Ardha Mandalasana (Half Circle Pose): Basics, Steps, Benefits & More
Ardha Mandalasana Yoga Pose is considered a Intermediate-level ground posture, it encourages the body to open up effectively for spiritual purposes. This asana helps to open up your chest and lower ribs stimulate the immune system and helps with deep breathing.
Ardha Mandalasana Basics
Sanskrit Pronunciation | Ardha Mandalasana ( ard-hah Man-d-al-ah-sah-nah ) |
Meaning | ardha stands for half, mandala means circle, Asana mean pose |
Pose Type | Standing/backbend side stretch |
Pose Level | Intermediate-level |
Style of yoga | Hatha, Hot, Teens yoga |
Other Names | Half circle pose |
Stretches | Triceps-biceps, Gluteus maximus, thighs, levator scapulae |
Strengthening | Lower back, chest, shoulder |
Duration | 30 second to 2 minutes |
Ardha Mandalasana is a simple side stretching yoga pose in which the legs, torso, and arms form a semi-circular shape. The Sanskrit word Ardha Mandalasana, where Ardha means half, Mandala refers to intricate concentric circles and other geometric designs, and Asana means pose. The mandala also symbolizes the circular shape in Mandalasana. Creating half the universe with body gestures encourages Ardha Mandalasana yoga posture.
A Half circle pose can refer to any position in the human body where one leg is bent forward with the knee bent and the foot flat on the ground while the other leg is extended to the side. It is used by athletes in cross-training for sports, by weight-trainers as a fitness exercise, and by practitioners of yoga as part of an asana regimen.
Practice Guide For Prasarita Padottanasana
Ardha Mandalasana involves a sequence of movements that challenge the practitioner’s balance, flexibility, and focus. To facilitate a step-by-step approach, the pose is divided into key components, allowing practitioners to grasp each element before attempting the full pose.
Preparatory Pose
Step to Do Ardha Mandalasana (Half Circle Pose)
- First of all, stand on your knees on a yoga mat on the floor.
- Open the knees to hip-width. Keep in mind that your feet are parallel to the knees.
- Extend your left leg out to the side and place the sole of the foot flat on the floor, toes pointed forward.
- Turning your body to the right, place your right hand on the floor right next to your right knee.
- Make yourself comfortable in this position and create stability.
- Now raise your left hand towards your head, keeping in mind that the right palm is resting on the floor.
- Take the left hand at an angle equal to your extended leg and torso and make a half-circle with the left hand, the left palm facing the floor.
- Turn your head to look at the fingers of the left hand, look straight at your left palm, and remain neutral and steady in this pose.
- Stay in this posture for 30 to 60 minutes and start breathing deeply.
- To come out, slowly bring your left hand down and then take your right hand off the floor and sit in the knee position again.
- Repeat this asana on the other side as well.
Ardha Mandalasana Benefits
- By doing Half Circle Pose, the blood circulation becomes faster. Also by doing this the internal parts of our body get relaxation. Because this pose is also known to massage the internal organs.
- Regular exercise also helps tone the abdominal and hip muscles and open up the pelvic region, as well as the thighs.
- This pose facilitates the use of the chest and helps in detoxifying the internal organs of the body such as the pancreas.
- This yoga improves digestion and gives relief from constipation.
- While doing this, you put pressure on your abdominal area, and hence it helps in reducing the extra fat.
- Stimulates the thyroid gland while promoting endocrine function.
- This yoga opens the chest and increases the supply of oxygen to the lungs.
- It can also help with hip joint surgery, reducing stress in the arms, shoulders, upper back, and neck, and improving flexibility by stretching the spine.
- On a spiritual level, Ardha Mandalasana is a good way to achieve a meditative mind and symbolizes the universe, which integrates the solar and lunar aspects.
- Traditionally, this easy is associated with the Muladhara (root) chakra, which helps yogis to feel more secure, rooted, and grounded.
- In Ardha Mandalasana the limbs form part of a chakra which is seen as the microcosm of the universe.
Follow up Poses
- Side Plank
- Extended Side Angle Pose (Utthita Parsvakonasana)
- Wheel Pose (Urdhva Dhanurasana)
If you are unable to keep your knees on the ground or your knees on the yoga mat, then you can also use the blankets below. This will not put much pressure on your knees.
Also, avoid doing this asana even if you have a serious injury to your hips, shoulders, knees, feet, etc. Although this asana can be done easily, if you feel any kind of problem, then you can also do this asana under the supervision of an expert.
People with medical conditions should also exercise caution while performing this asana:
- Surgery in the hip, knee, shoulder, neck, or lower back.
- Chronic migraine
- Hernia patients
- Practicing this mudra should also be avoided in case of injury or swelling in the foot.
The Half Circle Pose is an accessible side stretching and chest opening posture that when practiced with dedication will give you an expansive feeling in your life. It can make your body feel refreshed and revived.