Supta Vajrasana: Meaning, How To Do, & Benefits

Supta vajrasana

Supta Vajrasana is mentioned in the yoga texts such as the Hatha Yoga Pradipika (one of the most recognized books on yoga) and the Gheranda Samhita. The pose is an advanced form of traditional Vajrasana that performed in the supine position.

It can be quite difficult to master in Supta Vajrasana. For this, the practitioner must first master Vajrasana.

In this posture, one has to lie on the back, so this posture is called Supt-Vajrasana. Supt means slept, ie slept in the state of Vajrasana, a type of Vajrasana. To perform the Sapta Vajrasana, practitioner have to do Vajrasana first but the final position looks very different from Vajrasana.

Supta Vajrasana Meaning

The word Supta Vajrasana comes from the Sanskrit root. where the word ‘Supta’ means ‘ Lying Down ’, ‘ Vajra ’ means ‘Thunderbolt’ and ‘Asana’ means ‘Pose’. that’s why it’s known as Reclined Thunderbolt Pose in English.

The pose is also known by its English name; sleeping thunderbolt pose, or supine thunderbolt pose.

It is an advanced type of asana, involves deep stretching, reclining, inversion, and strength. And helps in the expansion of the chest, stretching of the spine, hips, and legs, and symbolize the purification and transformation of the practitioner’s body, mind, and spirit.

It is also said that by performing this asana for an extended period of time, the Svadisthana Chakra becomes active and a good way to alleviating the menstrual pain and minimizing pregnancy complications.

Practice Guide to Perform Supta Vajrasana (Reclined Thunderbolt Pose)

The guide begins with an introduction to the pose, highlighting its significance in yoga practice and its potential benefits for the body and mind.

Preparatory Poses

How to do Supta Vajrasana

Start in Vajrasana: Kneel on the floor, sitting back on your heels, with your big toes touching and heels slightly apart, and buttocks rest on the heals. Keep your spine straight.

Further Action: Keep both your hands on your knees and prepare your body for further action, keep your breath normal.

Lowering to Recline: Move both hands backward and place the elbow on the ground. Tilt the body backward, and transfer the weight of your body to the elbow of the hands and then all the way down, resting your back on the floor. Your head should be placed on the ground, and your arms can rest by your sides.

Adjustment for Comfort: Ensure your knees are close together and your arms are relaxed. If needed, place a bolster or folded blanket under your back for support.

Hold the Pose: Stay in this pose for 30 seconds to a few minutes, breathing deeply and comfortably.

Release: To come out of the pose, engage your core muscles, lift your torso, and gently sit back up into Vajrasana.

Follow up Poses

Precautions & Contraindications

  • Avoid this asana in case you suffer from a knee problem, or you had gone surgery in the knees recently.
  • if you’re pregnant, consult a yoga instructor or professional before attempting this pose.
  • In case you have spinal column ailments especially on the lower vertebrae, you should avoid this pose.
  • Not only slipped disc patients but also in case of sciatica, osteoporosis, vertigo, and other spinal issues should, avoid performing this asana.
  • Always perform reclined thunderbolt pose on empty stomach.
  • If you’re a beginner, start with shorter durations and gradually extend the time you spend in the pose as your body becomes more comfortable.
  • Use props like blankets or bolsters for support and comfort, especially if you experience discomfort in your back or knees.

Benefits of Supta Vajrasana

Svadisthana Chakra: By regular practice of Reclined Thunderbolt Pose actives the Svadisthana Chakra, which is the second chakra. It helps to connect with knowledge and improves perception. 

Relieves Lower Back Pain: It can help in relieving tension in the lower back and may offer relief from mild backaches.

Increases the Flexibility: Regular practice of this asana increases the flexibility of the spine and hips and stretches the thigh muscles. as well as strengthens the lungs.

Therapeutic for Reproductive Organs: Performing Supta Vajrasana also causes strain on the nerves of your genitalia. This asana helps in reducing the disorder of reproductive organs of both males and females.

Stretches the Quadriceps and Thighs: This pose stretches and opens up the front of the thighs, enhancing flexibility in the quadriceps.

Improves Digestion: Regular practice of Supta Vajrasana can aid digestion, relieve gas, and alleviate digestive issues.

Activates vajra nadi: Practices like Supta Vajrasana (Reclined Thunderbolt Pose) are thought to stimulate and activate this particular nadi, helping in the regulation and channeling of sexual energy towards spiritual growth and higher consciousness.

Therapeutic for Respiratory Issues: It may help improve respiratory conditions by expanding the chest and promoting better breathing.

Strengthens Core Muscles: Engaging the core muscles while holding the pose helps in strengthening the abdominal area.


Supta Vajrasana is an advanced yoga asana that combines elements of deep stretching, reclining, inversion, and strength. Its name translates to “Reclined Thunderbolt Pose.” The pose involves sitting on the heels in Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose) and reclining backward until the back is on the floor. This asana provides various benefits, including the expansion of the chest, stretching of the spine, hips, and legs.

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