How to remove Head Lice: Home Remedies For Hair Lice

People who claim home remedies for hair lice rely on some method to suffocate lice, but scientists have often found that these remedies may not meet effective and safe standards.
It is important that when dealing with lice, speak to a doctor, review the evidence, and assess the risks.
How do get rid of head lice?
Lice is not a sign of any disease, but it is easy to grow in people with dandruff problems and in oily skin. Due to not cleaning the hair, dirt and stickiness lead to lice in the hair. Apart from this, a person suffering from lice has lice from sitting or sleeping. But to get rid of this problem, it is better to adopt home remedies for lice, it does not harm the hair and also remove lice.
In order to avoid lice and nits, you should take care of some things such as take special care of physical cleanliness and hair hygiene. One should bathe daily and wear clean clothes. Lice can occur on clothes due to excessive sweating and dirty clothes. Along with this, one should not sit and sleep near a person suffering from lice and should not use their clothes or towel.
Home Remedies For Hair Lice
Many people believe that home remedies can works probably preferable to putting harsh chemicals on your child’s head.
Comb the hair from top to bottom with a fine-toothed comb in wet hair, doing this twice a day will gradually remove the lice. While this method can be effective in hair lice removal home remedies, it is also time consuming.
If you give it a try, give enough time and patience to complete it.
Vinegar is easily available in every home. Being a natural product, it does not harm the hair and is also effective in getting rid of lice and their eggs. It is known for its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. It is used for various home hacks and to solve certain hair problems such as infections and dandruff. Vinegar helps to eliminate the substance in the hair that the lice leave to attach the eggs to the hair.
Wearing a shower cap with vinegar applied to the hair every day for a week, they cannot breathe for hours and die. Then, for the next two weeks, comb every night to see if the lice are gone.
Alcohol mouthwash
Alcohol is found in mouthwash which is very helpful in removing lice. The mouthwash found in the market contains 25% alcohol, which suffocates the lice and they die. In such a situation, take the mouthwash in a small bowl and apply it on the scalp with the help of cotton. After applying, cover your hair with a cloth and leave it for about 2 hours. After 2 hours wash your hair with shampoo and when lightly dry, remove the dead lice with the help of a comb.
Onion juice
Applying onion juice can prove beneficial to remove hair lice. In a research, it has been told that onion juice has antimicrobial properties, which can prove to be helpful in killing lice. Onion juice can be applied in the hair as follows:
- Take two to three onions and grind them in a mixer to extract its juice.
- Now add a teaspoon of turmeric to it and mix well.
- Then apply this paste well on your scalp and leave it for 20 minutes.
- After the time is over, wash the hair with shampoo.
Neem leaves Or neem oil
Neem and neem oil is a powerful home remedy in itself for head lice. It has anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties, which is effective for getting rid of lice. Neem contains azadirachtin, an insecticide that prevents the formation of head lice.(study)
Boil a cup of neem leaves. When it boils well, make a paste by mixing its juice and leaves. Ater that apply it on scalp and leave it 30 minues.
Baking soda
Baking soda can also be considered effective for eliminating lice. Actually, baking soda has an acidic effect. Its acidic property can kill lice. So baking soda can be used in the following ways:
Add baking soda to your conditioner and apply it to your hair.
After 5 to 7 minutes, comb the hair with a thin comb.
Finally wash the hair with shampoo.
Tea tree oil
Lice can also be destroyed by using oils made from natural plants. For example, tea tree oil. Apply it on the hair and leave it for 7-8 hours, then wash the hair and comb it.
Essential oils for lice treatment
Several essential oils have been shown to be effective in eliminating head lice. In fact, some toxic essential oil can be used as a preventive treatment.
Always dilute them with a carrier oil before using an essential oil and make a pactch test. Use essential oil with caution, as some people may have an allergic reaction to it.
Oils made from natural herbs that have shown effectiveness are: Lice killers include Shikakai, Amla, Eucalyptus oil, Mehndi, Neem, Karanja, Clove oil, Red oregano oil, Annona squamosa, etc. They are known for their insecticidal properties.
Helps get rid of lice and nits: ‘Lycel’ from Susanyl, the age old herbal oil based time solution gets rid of lice and nits, improves hair texture. ‘Lycel’ spreads evenly across the hair when applied and does away with the need for rough combing and nitpickers tugging on the hair.
The essential oils are proven and tested lice killing formula that effectively kills lice and nits.
Avoid Head-to-Head Contact
With head-to-head contact, there is an easy transfer of lice from one head to another. People with long hair are suggested to tie a ponytail. Avoid sharing combs, hats.
Usually, there are no side effects when you use natural home remedies for lice. However, some people may be allergic to essential oils. Before using this remedy, apply a few drops of essential oil on your skin and observe, if any itching or reaction occurs, stop using this remedy and contact your doctor.
These home remedies are efficient and can help you get rid of lice infestation. However, lice are very easily transmitted from person to person, and therefore, the condition can recur. Whenever this problem recurs, you can continue using these home remedies to treat lice.