Dolphin Pose
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Ardha Pincha Mayurasana (Dolphin Pose): Basics, Steps, Benefits & More

Ardha Pincha Mayurasana or Dolphin Pose is an excellent beginning pose that brings more blood flow into the head, strengthens the upper body, and prepares the practitioner for arm balances.

Ardha Pincha Mayurasana is a yoga pose whose easier version is Adho Mukha Svanasana. What an easy version! The only difference is that in Ardha Pincha Mayurasana you have to rest your forearms on the ground instead of your palms.

Ardha Pincha Mayurasana Basics

Sanskrit PronunciationArdha Pincha Mayurasana
MeaningArdha =Half, Pincha = Feathers, Mayura= Peacock, Asana = Posture.
Pose TypeInversion and Standing 
Pose LevelIntermediate level
Style of yogaCore yoga sequences
Other NamesDolphin Pose / Half Feathered Peacock Pose or Peacock Feather Pose
Stretchesthe hamstrings, arms, legs, and arches of the feet
Strengthening the shoulders and upper back
Duration30 second to 3 minutes


Ardha Pincha Mayurasana is the name derived from Sanskrit Ardha – Half, Pincha – Feathers, Mayura – Peacock, Asana – Pose. Hence, it is called Ardha Pincha Mayurasana. And also known as the Puppy Pose or the Half Feathered Peacock Pose. This asana resembles an inverted ‘V’, the rest of the body raised to form a ‘V’.

It is the best alternative for those who cannot do the Sirasasana. By doing dolphin poses, you can still get half of the benefits of the Sirsasana. However, there are not fewer benefits of Dolphin Pose. Some of the health benefits of Ardha Pincha Mayurasana or Dolphin Pose include strengthening the back, abdomen, legs, neck, chest, and shoulders, improves blood circulation, and helps to reduce belly fat also.

In the event that the yogi is not perfectly prepared in Adho Mukha Svanasana, he or she will not be able to stand for a long time.

Practice Guide For Dolphin Pose

The Practice Guide to Perform Dolphin Pose serves as a valuable resource for yoga enthusiasts seeking to advance their practice, offering a structured and detailed approach to mastering this asana.

Preparatory Poses

How to do Dolphin Pose (Ardha Pincha Mayurasana)

  • To come in Dolphin Pose get stand straight onto the yoga mat.
  • Now come in chair pose, place the forearms to the floor, tuck the toes under. OR getting down on the knees and hands.
  • While exhaling, slowly raise the hips upwards or towards the ceiling.
  • Slowly place the elbows onto the mat, ensure that the elbows and shoulders are in the parallel line.
  • Free the neck by lifting the shoulders away from the ears. and fingers should be spread and pointing forward with the same line to the shoulder.
  • Press the forearms, palms, and fingers into the floor.
  • Keep the back flat and press the heels into the ground.
  • In this position, rest the forehead on the ground, and feel a stretch in the back of the legs.
  • Last, position the body into the shape of an inverted “V”.
  • Maintain the final position for about 20 seconds to a minute and take long breaths.
  • If needed lower into Child Pose for rest.
  • To release the posture, come again table pose and rest in the child pose.

Beginner’s Tips:

Dolphin Pose can provide quite the challenge, but if you’re facing a little more complications while practicing this asana you can-

  • You can place a folded blanket under your elbows
  • Remember, your heels don’t need to touch the ground. Don’t force it. and you can use a brick under the heels.
  • You can also press the inner wrists to the ground firmly.

Follow-Up Poses

Benefits of Dolphin Pose (Ardha Pincha Mayurasana)

  • Dolphin Pose requires you to support your body weight on your arms, which helps build strength in the upper body.
  • The pose helps to elongate and release tension in these areas, which can be particularly beneficial for those who spend long hours sitting or standing.
  • Dolphin Pose encourages alignment of the spine and shoulders, which can help correct poor posture caused by slouching or hunching over.
  • The gentle compression of the abdomen in Dolphin Pose can aid in digestion and help alleviate digestive discomfort.
  • Like many yoga poses, Dolphin Pose encourages deep breathing and mindfulness, which can promote relaxation and reduce stress and anxiety.
  • While primarily an upper body pose, Dolphin Pose also engages the core muscles, helping to strengthen and stabilize the torso.
  • Dolphin Pose is often used as a preparatory pose for more challenging inversions, such as Headstand or Forearm Stand, as it helps to build the necessary strength and alignment.
  • Inverted poses like Dolphin Pose can improve blood flow to the brain and upper body, providing a refreshing boost of energy.
  • The combination of gentle inversion and controlled breathing in Dolphin Pose can help uplift mood and alleviate symptoms of mild depression.
  • Enhances focus and concentration: Holding Dolphin Pose requires concentration and focus, which can help improve mental clarity and cognitive function.


  • According to the experts, this asana is considered best when yogi practiced early in the morning. Mornings are preferred as the food is digested as well as the body has the energy to perform the asana. Due to some reason, you cannot practice it in the morning, you can practice this asana in the evening as well. But at least keep 3-5 hour gap between your practice and meal.
  • Dolphin pose must avoid deep squats with any knee injury.
  • Do not practice in case of a herniated disk or an injury in the lower back.
  • Avoid this Asana, in case of back, neck, ankles your arms injury.


The position in Ardha Pinch Mayurasana is like a dolphin jumping on the waves, hence it is also known as Dolphin Pose.

Ardha Pinch Mayurasana strengthens hands and feet. Along with this, it stretches the shoulders, waist, and calf, which makes them strong and can relieve the pain caused in them. Additionally, Prevents osteoporosis by strengthening bones.


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