5 Yoga Poses for Ajna Chakra Balance and Spiritual Alignment

The concept of seven chakras is rooted in ancient Indian spiritual traditions, particularly within the practice of yoga and Ayurveda. They are related to our body but you cannot feel them through your senses. The energy emanating from all these chakras gives vitality to the body. Ayurveda enumerates ways to awaken or activate these chakras with the help of yoga, pranayama, and sadhana. Out of the chakras, the Ajna chakra is considered to be the Third eye Chakra. Some yoga asanas include methods that can balance the Ajna chakra. Here are some Yoga Poses to Balance The Third Eye (Ajna) Chakra that give the intuition, imagination, and ability to deal with situations.
What is The Third Eye (Ajna) Chakra?
According to Hindu tradition, the Ajna Chakra is the sixth root Chakra. By meditating, there is a feeling of having the Third Eye (Ajna) Chakra.

The Ajna Chakra is located in the middle of the head, between the eyebrows. For this reason, it is also called the “third eye“. The Ajna Chakra is the center of clarity and intelligence. It sets the boundary between human and divine consciousness. It is composed of 3 major Nadis, Ida (Chandra Nadi) Pingala (Surya Nadi) and Sushumna (Middle Nadi) is the meeting place. When the energy of these three Nadis meet here and rise, then we get samadhi, the supreme consciousness.
Whenever prana or life force is blocked, then the most beneficial way to release it is yoga. The purpose of the postures below is to stimulate the prana or life force, release energy, and balance the Third Eye (Ajna) Chakra.
Here are some yoga poses that can either stimulate The Third Eye (Ajna) Chakra to increase energy or release excess energy. Hold each pose, slow deep breaths.
1. Vajrasana
Vajrasana pose is also known as the Admintine pose. Generally, pranayama such as Kapalbhati Pranayama, and Anulom Vilom are basically done while sitting, and in Japan, it is the traditional formal way of sitting, known as seiza.
How To Do:- kneel down and stretch the lower legs backward while keeping them stick together. The big toes need to cross each other. the buttocks rest on the heels and the thighs rest on the calf muscles. Place the hands on the knees (In position Gyan mudra, Surya mudra, Varun mudra) and then set the gaze forward with the head straight as much as you can.

Modification- If you have trouble sitting down on the floor, you can also do this pose on a bed or other flat surface to get the same benefits.
2. Padmasana
Padmasana is one of the ultimate poses for the hip opener, which also stimulates your breath and Ajna Chakra. This posture was used since ancient times by many yogis at the time they practiced pranayama yoga and meditation so this recognized meditative posture.
How To Do:- Start seated, Now bend the right foot and place its heel on the left thigh. Repeat this process with the other leg as well. When you are comfortable keep both feet on the opposite thighs by turning the heel, then make Gyan mudra or Apana mudra with your hands and keep it on the knees.
Modification--Sit straight on a chair if you are not able to sit comfortably on the floor.
3. Gomukasana (Cow Face Pose)
The most basic postures like Cow Face Pose is the best yoga exercises for most beginners especially senior citizens since these yoga poses assist in toning the muscles as well as ease joint and muscle aches.
How To Do:- Lay the yoga mat in a flat place and sit in a state of Dandasana. Folding the right leg, moving it from under the left thigh, and placing it on the ground near the left buttock. Similarly, keep the left foot from the knee bent over the right thigh and place it on the ground near the left buttock.
Now raise the right hand up and bend it from the elbow to the backside of the back.
After that, try to hold the fingers of the right hand by taking the left hand behind the back and bending it with the elbow.
Remain in this position for a few seconds and breathe regularly.

Modification- Sit on a chair and with your feet flat on the floor, grab the back of the chair with your hands.
4. Adho Mukha savasana (Downward facing dog)
Downward-Facing Dog, which is also known as Downward Dog or Down Dog, is a significant and essential part of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations) and it is often practiced during yoga class, many times.
How To Do:- Lie on your stomach on a yoga mat. After this, while stretching the breath, lift the body with your feet and hands and make a table-like shape.
While exhaling, slowly raise the hips upwards. Keep your elbows and knees tight. Decide that the body is inverted in the shape of ‘V’.

Modification- Stand with your feet about hip-width apart. Gently pull in your belly for support but make sure it’s relaxed enough.
5. Balasana (Child Pose)
In Balasana, your body pose is like a child in the mother’s womb, hence it is named Balasan. It is said that there is no other place to give good comfort to the mother’s womb, so whenever a person practices Balasan, he gets immense rest and peace.
How To Do:- Sit on your ankles, and slowly spread your knees outward as much as possible. Move the stomach between the two thighs, bend forward and place the forehead on the ground.
Keep your hands on both sides of the body on the ground, keeping the palm towards the sky.
Modification- With a yoga brick, pillow or blanket, or towel rolled, place it under your body and allow yourself to sink into the cushion.
A daily practice of these postures and breathing techniques for 15-20 minutes will considerably help to Balance The Third Eye (Ajna) Chakra.
Apart from this, A few minutes spent meditating will also enhance your experience, intuition, imagination, and help calm your mind.