Yoga For Cholesterol Control: Poses To Reduce Bad Cholesterol Level

Yoga For Cholesterol

Does yoga for cholesterol while reducing healing-related topics? Can yoga be a great option for lowering cholesterol?

While maintaining a healthy diet and regular exercise are fundamental for managing cholesterol levels, sometimes additional measures are needed, especially in cases where cholesterol levels remain high despite lifestyle changes. Yoga can be a valuable addition to a comprehensive approach to managing cholesterol.

Yoga has been shown to have various benefits for cardiovascular health, including reducing cholesterol levels. Certain yoga poses, breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques can help improve circulation, reduce stress, and promote overall cardiovascular health. Additionally, yoga may indirectly support healthy cholesterol levels by aiding in weight management and reducing inflammation.

However, yoga can be a helpful component of a holistic approach to cholesterol management, it should not replace medical treatment or advice.

Based on Science

Research conducted in this regard mentions that doing yoga can reduce the risk of high cholesterol eg: blood viscosity, obesity, high BP, heart stroke.

Some yoga poses to strengthen the body’s metabolic process by lowering the number of bad cholesterol levels (LDL, low-density lipoproteins) and increasing the number of good cholesterol levels (HDL, high-density lipoproteins). There are a limited number of studies but are promising.

Various other studies suggest that yoga can help prevent cholesterol naturally without any harmful effects on the body. Yoga asanas and pranayama calm the mind. Some yoga asanas can help in controlling your cholesterol level. Let us know in detail the method of doing yoga asana and its benefits.

How Does Yoga Lower Cholesterol?

  • Reduces stress hormones.
  • Stimulates the endocrine thus helping to lose weight.
  • Increases your stamina, which reduces the side effects of the lifestyle of sitting.
  • Stretches the abdomen and massages the stomach nerves.
  • Toxins and waste matter get cleaned well from the body.

Poses of Yoga For Cholesterol Levels And Get Healthy

Cholesterol in our blood can be easily reduced by yoga. To lower your cholesterol, you should do the following:

1. Seated Forward Bend – Paschimottanasana

  • It stimulates the liver and kidneys.
  • It helps in reducing obesity.
  • Reduces fat around the abdomen.

How to do: Paschimottanasana

  • First of all, lie down on your back on the ground and keep your legs together.
  • Now slowly rise up, that is, lift the upper part of your waist and try to touch it in your knees and when this happens, then move your hands with your hands.
  • Grab your toes.
  • You are in this posture and repeat it.

Click here to know the complete information and procedure to perform Paschimottanasana.

2. Seated spinal twist – Ardha Matsyendrasana

  • This asana massages the abdominal organs.
  • Increases blood flow and stimulates the liver.
  • It is helpful in removing indigestion.
  • It may also help lower blood pressure and other health conditions.

How To Do: Ardha Matsyendrasana

  • To perform Ardha Matsyendrasana, first of all, sit on a yoga mat in Dandasana and take deep breaths.
  • Move your left leg above the knee of the right leg and keep it on the outer side.
  • Now bend the right leg and close the heel with the left hip.
  • Keep in mind that this repeat should keep the spinal cord straight.
  • Turn your neck, shoulder, and waist to the left.
  • Initially try this pose only for a few seconds.
  • Then do the whole process with the other leg.
  • Increase your time slowly.

Click here to know the complete information and procedure to do Ardha matsyendrasana.

3. Cobra Pose – Bhujangasana

  • Cholesterol can be easily reduced in our blood by Bhujangasana Yoga.
  • This yoga massages the abdominal organs and helps reduce constipation.
  • It also improves liver functioning and helps in getting rid of excess fat and cholesterol from our body.

How To Do: Bhujangasana

  • Lie on your yoga mat on your stomach, your forehead is touching the mat.
  • The feet are joined and your palms are under your shoulders.
  • When you exhale, raise your head, neck, shoulders, and torso up.
  • If you can pull your waist completely backward, then do this by keeping the hands absolutely straight.
  • Keep in mind that the same weight is maintained on both hands and remain in this posture for a few seconds.
  • Then slowly return to your old posture and relax.

Click here to know the complete information and procedure to do Bhujangasana.

4. Child’s Pose – Balasana

  • Balasana yoga is a very easy yoga for beginners as much as a relaxing pose.
  • Stimulates the abdominal organs as well as optimizes blood circulation.
  • Gives cell regeneration and the endocrine system throughout the body.
  • For Balasana Yoga, you have to sit in the position of Vrajasana on Yoga Mate.
  • Now to get into the position of Balsana from Vrajasana, you have to keep your head on the floor in front of the knees while slowly bending forward.
  • At this time your chest should be touching your thighs.
  • Extend your hands directly upwards in front of the head or towards the toes of the feet towards the back.
  • Keep in the same position that you feel comfortable and pay attention to your breath.

Click here to know the complete information and procedure to do Balasana.

5. Boat Pose – Naukasana

  • In this asana, emphasis is placed on the shoulders and arms, besides the effect on the muscles of the stomach also improves the digestion process.
  • In this way, this asana reduces the amount of bad cholesterol from the body.
  • Lie on the mat on the back, attach both hands with the body, and join both legs together.
  • Take a deep breath first and then slowly exhale while lifting your legs and arms from the ground.
  • Along with your hands, raise your torso as well.
  • Remain in this posture for 10-20 seconds, then slowly come back to your previous position.

Click here to know the complete information and procedure to do Naukasana.

6. Shoulder Stand – Sarvangasana Yoga

  • Blood and oxygen flow in the brain in a better way by performing Sarvangasana. Due to which mental stress is reduced to a great extent.
  • Continually practicing this asana also stresses the stomach, causing all the internal organs of the stomach to function properly, due to which the blood circulation in the body can help prevent cholesterol naturally.
  • Also, this asana is very beneficial in removing fatigue and weakness.

How To Do: Sarvangasana Yoga

  • To do this asana, lie down on the yoga mat with your back straight.
  • Keep both your hands straight.
  • Now take a deep breath, lift both legs above the ground.
  • After that, raise the back too, with both hands supporting the back. Move the legs to their maximum height as much as possible, taking care not to bend the knees.
  • Keep in mind that do not try more than your capacity to bring above the waist, try to bring it as high as possible.
  • Try to remain in this position as you feel comfortable.
  • At the end of the time, return to your initial position while slowly lowering your legs while exhaling.

Click here to know the complete information and procedure to do Sarvangasana Yoga.


If someone is looking to incorporate yoga into their routine to help manage cholesterol, it’s best to practice a well-rounded yoga program that includes a variety of poses targeting overall health, along with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

While some studies suggest that yoga may help improve cholesterol levels, it’s not a guaranteed solution for everyone, and it’s unlikely that practicing just a few specific poses will magically eliminate high cholesterol.

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