Natural Ways To Get Rid of Corns And Calluses At Home

Getting rid of corns and calluses on foot typically involves a combination of preventive measures and steps to remove dry skin.
What Are Corns And Their Causes?
Corns are typically small, concentrated areas of thickened skin that appear on the top, sides, or tips of toes. They can also occur between the toes. They’re similar to a callus, but more concentrated and dense with a hard center.
Corns can be painful, especially when pressure is applied to them, such as when walking or wearing tight shoes.
As mentioned above, corns are a build-up of hard dead skin usually on the bottom of the feet, on the toes, fingers, or hands. Corns are extremely painful and appear when the skin is exposed to constant friction. Their size varies from small to large and there are three different types:
Hard corns: These are small patches of hardened dead skin. They usually appear on the toes. A hard corn forms from the pressure drop of the bone in this area.
Soft corns: This category of corns is soft and has a rubbery feel to the touch. They are usually gray or white and occur in the area between the toes.
Seed Corns: This is a small form of corn that usually appears on the underside of the feet.
Corns mostly occur on the feet of people whose feet are naturally less cushioned and the bones are stronger. It can also result from another foot problem, such as a bunion or hammer toe (in which the toe is bent at the middle bone).
What Are Calluses And Their Causes?
It is usually a hard and rough patch of skin that looks pale. It most commonly occurs on the feet, around the heel, or on the top of the ball of the toe.
Although it can also occur on the palms and joints of the fingers.
Calluses are larger than corns and do not have a defined end. Their skin is thick, so there is no feeling of touch in comparison to the surrounding skin.
Calluses mostly occur in places where the skin rubs repeatedly against a bone, shoe, or ground. Well, they are on the ball of the toes because this part of the body bears most of our weight while walking. This problem is more with women wearing regular heels.
Common causes of calluses include excessive pressure on the bony parts of the toes, ill-fitting shoes, and excessive walking or running.
If we talk about callus in comparison to corn, then callus is hardly painful, in this you do not feel pain.
One of the main reasons for corns and calluses can be friction on your feet by wearing shoes and sandals without socks. Apart from this, socks that do not fit you properly can also cause a problem.
Like corns, some cases can be the result of a bone deformity such as a callus bunion (a swollen bone at the base of the big toe).
In addition to forming on the toes, calluses also sometimes form on the palms due to the prolonged holding of a racket or hammer. People who regularly pull a wheelchair are also at risk of developing them in the finger pads.
Corns and calluses treatment and prevent
To prevent corns and calluses from developing or recurring, it’s crucial to eliminate the conditions that caused them in the first place. Here are some tips to help reduce friction and corns and calluses treatment:
- Wear shoes that fit well
- Wear moisture-wicking socks
- Trim your toenails
- Use corn pads that protect against excess pressure or friction
- Limit the use of high-heeled shoes
- Avoid walking barefoot, especially on hard surfaces
- Washing your feet regularly and keeping them moisturized to prevent dry, cracked skin
Corns and calluses how to remove
Here are some steps you can take to safely remove corns and calluses:
1. Soak your foot in warm water
Keep the corn area immersed in lukewarm water for 5-10 minutes. After this, rub the upper skin of the corn with a pumice stone for some time. This will remove the dead skin from the corn. After this apply castor oil in it. This will cure corns and calluses.
2. White Vinegar
Acetic acid, anti-fungal, and antioxidant are found in white vinegar, which is considered good for treating corn. Mix one tablespoon of white vinegar in one-third part of the water and apply it to the corn with cotton. After this, cover it with a bandage or bandage for three to four hours, and then clean the feet thoroughly with pumice stone and apply coconut oil. By doing this, the corns will become soft and will come out.
3. Rock salt
Fill hot water in a tub or bucket, then add rock salt and soak the place where the corns are present for 10 to 15 minutes. Anti-bacterial properties present in rock salt are found which help in reducing foot corn.
4. Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has anti-bacterial properties, due to which the bacteria produced in the corn get killed. For this, first, sit with your feet in hot water for some time, this will make the skin soft. After this, apply apple vinegar to the area of the corns and leave it and let it dry. After drying, clean that place and apply a few drops of coconut oil there and leave it like this.
5. Apply moisturizer
After removing the corn or callus, apply a moisturizing cream or lotion to keep the skin hydrated and prevent it from becoming dry and thickened again.
6. Lemon
Rub lemon on the corn daily and let it dry. Do this 3 times a day. Second method- Every other day, dip two cloves in one spoon of lemon juice for 15 minutes, then remove the clove from it and massage the corn with lemon juice. Then let it dry and then apply the juice to it again. Do this several times a day.
Corns and calluses on the toes cause problems for many people. These appear as round-shaped hard, thick, and white-colored dead skin flakes. Due to being in the feet, we also call it foot corn.
There can be many possible reasons for this, such as wearing shoes of the wrong size or standing for a long time wearing tight shoes or sandals, or wearing shoes without socks or without slippers.