Ganesh Mudra: Steps, Benefits & More

Ganesha Mudra

Ganesha Mudra is dedicated to named after the Hindu elephant God Ganesh. To perform this mudra is said to help raise your spirits and offer to provide you with a strong will when you are feeling down. It is a symbol of Dev’s power to deal with obstacles.

Ganesh Mudra

Ganesha is the first holy deity. One of the most popular gods in Hindu mythology, he is believed to help us overcome all obstacles from our path. Ganesha is also known as an obstacle destroyer. In the Ganesha Mudra, when the hands are made by holding the grip of the hands and pulling the hands left-right, up-down, the chest is wide and the lungs expand. This mudra creates confidence to do the difficult work easily.

Usually, the five elements (Panch Tattva) present in the body are considred only with the fingers. hence, hand yoga mudra is more popular. Mudra is a yogic hand gesture, mostly practice in meditation or in pranayama practice to direct the flow of energy within the body by using the hands.

Here we give a detailed explanation about the Prithvi mudra and why it is important, the benefits of Ganesha mudra, and how to do it and its side effects also.

Steps To Do Ganesha Mudra

Ganesha Mudra associates with the heart that performing together with deep breathing and meditation asanas. It is a yogic hand gesture that performs with both hands. 

It can do anytime and anywhere. There are some simple steps that will explain how to do this Ganesha Hasta Mudra.

  • First of all, place a mat or yoga mat on the ground.
  • Sit on it in Sukhasana or Padmasana. Or can also sit on a chair in a relaxed position.
  • Make sure that your spine is straight.
  • With both hands folded from the elbow and take it in front of the chest.
  • Move the right palm towards the chest.
  • Make claws by turning 4 fingers of your left hand and hold them with four fingers of your right hand. As shown in the figure.
  • Take a deep breath, while exhaling, pull both hands away.
  • But keep the fingers in the state of interlock.
  • Feel the discomfort in your shoulders and chest.
  • Maintain the position of this pose in front of the chest.
  • Keep your mind focused on your breathing and posture.
  • Breathe and release about 7 to 10 times while doing this action.
  • Now change the position of the hands with the right palm facing outwards. And keep the left palm inward. As shown in the figure.
  • And repeat the same process 7 to 10 times.
  • Keep them near your chest like this. That your hands are touching your chest.
  • Sitting for as long as possible, focusing on your breath.
  • After the scheduled time of practice, slowly open your eyes.
  • Separate your hands and bring them back to your thighs or knees.
  • Relax and breathe freely.

Benefits of Ganesha Mudra

  • The fourth chakra (the Anahata Chakra) opens the heart chakra. The person feels the symptoms of love, empathy, courage, and openness.
  • This mudra includes all the five elements of your body. Be it air, fire, earth, and water, or metal.
  • Ganesha mudra energizes the body and boosts self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • Also, Ganesh Mudra is considered beneficial in strengthening the heart of people with weak hearts.
  • Ganesh Mudra relieves block tension in the shoulder, which is useful in recovering from depression, alleviating a debilitating heart problem, and removing cholesterol blockage.
  • Activates fluid circulation in the body.
  • This mudra is considered good for the overall health of the immune system.
  • This mudra is best for the heart. This pose stimulates the action of the heart and provides strength to the heart muscle.
  • Practicing Ganesh Mudra helps in increasing the metabolism rate. Which helps in reducing weight.

Time Interval

Of course, all the mudras are very effective when you do them between 4-6 am in the morning, because at this time you can get a silent and calm environment, which is most essential for any mudra and yoga.

If you practice this daily in winter or when the weather changes, then 30 minutes will give you good results. Practicing this mudra in the morning and evening is more fruitful. Prithvi Hasta mudra can be practiced in the morning and evening for 10-12 minutes.

Side Effects

However, all mudras are beneficial to us without any side-effects. But no pressure should be applied on the finger. Pressure means, your mind is restless and not stable. As a result, nothing at all. Perform this mudra freely.


Garuda Mudra is believed to opens the heart chakra. In this mudra, when both hands are clasped at chest level, build strong immunity, and courage, strength, and divine energy.

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