How to cure body lumps (lipoma): Try poses of yoga for lipoma

yoga for lipoma

Since lumps (lipoma) are not a threat, there is no need to panic. Lipomas are typically treated by surgery, But before considering surgical removal, some people may turn to yoga for lipoma treatment.

A lipoma is a soft, fatty lump of fat that develops under the skin. It is not harmful and is usually left untreated.

Lipomas can occur anywhere in the skin where there are fat cells. But they are more commonly found in the shoulders, neck, chest, arms and back. They can range in size from a pea to a few centimeters and grow very slowly. However, lump formation can be prevented before doing yoga-pranayama.

Yoga for lipoma: Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar gives energy to the body which helps in melting the lumps of lipomas. This is a natural therapy for lipoma.

Surya Namaskar is a combination of 12 powerful yoga asanas, which is also an excellent cardio-vascular exercise and is beneficial for health. It keeps both the mind and body healthy.

The Surya Namaskar is practiced in twelve positions, which are as follows-

(1) Pranam Asana – To do this asana, stand on the edge of your yoga mat. During this both your feet and toes should be connected. Now inhale and expand your chest. Keep the shoulders loose and bring them over the head and come into the posture of Namaskar. You bring the hands in front of the chest in a namaskar posture and you have completed this asana.

(2) Hasta Uttanasana – Take your hands over the head and take them back and during this keep the shoulders near the ears. To check that you are not just moving, push your hips or hips inwards and then do this asana.

(3) Hastapad posture – For this asana, while exhaling and keeping the spine straight, bend the front part from the waist. Now while exhaling completely, place both the hands on the ground near the toes.

(4) AshwaSanchalanasana – Come in the position of Bhujangasana and take the right leg as far back as you can. Raise your face upwards, but if you have any problem related to the waist or spine, then do this asana comfortably.

(5) Kumbhakasana – To do this asana, now you take your left leg back and keep the body in as straight order as possible.

(6) Ashtanga Namaskar – It is clear from the name of this asana that you have to salute through your eight limbs. Yes, one body, one posture but eight namaskars and do all this only or it is possible when your spine is feeling good. If there is a problem in it, then do not do this asana at all and do only Bhujangasana. For this asana, bring your knees to the ground. After this raise the hips. Move your body forward and touch the ground with your chest and chin. In this state, your two arms, two legs, knees and eight limbs together with chest and bone will be in a salutation posture.

(7) Bhujangasana – For this you lie down on your stomach and bring the palms along the shoulders. Now raise the upper part of the body. You can do this for ten to twenty seconds. This can also be done separately if you want to fix your back pain. Keep breathing normal.

(8) Adho Mukha Svanasana – While doing this asana, exhale and make an inverted V shape by keeping your hips above the ground and bending the spine towards the ground. To make it more effective, keep the toes in their place but pull the hips up. You will feel a stretch between your hips and toes.

(9) Ashwasanchalana Asana – This asana is similar to the fourth asana, except that the position of both your legs will be reversed than before. That is, the process of this asana is similar to that of the fourth asana, but in this you have to bend your left leg and take the right leg backwards.

(10) Hasta Padasana- The  Hastapadasana posture is repeated once again on the third number.

(11) Hastauttanasana – Hastauttanasana is exactly like the second posture.

(12) Tadasana -This position is like the first position in which you have to stand straight in the posture of Pranam and take normal breath. After this, take both your hands straight down and stand straight, which will be called Tadasana.

Do yoga nidra after Surya Namaskar. With this, you will be able to clearly feel a vibration or change in the body. After any posture, take rest and do Shavasana along with it.


All the Surya Namaskar Yoga poses and asanas are effective to develop new cells and remove away the dead cells from the skin. Additional, Yoga acts on the endocrine glands of the body thus regulate the production of hormones that’s promote lipoma

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