Yoga For Anterior Pelvic Tilt

Yoga For Anterior Pelvic Tilt

During pregnancy, the pelvic floor muscles support the baby and help with the birth process. These muscles become weak after the birth of the child. Even that area around the genitals tends to become weak and loose with age, so yoga for anterior pelvic tilt must be included in your fitness routine.

Yoga for Anterior Pelvic Tilt not only helps to correct your pelvic tilt misalignment while thoroughly strengthening your pelvic muscles both physically and energetically. Taking care of the pelvic area muscles also helps to improve your sex life and its alignment.

The amazing poses and stretches target the hip flexors and will combat tensor fasciae, lower back muscles, and quadriceps. As well are adjusted to sit in a neutral position rather than tilt the pelvic bones forward.

Yoga refers to strong stretches and lengthening of the glutes, hamstrings, abs, and obliques to bring your pelvis back to a neutral position.

What Causes an Anterior Pelvic Tilt?

Some common causes of pelvic floor muscle weakness and out of alignment are:

  • Pregnancy
  • Delivery – especially the delivery of an oversized baby
  • Prolonged exertion after or during labor
  • As a result of
  • Being overweight
  • Constipation (pressing too hard to empty your bowels)
  • Continuously lifting heavy objects
  • Persistent excessive cough
  • Changes in Hormonal Levels at Menopause
  • Getting old.

Poses Of Yoga For Anterior Pelvic Tilt

Some stretches will help to relieve tension in the hip flexors, TFL, lower back, and the gluteus maximus.

Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

This active pose can increase the energy level of the pelvic floor muscles. Sexual libido can be increased by doing regular exercise.

First of all, stand straight and keep the neck straight in the waist. Now take both your hands above the head and join the fingers together. Now straighten both your hands and strain. Balance your body on your toes or fingers as you lift your audio. During this, tension should arise in your whole body from feet to fingers of hands. Remain in the asana position for 10 seconds. Now exhale and come to the starting position. In this posture, one should stand with the head, waist, heels etc. in a straight line. Keeping the right stretch in the hands and feet is essential in Tadasana. If you do not have balance while doing Tadasana, then you can do this asana with the help of someone.

Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

This is a basic exercise by which you can strengthen your legs, thighs, butt and core.

Lie down on your back and bend your knees keeping your toes on the ground. Keep the hands on the side and raise the waist part upwards while increasing the pressure below. While lifting, keep in mind that your neck and head remain on the ground and the rest of the body is raised. At this time the structure of the body becomes like a bridge. Remain in this position for 5-6 seconds and repeat it three to four times.

Plank Pose (Phalakasana)

This exercise works the glutes, the hamstrings to help bring the pelvis back into neutral.

Lie on the floor on the opposite side and lift your whole body on the elbows and toes of your hands. As given in the above photo. During this, your legs should be completely straight and slightly up towards the waist. The elbows of your hands should be in line with your shoulders. By doing this, there is no extra weight on the shoulder joints. Now voluntarily contract the muscles of your torso. During this, keep your full attention on these muscles only. Hold this position for at least 15 seconds. Then release these muscles and come to a relaxed position.

Uttanpadasana (The Raised Leg Pose)

Doing Uttanpadasana regularly, the blood circulation in the penis increases, due to which the penis becomes full and thick according to its capacity during sex. In addition, it also helps in boosting your stamina.

Lie straight and while inhaling, raise both the legs together, up to 30 degrees. During this, the palms of both your hands should be kept on the ground below. Emphasize on the palms to keep the feet raised. Then bring the feet down.

Child’s Pose (Balasana)

This asana is similar to being in fetal posture. It is a relaxing pose that focuses on the thighs and helps in relieving back pain. It can also provide a deep sense of physical, mental and emotional peace.

To do Balasana, first sit in the position of Vajrasana. Extend both your hands forward and tilt your head down. Keeping your hands on the head, keep straight forward and keep the palms on the ground. Practice Balasana for 15-20 seconds and you can increase its duration after a time.

Perform Pelvic Tilts

Don’t get confused by the name of this exercise. A pelvic tilt exercise helps to correct your pelvic tilt misalignment while strengthening your pelvic muscles.

Lie down straight on the ground with your knees bent. Your arms, upper back, lower back, head, and soles of your feet should all touch the ground. If you are pregnant, a safer option is to lay your back against a wall rather than lying on the ground . Contract your abdominal muscles while pressing your lower back against the ground or wall. Breathe normally, hold this position for about 6 to 10 seconds.

Seat Side Straddle Stretch

This stretch stretches your outer hip muscles, while targeting the glutes.

Sit down with your legs spread apart, keeping your back as straight and tall as possible.
Turn your shoulders (but not your hips) toward one leg and lean toward your hips, bending over the outstretched leg. Make sure both your butt cheeks are on the ground. Hold that position for 30 seconds.
Rest for 30 seconds before stretching on the other side.


Luckily, there are some balancing yoga exercises that target the hip flexors as well helps to correct your pelvic tilt: Lunges, Plank Pose, Warrior Poses, Child’s Pose, Seat Side Straddle Stretch, for example.

Yoga poses can increase the energy level of the pelvic floor muscles. And also strengthen strengthen the gluteus muscles, hamstrings, and quadriceps, among others.

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