Yoga For Triceps Stretch To Loosen Up Your Arms

Yoga For Triceps Stretch

Practicing yoga for triceps stretch helps you support your entire body during difficult arm balances and get strong, slender arms. So, it comes as no surprise that you can tone your tricep with the help of a series of yoga poses.

Tricep stretch yoga is a simple arm stretching that targets flexibility and mobility in the triceps, the muscles located at the back of your upper arms.

There are several yoga poses that can help stretch and strengthen the triceps. Let’s talk about them.

Yoga For Triceps Stretch

If you have tight triceps, you may want to incorporate some specific stretches into your yoga routine to help improve your flexibility and mobility. Here are a few yoga for triceps stretches that can be helpful to loosen your tight muscles.

Downward-facing dog

Downward-facing dog pose stretches the entire back of the body, including the triceps. Regularly performing this pose will strengthen your triceps and shoulders and will help you lose arm fat also.

Steps to do:

  • Lie down on your stomach on the floor.
  • After this, while breathing, raise your body on the hands and feet.
  • Now while exhaling slowly raise your buttocks up.
  • During this, make your elbows and knees hard.
  • Now bring your body in the shape of the English letter V.
  • During this, keep your buttocks, shoulders, and hands straight.
  • Now slowly try to stretch your neck while pressing your hands down on the ground.
  • Focus your gaze on your navel.
  • Stay in this final step for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Triangle pose

The triangle pose stretches the entire body, including the triceps.

Steps to do:

  • Stand with your feet about three feet apart.
  • Then turn your right foot out 90 degrees and your left foot in slightly.
  • Reach your right arm out over your right leg and lower your hand to your shin, ankle, or the ground.
  • Reach your left arm up toward the ceiling, keeping your gaze up toward your left hand.

Plank Pose

A Plank allows you to enhance triceps strength and endurance. This is one of the best yoga for triceps stretches that work the triceps and the core, as well as stretching your shoulder.

Steps to do:

  • First of all, spread the yoga mat on the ground and then come into the position of Uttanasana.
  • Take your left leg back and in the same way, take your right leg back.
  • Now straighten the hands kept on the ground and spread the fingers of the hands completely.
  • Note that the entire weight of your body should be on your toes.
  • Do not bend your knees while doing this asana.

Dolphin Pose

The Dolphin pose is similar to a downward-facing dog, but with your forearms on the ground instead of your hands. A great alternative to Downward Dog poses, stretches out the shoulders, arms, upper body, and legs.

Steps to do:

  • Begin on all fours by bending your elbows and placing your forearms on the mat.
  • You can feel the support in your upper body and core as you curl your toes down and lift your legs until they are straight.
  • Keep the spine straight.
  • The toes should be pointed forward.
  • The feet should be hip-width apart.
  • Press the heels into the floor to feel the stretch in the back of the legs.
  • To keep the back flat, try to keep the legs straight or gently bend the knees.
  • Stay here for 5 to 7 breaths.

Side Plank Pose

The side plank is an excellent exercise for triceps stretch that strengthens your core without stressing your back and strengthens the muscles in your shoulders, hips, and sides of your core.

Steps to do:

  • First of all, sit on the yoga mat in the posture of Dandasana and place the palm of your right hand on the ground.
  • After this, slowly put all the weight of your body on the right palm and right leg.
  • Then place your left foot on the right foot and keep your left arm straight above you. Now focus your attention on the fingers of the left hand.
  • After remaining in this posture for some time, gradually become normal.

Upward Plank Pose

Upward Plank Pose is an intermediate back-bending yoga pose that builds strength, flexibility, and mobility in the triceps. This pose Stretches the front of the shoulders and chest and strengthens the arms, core, legs, and back.

Steps to do:

  • Sit straight and stretch both legs forward.
  • After this, with the help of your hands, lift your body in such a way that it becomes oblique.
  • Sit back after staying in this position for 30 seconds.
  • With this asana, you can increase the strength of your hands, feet, and palms.

Remember to breathe deeply and avoid any pain or discomfort during the stretches. Gradually increase the intensity and duration of the stretches over time as your flexibility improves.


Overall, incorporating yoga into your fitness routine can help improve your overall strength, flexibility, and mobility, including in your triceps muscles. Regularly practice these positions and movements that involve elbow or shoulder extension, to increase triceps strength.

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