Lolasana (Pendant Pose): Basics, Steps, Benefits & More
Lolasana, also known as Pendant Pose, is a challenging yoga asana that requires both strength and balance. It’s often included in the Primary Series of Ashtanga Yoga and is frequently practiced in modern yoga classes as well.
The pose involves balancing on the hands while lifting the legs off the ground, engaging the core muscles to maintain stability. Krishnamacharya, known as the father of modern yoga, introduced many such poses into the yoga practice that we see today, and Lolasana is one of them. It’s a great pose for building upper body and core strength, as well as improving focus and concentration.
Lolasana Basics
Pose Name | Lolasana |
Meaning | Lol (लोल, Lola) meaning “fickle”, “trembling”, or “dangling” Asana (आसन, Āsana) meaning “posture” |
Pose Type | Sitting, Arm Balances, Forward-Bend, Balance |
Pose Level | Advanced |
Style of yoga | Ashtanga Yoga |
Other Names | Pendant Pose Lolasana, Utpluthi |
Stretches | – |
Strengthening | – |
Duration | 30 second to 3 minutes |
The name comes from the Sanskrit words lol (lol, lola) meaning “playful”, “trembling”, or “swinging” and asana (āsana, āsana) meaning “seat” or “sitting”. As the name suggests, it is also known as the Pendant Pose. For the reason that it involves a great deal of hanging and being supported. Also, originally known as Jhula, an exercise in the form of Indian gymnastics. Hence, the translation of the name is Swing Pose.
This asana may be quite difficult to perform for beginners. For it, some Preparatory asanas are important to practicing Lolasana. include Adho Mukha svanasana (downward-facing dog pose), Uttihita chaturanga Dandasana (plank pose), Gomukhasana (cow face pose), Vasisthasana (side plank pose). Beginners can start with Navasana (Boat Pose).
Practice Guide For Lolasana Yoga
- Begin in Padmasana or a variation of Vajrasana: Start by sitting comfortably, either in Padmasana (Lotus Pose) or by sitting back on your heels in a variation of Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose). Allow your knees to protrude outward, finding a stable and relaxed seated position.
- Place palms on the ground: Position your palms on the ground beside your thighs or legs. This placement helps to provide a stable base of support for lifting your body weight.
- Engage arms and raise the body: Activate your arm muscles to lift your body off the ground. Keep your gaze forward and slightly upward, maintaining focus and balance.
- Lean forward slowly: Shift your weight forward gradually, leaning down while putting pressure on your arms. This movement helps to engage the core and initiate the lift.
- Lift yourself up: As you exhale, lengthen your upper torso and push it upwards, using the strength of your arms. Maintain the engagement of your abdominal muscles throughout the movement.
- Maintain abdominal engagement: Keep your abdomen tucked in throughout the pose to support your spine and maintain stability.
- Breathe deeply if comfortable: If you feel comfortable, take deep breaths while holding the pose. Focus on maintaining a steady breath to enhance relaxation and concentration.
- Hold the pose: Maintain the final position for 2-4 breaths, depending on your strength and capability. Gradually increase the duration as you progress in your practice.
- Release and return: To come out of the pose, slowly lower yourself back down and return to a seated position. You can rest in Dandasana (Staff Pose) to relax and reset before continuing with your practice or transitioning to other asanas.
This practice guide offers a structured approach to practicing Lolasana, focusing on proper alignment, breath awareness, and gradual progression. Remember to listen to your body and practice with mindfulness, respecting your limits while also challenging yourself to grow in your practice.
Time to Practice
Practicing Lolasana in the morning does have its advantages, as the body is typically more energized and the stomach is empty after a night of fasting, which can facilitate better digestion and overall performance in the asana. However, if practicing in the morning isn’t feasible due to time constraints or personal preferences, it can still be beneficial to practice Lolasana in the evening.
The best time to practice Lolasana depends on individual schedules, preferences, and lifestyle factors. The key is to listen to your body, honor its needs, and find a consistent practice time that works best for you. Whether it’s morning or evening, the most important thing is to maintain a regular practice and approach it with mindfulness and dedication.
Benefits of Lolasana (Pendant Pose)
Incorporating Lolasana into your yoga practice can offer both physical and energetic benefits, promoting strength, stability, confidence, and overall well-being.
Physical Strength: This pose targets various muscle groups including the wrists, upper back, arms, shoulders, lower back, legs, and abdominal region. By engaging these muscles, it helps in building strength and endurance throughout the body.
Chest and Shoulder Opening: As you lift your body weight off the ground, Lolasana also engages the chest and shoulder muscles, promoting openness and strength in these areas.
Toning and Weight Management: As a challenging arm balance, Lolasana requires significant engagement of the core muscles. Through regular practice, it can help in toning the body and may aid in reducing excess belly fat, especially when combined with a balanced diet and overall healthy lifestyle.
Chakra Activation: Lolasana stimulates the Muladhara (root) chakra, which is associated with stability, security, and a sense of being grounded. Additionally, the activation of the Manipura (solar plexus) chakra can enhance self-confidence and motivation.
Shoulder Strength: Regular practice of Lolasana can indeed contribute to developing strong shoulders, which are essential for mastering inversions and deeper arm balances in yoga practice.
- People who are suffering from a neck injury, weak wrist, wrist injury or weak heart should strictly avoid practicing Lolasana.
- Avoid this pose if you have any hernia.
- Ladies who are menstruating or pregnant should avoid Lolasana.
- If you are a beginning yogi and find Lolasana difficult to perform, try starting in Ardha Padmasana (Half Lotus Pose) before raising yourself. In this way, your bottom foot will rest under the top thigh while the top leg is in regular Lotus.
- To try this pose with a licensed yoga practitioner.
- It must avoid deep squats with any knee injury.
Lolasana, also known as Pendant Pose, truly lives up to its name by allowing the body to dangle between the arms, sometimes even swaying gently.
This posture requires balance, core strength, and focus, and it can offer benefits such as strengthening the arms, wrists, and core muscles.