Camatkarasana (Wild Thing Pose): Basics, Steps, Benefits & More


Camatkarasana, referred to as Wild Thing or Flip Dog in English, is a heart-opening yoga pose that challenges and inspires practitioners to trust in their own strength and flexibility, encouraging a leap of faith both metaphorically and physically.

Camatkarasana Basics

Sanskrit PronunciationCamatkarasana
MeaningCamatk = “miracle” or “surprise,
asana, meaning “pose
Pose TypeProne, Back-Bend, Stretch, Inversion, Strength, Balance
Pose LevelIntermediate
Style of yoga
Other NamesWild Thing Pose, Camatkarasana, Flipped Dog Pose, Dancing Dog Pose, Chamatkarasana
StretchesThe neck, abdominal muscles, and back muscles
Strengthening The core, the upper back
Duration30 second to 3 minutes


Camatkarasana name, derived from Sanskrit, where “Camatkara” means “miracle” or “surprise” and “Asana” means “pose,” beautifully encapsulates the essence of the posture—a miraculous blend of strength, grace, and openness.

This asana is a dynamic backbend that stretches the chest, shoulders, and throat, while strengthening the arms, shoulders, and upper back. By opening the front body and strengthening the back body, it offers a balance of flexibility and strength. The pose also opens up the hip flexors and stretches the legs, providing a full-body experience.

Practice Guide For Wild Thing Pose

The Practice Guide to Perform Wild Thing Pose serves as a valuable resource for yoga enthusiasts seeking to advance their practice, offering a structured and detailed approach to mastering this challenging yet rewarding yoga pose.

Preparatory poses

How To Do Camatkarasana (Wild Thing Pose)

  • Come in Camatkarasana (Wild Thing)-
  • First, You should begin this pose by performing the Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward facing dog).
  • Now, bring your body weight into your right hand and the outside of the right heel like you are performing the Vasisthasana (Side plank pose).
  • While breathing in, putting your right hand strong with clawing the fingers, and allow your hips to be lifted as with buoyancy.
  • While breathing out, move your left foot back and place the ball of the left foot on the floor.
  • After that curl your upper back and soften your shoulder blades.
  • Inhaling deeply, lift your hips higher, curl your head back, and extend your lifted arm and stretch it backward.
  • Make sure press down your legs and right hand to more buoyancy in the hips.
  • Then, hold the final pose and around 5 to 10 breaths.
  • Repeat the same position in the other direction.

Follow Up Poses

Camatkarasana or Wild Thing Pose Benefits

  • This pose brings flexibility to the spine and shoulder.
  • The practice of Camatkarasana makes the bones flexible as well as strengthens the joints throughout the body. As a result, there is relief from the pain related to the knees or waist in the shoulder.
  • Camatkarasana is a back-arching pose that helps in opening up the chest, shoulders, and throat.
  • During Camatkarasana, when the neck is bent down, the flow of energy and oxygen to the brain increases. As a result of which headaches or any other brain-related problems start to go away.
  • This asana also stimulates the Anahata (heart chakra).
  • Wild Thing Pose tones all the organs in the abdomen including the digestive, excretory, and reproductive organs. Due to this, the digestive system gets a good massage, due to which it functions better and your digestion is better.
  • As a backbend, it is energizing, eases stress, anxiety, tension, and boosts the immune system.
  • It gives a good shape to the body and builds strength in the upper back. Its practice is good for those who have to face back problems. also, remove your long-standing back pain.
  • Wild Thing Pose helps boost energy in the body.
  • It provides a good sense of balance.
  • It not only stretches the body but also makes it strong too.
  • This pose also improves focus and concentration.


Some precautions to keep in mind with the practice of Camatkarasana (Wild Thing Pose).

  • With the help of Camatkarasana, you can improve your body’s physique. But it is right to take the opinion of the doctor before doing such asana.
  • In the case of Low B.P. must be avoided this asana.
  • Sciatica patients also avoided.
  • According to the experts, this asana is considered best when yogi practiced early in the morning. Mornings are preferred as the food is digested as well as the body has the energy to perform the asana. Due to some reason, you cannot practice it in the morning, you can practice this asana in the evening as well. But at least keep 3-5 hour gap between your practice and meal.


Camatakarasana pose carefully stretches different parts of your body while simultaneously engaging in backbends and single-handed balance. So before practicing this yoga asana, it is important to practice on the balance of your shoulders and arms. This pose allows your potential to expand and the wild side within to shine through.

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