Ananda yoga schedule to prepare the body for meditation

Ananda yoga

What do you think about, “What is Ananda Yoga?” Maybe a short and general thought but there really isn’t a quick, definitive understand.

In this article, we highlight What is the Ananda Yoga Practice Like? India yoga Ananda, Ananda Poses & Benefits.

What is Ananda Yoga?

Ananda yoga is a type of yoga style developed by Paramahansa Yogananda direct disciple Swami Kriyananda, a popular branch of the yoga practice Hatha Yoga. It focuses on asanas, pranayama, meditation techniques, and applied yoga philosophy in conjunction with the asanas branch of yoga practice.

Ananda Yoga is not just about the physicality of doing poses, rather, the goal of Ananda Yoga is to experience Ananda (divine bliss) and harmonize body, mind, and spirit i.e. bring yoga back to its original spiritual essence.

The yoga asanas used in the Ananda Yoga sequence attempt to level up the spiritual qualities of the asanas by strengthening the natural effects of the various hatha yoga postures. Along with this, the real purpose of yoga is to bring higher awareness, which makes the practice magnetic and uplifting.

Ananda Yoga Meaning

‘Ananda Yoga’ is a Sanskrit word. Where Ananda means the enjoyment of one’s own higher self. Bliss can only be achieved through inner awareness and peace.

This style of yoga is specifically based on Kriya Yoga teachings, which emphasize stimulating the Anandamaya Kosha. Ananda yoga uses asanas and pranayama to awaken, experience, and regulate the subtle energies within oneself, especially the chakras.

What Makes Ananda Yoga Unique?

With its traditional techniques and unique asanas, Ananda Yoga claims to be the most highly regarded yoga system that takes you to the spiritual essence.

Energization Exercises

The energization exercises are a series of 39 special energy-control techniques introduced by Yogananda. Yogananda’s breath movements help to enhance, focus and control vitality through this series of synchronized exercises.


Each yoga pose is associated with its own affirmation. The affirmation guides how you feel towards a specific pose. The affirmations are designed to life-force the spiritual and life force of the pose.

Ananda Yoga Schedule

The sequence used in the practice of Ananda Yoga is sequenced to bring energy inward and upward. The sequence begins with standing postures to stimulate the spine, vitality. Then come a variety of floor poses, which end with stretching, opening, and stretching the spine. The next inclusion in the sequence is followed by an inverted pose, which moves the energy awakened by “micro-gravity” toward the chest, throat, and brain. Deep relaxation in Shavasana helps to bring out the senses (pratyahara) from the inside out. Finally, meditation, which provides aesthetic perfection to the spiritual nature and stimulates the Anandamaya Kosha.

Ananda Yoga includes:

There are four important aspects of Ananda Yoga:-

Yoga Asanas: Asanas for beginners are quite simple and easy to do. However, the challenges increase with experience. Some of the popular asanas include Tadasana, Padmasana (Lotus Pose), Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose), Salamba Bhujangasana, Balasana (Child’s Pose), Vrikshasana (Tree Pose) etc.

Pranayama: It is basically the expansion of ‘prana’ or breath, which along with breathing techniques transmit energy. The main purpose of practicing pranayama is to expel the breath or life force.

Yogic Meditation Techniques: With these supreme meditation techniques, people can experience their soul and the true form of God. One can attain freedom from all kinds of burdens.

Applied Yoga philosophy: This philosophy helps us to know about ourselves, get acquainted with the outside world, and live life according to circumstances by using the teachings of Yoga.

Ananda Yoga Poses

1. Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

The Mountain pose is one of the best poses to stabilize the flow of energy in the spine and build muscle engagement. In this pose, first, Stand facing the sun and stand in a careful posture. After this, move both hands up while waving in the air, and join them together. Then bring both the hands together and bring them on your brain. Tadasana works effectively to increase your blood flow and body length and stretch the body from legs to arms.

2. Warrior Pose (Virabhadrasana)

In Virabhadrasana-1 or Warrior Pose-1, both the arms are stretched by raising them over the head. While the stretch coming from the head goes to the chest and diaphragm. In this posture, the diaphragm has to be kept stable. Due to the expansion of the hands and the deep stretch on the chest, the muscles of the diaphragm start contracting. This mudra draws in more cosmic energy, increases stamina, and regulates nervous functions.

3. Thunderbolt Pose (Vajrasana)

Now you change from standing pose to floor pose. For Vajrasana you have to get into the focused and steady easy of floor pose. To do Vajrasana, bend both your legs backward and sit on your knees. Keep the waist, back, and shoulders straight. Keeping the neck straight, keep the face towards the front. Keep both hands on the knees in Gyan mudra. This will help the energy flow to develop your inner strength.

4. Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)

The back muscles are flexible and strong. It creates a stretch in the muscle and recharges it with vital energies. It helps in providing relief from muscle tension. While doing the bridge pose, it is important to keep your knees hip-width apart.

5. Corpse Pose (Shavasana)

Shava means dead, that is, because of making your body like a dead body, this posture is called Savasana. This asana is often used to end a yoga session. It is a relaxing posture and invigorates the body, mind, and spirit. A complete yoga sequence begins with activity and ends with relaxation. This is the state when your body gets complete relaxation. With the practice of asanas, your body is again filled with energy. This is the best posture to finish the sequence of complete yoga practice, mainly through this yoga, its goal is to unite the mind, body, and soul by increasing the consciousness.


‘Ananda Yoga’ is completely based on Kriya Yoga teachings. This Yoga emphasizes inner awareness. Ananda Yoga was founded by Kriyananda from the oldest hatha yoga system in the West. This style of yoga introduces you to the process of attaining eternal peace through physical, mental, and spiritual discipline.

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