Buddha’s Gesture: Karana Mudra Or Gesture For Warding Off Evil

Karana Mudras

Karana Mudra is one of the Buddha Hasta Yoga Mudra, which is used during yoga and meditation practice. It also has religious and cultural significance as well as reaching spirituality.

Karana Mudra is practiced by pulling the right hand towards the heart to harness inner peace. It is practiced daily in Hindu culture apart from Tibetan Buddhism to gain spiritual, mental, and emotional benefits.

Buddhist mudra is a symbolic sacred hand gesture or “seal”, which focuses on removing obstacles and fear and refers to channeling the flow of vital life force energy. It helps in eradicating evil and other negative influences like anxiety, fear, depression, etc. Hence, Karana Mudra is also known as the “gesture to ward off evil”.

Buddha Hand Karana Mudra

Buddha statues are depicted with many postures. In these different postures, Gautam Buddha is usually seen meditating in Karana Mudra.

In most Buddhist traditions, practicing this simple hand gesture helps ward off evil, negative energies, and mental blockages.

Buddha Hand Karana Mudra In yoga, this gesture is used to eliminate negative prana from the body, mind, and spirit and develop strong energy.

Although Karana Mudra can be used during asana practice and meditation. By adding this house to the chanting of mantras like Ganesh Mantra, the benefits of Karan Mudra can be enhanced.

During meditation, chanting the following mantra and deliberately as the benefits of the energy of the mudra and the power of the mantra are immense.

Inhale: “May obstacles be removed.”
Exhale: “May negative energy be thwarted.”
Elements: Fire & Ether.

How To Practise Karana Mudra

To Practise Karana Mudra, First of all, sit in any comfortable asana and Meditation postures like PadmasanaSiddhasanaSwastikasanaVajrasana, etc. are ideal for the practice of mudras. If not comfortable in a cross-legged posture, sit on a bed or chair. 

Close your eyes and take some deep breaths or practice pranayama breathing exercises with the awareness of the breathing process.

In this mudra, bring your right hand to your chest or heart and outstretch vertically or horizontally with the palm facing forward.

Bend your middle finger and ring finger towards the center of the palm and press these two fingers lightly with the upper end of the thumb. At this time, the middle finger, ring finger, and thumb will be seen touching each other’s tip forming an oval shape.

Keep the index finger and little finger pointing straight up.

With the inhalation, chant the mantra, “I remove all obstacles from my mind, body, and spirit.” When you exhale repeat, “May my negative energy be released into the universe and converted into positive energy.”

In addition, it should be done with both hands simultaneously. Perform this pose for 35 minutes at a stretch every day or for 10 to 12 minutes three times a day.

Karana Mudra Benefits

  1. Karana Mudra helps to get rid of negative energy as well as fills the mind with positivity.
  2. One of the most powerful sacred spiritual rituals or mudras for warding off evil.
  3. This hand gesture prevents negativity from entering your home or body.
  4. This mudra is used in conjunction with pranayama to affect the flow of prana in the body.
  5. Karana Mudra is the mudra which expels evil spirits and removes obstacles like illness and negative thoughts.
  6. It removes the obstacles created by the mind and evokes a sense of fearlessness.
  7. It subtly improves the flow of prana by removing obstacles and fear.


It is formed by raising the index and junior fingers and flexing the other fingers. It is almost similar to the mudra known as the Korana in many western countries, the difference being that the thumb does not hold the middle and ring finger in the Karan mudra.

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