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7 Powerful Yoga Mudras For Healing Health

Mudras are symbolic gestures of yoga that affect the physical, emotional, and spiritual energy of your body. This was a very common practice in the past and was used by spiritual both Hindu and Buddhist. In the modern era, yogis and other meditation practitioners use the yoga mudras for healing.

Mudras are the easiest healing exercises of yoga that you can do anytime, with very little effort.

Principle of Yoga Mudra For Healing The Body

Our body is constructed from the five elements and the Pancha Kosh, which is in the universe, it is in the body. The power to keep the body healthy is in the body itself. Knowing this secret, the sages in Ayurveda told the benefits of Yama, Niyam, Asana, Pranayama, Bandha, and Mudra.

Hand movements create the growth of Pranamaya kosha (physical), Manomaya kosha (mental), Annamaya kosha (intellectual), Vigyanayam Kosh, and Anandamay Kosh. These postures control the five elements of the body – earth, water, fire, air, and sky. The body, mind, and soul live healthy only because of the balance of these elements in the body or the cells are healthy. Due to their imbalance or unhealthy diseases arise in the body and mind. Hand postures can be taken to make them balanced and healthy. (study)

The practice of mudra with yogic breaths stimulates various parts of the body and alerts the flow of life in the body.

In yoga, there are some mudras in the postures that heal the body, which neither requires much exertion nor extra time. It is called “Mudra Therapy” … It is possible to heal the body and mind with various diseases from different types of hand gestures.

The mechanics of mudras

  • Thumb (Fire) – Fire element
  • Index finger (air finger) – Air element
  • Madhyama (middle finger) – Sky element
  • Anamika (Ring Finger) – Water element
  • Kanishka (Little Finger) – Earth element

Yoga Mudras For Healing Health

Use these 7 energizing mudras for healing the body and to increase your overall health.

1. Gyan Mudra

Other Names: “Mudra of Knowledge” or Vayu-Vardhak mudra

Main Objective: Practicing Gyan Mudra regularly increases the attainment of knowledge and helps to focus on attaining true knowledge along with the elimination of negative forces.

Planet: Jupiter

Stimulates: The Gyan Mudra stimulated the root chakra, which reduces tension and sadness.

How To Do Gyan Mudra: To preform this, sit in any meditation posture with eye close and spine erect. Put the both hands on the knees and the index finger of the hand touch with the thumb.

Know More Here:Gyan Mudra: Importance, How to do, Benefits, Side Effect

2. Vayu Mudra

Other Names: Vayu Saamak or the balance of air (panchtatva)

Main Objective: According to Ayurveda, eighty-four types of air inside every human body. Vayu-mudra is practiced to keep the mind focused. this mudra takes care of the air element in the human body.

Planet: Mercury

Stimulates: (Anahatha Chakra) the lungs, opens the airways, tones the large intestine.

How To Do Vayu Mudra: Sit in any comfortable seating posture and place the hands with palm pointing upwards on the thighs. Now fold your index finger and press it with your thumb. Rest of the three fingers should be kept extended.

Know More Here:How to do Vayu Mudra and What are Its benefits?

3. Shunya Mudra

Other Names: Aakaash Shaamak Mudra

Main Objective: It is practiced to reduce the imbalance that arises from the growth of the Akash elements. 


Stimulates: Heaven mudra stimulates the heart chakra.

How To Do Shunya Mudra: Sit in any comfortable seating posture like Sukhasana and Padmasana. place the hands with palm pointing upwards on the thighs. Now fold your middle finger and press it with your thumb. 

Know More Here: How to do Shunya Mudra and What are Its benefits?

4. Prithvi Mudra

Other Names: Prithvi Vardhak Mudra or Agni Shaamak Mudra.

Main Objective: Prithvi mudra is beneficial for healing and promoting spiritual balance in the body. Also reduces fire and disorders of Agni-excess like emaciation, fever, inflammation.

Planet: Uranus

Stimulates: Body Nervous system

How To Do Prithvi Mudra: Sit in Meditation postures like Padmasana, or Vajrasana. Now fold your ring finger and tap the tip of the ring finger to the tip of the thumb. Try to keep rest of the three fingers extended.

Know More Here: How to do Prithvi Mudra and What are Its benefits?

5. Akash Mudra

Other Name: Shuni Mudra or “Aakash-vardhak mudra

Stimulates: the visuddha (throat) chakra.

Main Objective: It removes the health problems caused by the deficiency of the sky element. Also removing negative emotions like anger, sorrow or fear.

Planet: Saturn

How To Do Akash Mudra: Sit down and close your eyes. Now old your middle finger and tap the tip of the middle finger to the tip of the thumb.

Know More Here: How to do Akash Mudra and What are Its benefits?

6. Varun Mudra

Other Name: JalVardhakmudra or Mudra For Water

Main Objective: Varun mudra one of a series of therapeutic mudras thought to have healing properties. 


How To Do Varun Mudra: Sit in any deep breathing and meditation asanas. Close your eyes and take some deep breaths. Now fold your small finger and tap the tip of the small finger to the tip of the thumb.

Know More Here: How to do Varun Mudra and What are Its benefits?

7. Brahma Mudra 

Other Name: “Surya Chandra Mudra” or the gesture of all-pervading consciousness

Main Objective: Its regular practice not only gives you freedom from depression but also diagnoses many mental and physical problems.

Planet: Neptune

Stimulates: All five Elements- Vayu (Air), Agni (Fire), Akasha (Aether), Bhumi (Earth), and Jala (Water)

How To Do Brahma Mudra: First of all, sit in any comfortable seating posture and place the hands with palm pointing upwards on the thighs or the knees. Now fold your thumb and the thumb is placed at the base of the small finger. Then remaining fingers curl over the thumb, putting pressure over the outer thumb and making a gentle fist.

Know More Here: How to do Brahma Mudra And What Are Its Benefits?

Special Instructions

Although most mudras can be done anytime, but if the mudra are practiced by sitting, deep long breaths or with Anulom-Vilom, the benefits are very quick.

Do not usually apply any posture immediately after a meal. But after taking food, you can apply Surya Mudra.

After doing one yoga mudra, you can apply the second yoga mudra immediately, but do not have the opposite mudra.

Of course, All mudra is very effective when you do the mudras between 4-6 AM. To excellent, the best, and efficient results, make sure you practice regularly for two months.

Side Effects

However, all mudras are beneficial to us without any side-effects. Pressure should not be applied on the finger. Pressure means, your mind is restless and not stable. As a result, nothing at all. Perform these yoga mudras for healing freely.


Yoga mudras as a healing approach balance all the five elements- ether, air, fire, earth and water in your body and improve your health.


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