Amazing Benefits of Chandra Bhedana (Left Nostril Breathing) Pranayama
“Chandra” refers to the moon, “Bhedana” means passing or piercing. Thus, Chandra Bedhana is known as the moon-piercing breath.
In Chandra Bhedana Pranayama, the left nostril is used for inhalation and the right nostril is used for exhalation. It is said that on inhalation, energy passes through Ida (Chandra) Nadi and exhalation through Pingala or Surya Nadi. These are larger Nadis that hold the balance of energy created by the sun and the moon and the magnetism. And they travel from the base of the spine to the point between the eyebrows.
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In other words, Chandra Bhedi (or Bhedana) is just the opposite of Surya Bhedi and activates the Ida Nadi that is associated with the cooling aspect and the parasympathetic nervous system.
Benefits of Chandra Bhedana Breath Technique (Left Nostril Breathing)
Relieves mental tension- Its regular practice relieves mental tension and calms the mind. Stress is a disorder characterized by mood.
Activates Chandra or Ida Nadi – By this, the Chandra Nadi becomes active. Coldness is transmitted to the entire umbilical cord of the body.
Relieves in Pitta Disease – By doing this pranayama, there is great benefit in pitta disease. Pitta is a type of digestive juice.
Balance High Blood Pressure- People who have high blood pressure problems should do this pranayama regularly. It helps in controlling blood pressure.
- Chandra Bhedi Pranayam reduces body heat.
- it is Useful in heart-burning problems.
- Very effective in high blood pressure.
- Useful in fever.
- The mind becomes steady by the daily practice of this Pranayam.
- Helps in reducing tension, stress, and other mental problems.
- Reduces the flow of gall.
- In last, The benefits of this pranayama are quite opposite to the benefits of Suryabhedi pranayama.
Precautions Chandra Bhedana (Left Nostril Breathing) Pranayama:
- This pranayama should not practice during winters.
- People suffering from heart disease, low blood pressure, or epilepsy should avoid this pranayama.
- In the initial stage, don’t hold the breath.
- Most importantly perform Pranayam with an empty stomach.
- Make sure that you practice Chandra Bhedana pranayama 4-5 hours after having your food.
- In addition, the Inhalation and exhalation ratio of 1:2.
- If you feel a little bit of discomfort, you can reduce the ratio of breathing.
- Don’t perform Chandra Bhedana and Surya bhedana Pranayam on the same day.
- Moreover, It should not be performed if you are suffering from any kind of cold, it increases the cooling in your body.
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How to Start Chandra Bhedana (Left Nostril Breathing) Pranayama:
1. First of all, Sit in a comfortable pose. We advise you to sit with your backbone straight and make sure you fill breath in lungs.
2. In Chandra Bhedana (Left Nostril Breathing) pranayama, inhalation is done only through left nostril and exhalation is done only through the right nostril. The thumb is used to close the right nostril and the ring finger is used to close the left nostril.
3. Now, Choose a level of exercise, you can easily keep up with and breathe comfortably.
Set your value for inhaling, exhale and hold. A ratio of Inhale, Hold and Exhale is 1:4:2. The ratio 1:4:2 is describe in most classic yoga texts.
inhale = x secexhale = 2inhale = 2x sec
hold = 2exhale = 4x sec
Pranayama beginners should start with the ratio of 1:1 for inhaling and exhale. For instance, if you inhale through one nostril for 4 seconds, then the exhalation from the other nostril should also be for 4 seconds.
As you progress, the ratio for inhaling and exhaling can be changed or increase to 1:2, which means if inhalation is 4 seconds, then exhalation is 8 seconds.
4. Close Your Eyes.
How Does It Work?
Press ‘Start’ to begin:
1. Close the right nostril, using your right thumb and start breathing in. Try to use full seconds.
2. Hold both nostrils, using your thumb and ring finger. Hold your breath as fell comfortable.
3. After this, Open your right nostril and breath out slowly and steadily.
4. Finally, Repeat from Step 1.
Surya Bhedana and Chandra Bhedana Pranayama
Both, Surya bhedana or Chandra bhedana are the basic breathing exercises, that is mentioned in Hatha Yoga.
While Left Nostril Yoga breathing or Chandra Bhedana, which is done by inhaling from the left nostril and subsequent exhalation from the right nostril, the dominance to Ida – that representative of parasympathetic activation. The Right Nostril Yoga breathing or Surya Bhedana, which is done by inhaling from the right nostril and subsequent exhalation from the left nostril, the dominance to Pingla- representative of sympathetic activation.
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