Shanti Mudra (Gesture of Peace): Steps To Do And Benefits

Shanti Mudra

The Shanti Mudra, often associated with the Prana Mudra, holds a revered place in various spiritual practices, especially in yoga and meditation.

It’s a gesture that believed to aid in invoking a sense of inner peace while enhancing the vital energy or prana within the body. By bringing specific fingers together in a particular formation is said to balance the elements within the body, promoting a feeling of harmony and peace.

It’s often used during meditation or mindfulness exercises to help individuals connect with a deeper sense of inner peace and serenity.

Meaning & Significance

The term “Shanti” in Shanti Mudra does not have a specific meaning in English but “Shanti” signifies peace and harmony, emphasizing its ability to invoke a sense of tranquility, calmness, and inner peace. “Mudra,” a term in Sanskrit, refers to symbolic hand gestures used in yoga and meditation.

Shanti mudra (synonymous with Prana Mudra) is thought to bring balance to the mind and body to their inner self, helping to quiet the thoughts and promote a peaceful state of being. It’s a wonderful way to center oneself, grounding, and invite serenity into the present moment.

Steps To Do Shanti Mudra (Gesture of Peace)

Follow these steps to do Shanti mudra meditation:

Sit Comfortably: Find a comfortable seated position such as Padmasana (Lotus Pose), Sukhasana (Easy Pose), or simply sit cross-legged, either on the floor or in a chair, with a straight spine and relaxed shoulders.

Body Posture: Keep your neck and spine straight and rest your palms on your knees with them facing upward.

Fold the Fingers: Gently fold ring and little fingers towards palm. Press down on these two fingers with the thumb, creating a light but firm pressure.

Extend the Other Fingers: Keep your index and middle fingers straight and extended, pointing away from your body.

Posture and Breath: Close your eyes if comfortable and focus on your breath. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly, maintaining a relaxed posture throughout the practice.

Duration: Hold the mudra for several minutes, allowing yourself to relax and focus on your breath or meditation practice.

Release: To release the mudra, gently uncross the fingers and bring the hands back to a relaxed position.


The practice of Shanti mudras is a wonderful way to integrate the body, mind, and spirit for overall well-being.

  • Shanti Mudra known for its potential to promote peace and tranquility. It’s believed to create a balance of elements within the body, aiding in relaxation and calming the mind.
  • The symbolic connection of the fingers in this mudra is thought to help in centering oneself and reducing stress.
  • The joining of the hands in this specific way is thought to create a balance of elements within the body, aiding in focusing the mind and enhancing concentration during meditation.
  • For many practitioners, engaging in mudras, including Shanti Mudra, isn’t just about physical hand gestures but also about tapping into a deeper spiritual awareness.
  • By forming this mudra, individuals aim to balance the elements within their bodies and enhance the circulation of prana. This balanced energy flow is believed to contribute to overall vitality and well-being.


Shanti Mudra is a specific hand formation that involves gently touching the tips of the ring finger and thumb while keeping the other fingers extended. By forming this mudra, it’s said to facilitate a calming effect on both the mind and body, making it beneficial for times when one seeks tranquility and a slower pace.

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