Try to spread your legs as much as you can at the beginning of the asana. In the beginning, you can also use your palms to maintain the balance of your body. Spread both your legs so that your hips touch the ground. After coming in such a position, place your hands in a prayer posture. Keep it on the front side and remain in this position for 2 minutes. After this, move your left foot forward and take your right foot back.

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