Yoga for Better Sleep: 7 Poses Try
Sufficient and good sleep is very important to keep the body healthy. This not only brings comfort to the body but also rejuvenates it. The absence of sleep affects your mental and physical health, which has to bear the brunt of your social and family life. You can resort to yoga and meditation to overcome this sleep problem. Not only is yoga proven to help you get better and better sleep, but there are also some yoga poses for better sleep that is particularly known to inspire physical health and improve the quality of your sleep.
Yoga can improve the quality of your sleep?
Yes, yoga can be very helpful for improving the quality of your sleep. It is very important to know that yoga is not just a physical practice, it is the path of deep emotional integration and spiritual progress. Yoga postures enable us to maintain parity in life. In each posture, do a little more than what we can do easily, and then rest in it, that is the key to yoga practice. These postures develop our minds when the body is taken beyond its acceptable limits. It has been found in many research that when you are doing yoga, you connect with every part of the body through your breath.
Sleep problems arise due to many reasons not once. Working for long hours, stress, lack of proper diet or some mental illnesses also affect sleep. Getting enough sleep plays a big part.
Yoga helps us in the reaction of relaxation, which we call stress response. Yoga is a combination of various asanas, breathing techniques and meditation. (study) Regular practice of yoga shows relief from anxiety, decreased blood pressure, delayed functional decline, decreased sleep disturbances, and improved serum lipid profile.
1) Vajrasana
Vajra means thunderbolt or diamond, and Asana means pose. This pose is also known as the Admintine pose.
- To do Vajrasana Yoga, place the yoga mat on a clean flat area.
- Then, sit on your knees and spread the toes behind, put one toe on the other.
- In this posture, your knees should be close together but the ankles should be different.
- Your hip should be in the middle of both paws and the heels are towards the hips.
- Now place your palms on the knees.
- Practice Vajrasana according to your ability.
- Later, it will return to normal.
- To perform Vajrasana, take the first 5 minutes after meals and then do it.
Vajrasana reduces stress and peace of mind. It helps in reducing body weight. Vajrasana keeps your digestion well and eliminates constipation. It is one of the best asanas for meditation.
People who have any kind of problem with their knees should not do this asana. The practice of Vajrasana is also forbidden for patients of piles.
2) Ustrasana (Camel Pose)
The Ustrasana is considered an intermediate level and sitting pose. it’s deep backward banding, stretch asana. its qualities are worth praise and it works quietly but brilliantly.
- To do Uttrasana, first of all, sit on your knees by laying your yoga mat on the floor.
- Now stand up straight on your knees and keep your calves on the floor.
- In this position, your knees should be parallel to the shoulders and the soles of the feet should be towards the sky.
- Place both hands on the hips.
- Take the breath in and bow a little back from the waist.
- After this, move your left hand backward and place it on the heel of the left foot. Then move your right hand also backward and place it on the heel of the right foot.
- The fingers should be towards the toes. By doing this, your arms will turn outward and your shoulders will shrink slightly.
- Bend your neck backward and never have to strain your neck.
- You stay in this pose for 30 to 60 seconds.
- Do not get jerked off. Get up rather slowly. First, bring your hands in front of the pelvis. Then inhale slowly and relax.
The benefits of Ustrasana overcome many types of digestive problems. The thyroid and parathyroid glands stimulate the glands, make the spine more flexible, and also help improve your body.
3) Balasana (Child Pose)
Balasana is the seat of simple difficulty or basic level. It is considered the seat of the style of configuration yoga. Balasana is, in effect, a posture of relaxation by yogis while doing yoga.
- First of all, sit on your knees on the ground or yoga mats. And take a breath.
- Keep both knees of your feet sticking to each other or at a short distance from each other.
- Draw a deep breath and lean forward. Move the stomach between the two thighs and exhale.
- Keep your hands up and palms up. Relax your elbows completely.
- Now, bring your hands backward, touching your thighs and head from the ground. Both hands will remain in the knees. Try to touch both shoulders from the floor.
- After coming in this posture, slowly bring your chest by pressing towards the thighs.
- Remain in this posture for 45 seconds to 1 minute and keep breathing slowly.
Balasan relieves workout or workout fatigue. Along with this, it also helps to increase digestion while massaging and toning the abdominal organs. Balasana helps in breathing properly and calms the mind.
Pregnant women should not do this asana, otherwise, they can be very troublesome. You should not do Balasana if you have a complaint of joint pain or you are a patient of high blood pressure.
4) Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
When Suryanamaskar is performed, the serial number of this asana comes at number eight in it. The Bhujangasana works on four of the important chakras, namely, the Anahata Chakra, the Visuddhi Chakra, the Svadhisthana Chakra, and Manipura Chakra.
- To do a Cobra Yoga pose, first lie down on your stomach.
- After this, keep the palm in line with the shoulder.
- There should be no distance between your two legs, and feet should be taut.
- Then breathe in and lift the front of the body upwards.
- At this time, one thing should be kept in mind that there should not be much stretch on the waist.
- A few seconds remained in this state.
- Then exhale deeply and return to a normal state.
- Do this two to three times in the initial phase and gradually increase the time to do it.
