Nose Breathing vs. Mouth Breathing – Which One is Healthier?

mouth breathing vs. nose breat

Throughout the day, take moments to notice whether you’re breathing through your mouth or nose. Conscious awareness can be the first step toward changing your breathing habits. This article discusses the effects of mouth breathing vs. nose breathing and provides tips for changing your breathing habits.

Many of us don’t pay much attention to our breathing patterns, and some may naturally breathe through their mouths rather than their noses, especially earlier in the day. Breathing through the mouth, particularly as a chronic habit, can indeed lead to a range of potential health issues.

If you find that you are primarily a mouth breather and want to shift to nose breathing for its potential health benefits, here are a few tips for changing your breathing habits.

What Are The Differences Between Nose Breathing vs Mouth Breathing? 

Nose breathing and mouth breathing are two distinct ways of inhaling and exhaling air, each with its own set of effects and implications for health and well-being. Here are some differences between nose breathing and mouth breathing:

Nose Breathing

Nasal breathing is the natural and ideal way for our bodies to take in air. Breathing through the nose helps keep the airway open and promotes proper development of the face and jaw.

Filtering: The presence of nasal hair and the structure of the nasal passages help filter out particles, such as dust, allergens, and pollen, preventing them from entering the respiratory system. They potentially cause irritation or harm to the lungs.

Humidification: The nasal passages play a crucial role in humidifying and moisturizing the inhaled air.

Stress Response and Relaxation: Nose breathing stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting relaxation and reducing stress.

Nitric Oxide Production: Nasal breathing allows for the production of nitric oxide, which has various positive effects on cardiovascular health and overall oxygen utilization.

Mouth Breathing

Your mouth serves a variety of important functions, including eating, drinking, speaking, and even breathing.

In certain situations, such as during intense physical activity, small nostrils, or when experiencing nasal congestion, breathing through the mouth can provide a rapid and increased air supply. It can also be important in emergency situations.

While the mouth can be used for breathing, it lacks some of the specialized features that make nasal breathing more optimal.

Breathing through the mouth can lead to several health risks and complications.

  • Dry mouth (Xerostomia)
  • Bad breath (Halitosis)
  • Oral health issues
  • Inhaling unfiltered air
  • Dental and facial development
  • Gum inflammation 
  • Teeth or jaw abnormalities
  • Sleep-disordered
  • Snoring

While nose breathing is generally preferred for its various health benefits, there are situations where mouth breathing is necessary or unavoidable.

Benefits of breathing through the nose

Nasal breathing offers numerous advantages due to the specialized design and functions of the nose.

  • Air filtration
  • Olfactory sensation
  • Increase airflow to arteries, veins, and nerves
  • Optimal oxygen exchange
  • Prevent nasal dryness
  • Improve lung capacity
  • Lower your risk of snoring and sleep apnea
  • Strengthen the diaphragm
  • Aid your immune system
  • body temperature regulation
  • Promoting lung and throat function.

Side Effects of Mouth Breathing While Sleeping

Sleeping with your mouth open, also known as nocturnal mouth breathing, can lead to various dental and health problems.

Here are some of the dental and health issues associated with sleeping with your mouth open:

  • the flow of saliva may decrease, leading to a dry mouth
  • increase the risk of cavities and gum disease
  • increased risk of bad breath (halitosis)
  • reduced saliva flow can lead to gum irritation and inflammation
  • nocturnal mouth breathing associated with sleep-disordered
  • difficulty with swallowing and talking
  • drooling

How Do You Stop Mouth Breathing?

If you’re faced with mouth breathing, there are various techniques and exercises that can help you change your respiratory patterns and promote healthier breathing habits.

Here are some nose breathing techniques, including yogic breathing exercises, that can be beneficial:

Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing)

This yogic breathing technique (Nadi Shodhana or anulom-vilom pranayama) involves alternating the breath between the left and right nostrils. It can help balance the flow of energy and improve overall respiratory function.

Ujjayi Breath

Ujjayi breath, often used in yoga, involves breathing through the nose while slightly constricting the back of the throat. It creates a gentle ocean-like sound and can help promote relaxation and mindfulness.

Diaphragmatic Breathing

Also known as belly breathing, this technique involves inhaling deeply through your nose while allowing your diaphragm to expand. As you exhale, your diaphragm contracts. This type of breathing encourages proper use of the diaphragm and can help improve lung function and reduce stress.

Box Breathing

The Box breathing technique involves inhaling for a specific count, holding the breath, exhaling, and then holding the breath again for the same count. It can help regulate breathing and reduce stress.

4-7-8 Breathing

Inhale through your nose for a count of 4, hold your breath for a count of 7, and exhale through your mouth for a count of 8. 4-7-8 Breathing technique can help promote relaxation and reduce anxiety.

Incorporating these nose breathing techniques into your daily routine can help you retrain your breathing habits.


Both nasal and mouth breathing serves the purpose of delivering oxygen to the lungs, but nose breathing is indeed more efficient and offers a range of health benefits.

Nose breathing is more beneficial than mouth breathing. Breathing through your nose can help filter out dust, allergens, and pollutants, Boosts oxygen uptake, humidify the inhaled air, and have positive effects on cardiovascular health.

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