It is a complete deep backbend that makes your spine more flexible and stronger. People whose stomach is forward and protruding, they get benefit by doing this asana, it reduces belly fat. With regular practice, problems related to the waist, such as pain in the waist, etc. are removed
5) Titli Asana Butterfly Pose
The butterfly pose is a wonderful seated posture another name for Baddha Konasana is the Bound Angle Pose. And sometimes called Throne or Cobblers pose as it resembles the sitting position of a cobbler during work.
- First of all, sit with the legs spread out in front of the mat.
- Try to bring the legs as close to the pelvis as possible while bending your knees.
- Keep in mind that the soles of both feet should be connected to each other during this time.
- Hold the feet tightly with your hands.
- Keep in mind that the hands should be straight and the body should be completely straight.
- Now take long breaths, move your thighs down towards the floor, and slowly start moving it up and down both legs like butterfly wings. And gradually increase the speed.
- After a while, return to normal posture while exhaling.
- After this, straighten your legs slowly and leave the body loose for some time.
Continuing during pregnancy makes delivery easier. It also improves blood circulation, detoxifies the body, strengthens the muscles, enhances the release of happy hormones, and helps in a smooth, safe, and healthy life. It is also beneficial for the urinary system.
Do not move your feet too hard while doing this asana. Do as much as you can. By practice, your feet will slowly turn.
6) Setu Bandasana (Bridge Pose)
Bridge Pose is an important supine yoga pose which is helpful in the treatment of thyroid, back pain, neck pain, problems related to the nervous system, and many more
- First, lie on your back.
- After this, bend or bend your knees and pull both your legs towards the hip.
- Now keep a little gap between the two legs and hold the ankles of the feet with your hands. Note that your feet should be parallel to each other.
- If you are unable to catch the ankles of the feet, then interlock both palms together. The palms should touch the ground.
- Now try to get up towards the ceiling with your back, hip, and thighs. Here, lift the waist as much as possible and leave the head and shoulders on the ground.
- Note that your chin touches your chest.
- After reaching the final position, keep the breath speed normal, hold it for some time.
- While returning, first bring your back to the ground, then bring the upper part of the waist and finally the waist on the ground.
By doing Sethu Bandhan, the muscles of the back are flexible and strong. And the person’s brain remains calm and anxiety goes away. It is very helpful in relieving pain during menstruation in women. Apart from this, this asana is also very important in curing diseases like asthma, insomnia, and osteoporosis.
Pregnant women can do Sethu Bandhasana but they should do this asana under the supervision of Yoga expert. This asana should be done when your bowels and stomach are completely empty.
7) Yoga Nidra
Take Yoga Nidra and stay fresh throughout the day. Yoga Nidra means spiritual sleep. This is the sleep in which to sleep while awake. Yoga sleep is the condition between sleeping and waking up.
- Place a yoga mat on the clean area by laying a carriage on it. lie down on the yoga mat in the position of Savasana. Both feet are approximately one foot on the ground. The palm should be five to six inches from the waist and keep the eyes closed.
- After this, completely relax the entire body from head to toe and stay relaxed, removing tension from the mind and brain. During this, continue to breathe in and out.
- Completely relax the entire body from head to toe and stop all thoughts coming to your mind and don’t think about anything.
- Now move your mind or meditation to different parts of the body.
- After that, take your attention to the paws of the right foot and after some time, slowly move your focus upwards i.e. on the knees, then on the thigh. After this do the same procedure on the left leg. And doing it on both feet
- In last, Move your attention to the middle part and start from the genitalia and move it through your navel, throat to your brain.
- Mind it, Breathe in via your nostrils while gradually filling up your lungs with air and then exhale through your mouth.
- Move on to gently moving your fingers for just a few moments and then take a deep breath, followed by opening your eyes.
- Do not get up instantly.
It can help us reduce stress. Yoga Nidra helps to relax the mind and body and stimulates good sleep. It is also helpful in strengthening the immune system. Yoga Nidra provides great benefits in blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, headache, stomach wounds, asthma, neck pain, back pain, knees, joint pain, sciatica, and perinatal pain.
Yes, yoga can be very helpful for improving the quality of your sleep. Here are some yoga poses and practices that can help:
- Child’s Pose (Balasana): This pose helps to calm the mind and relieve stress, making it a great pose to do before bedtime.
- Forward Bend (Uttanasana): This pose helps to calm the mind and reduce anxiety, making it a great pose to do before bedtime.
- Legs Up the Wall (Viparita Karani): This pose helps to calm the mind and reduce anxiety, making it a great pose to do before bedtime.
- Reclining Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana): This pose helps to open up the hips and release tension in the lower back, making it a great pose to do before bedtime.
- Corpse Pose (Savasana): This pose helps to relax the entire body and calm the mind, making it a great pose to do before bedtime.
In addition to these poses, there are also several breathing techniques (pranayama) that can be helpful for improving sleep. One of the most effective techniques is called the 4-7-8 breath, which involves inhaling for 4 counts, holding the breath for 7 counts, and exhaling for 8 counts.
Yoga is great for improving sleep, especially among those who suffer from insomnia. Some yoga poses will be very useful for such people. These are the poses that will definitely take you to sleep better. Yoga and meditation are things that not only make a person feel better but also bring them into the relaxing mode and that is why one also gets better sleep. So let’s know yoga poses for insomnia, which will help in getting a good night’s sleep.