Yoga for Epilepsy: Poses to Fight Epilepsy Seizures

Yoga for Epilepsy

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by recurrent seizures, which are sudden, brief changes in the brain’s electrical activity. These seizures can manifest in various ways, including loss of consciousness, muscle stiffness, convulsions, and altered sensations.

While modern medical treatments such as medication, surgery, and neurostimulation can effectively manage epilepsy for many individuals, some people may experience side effects or find these treatments inadequate.

Yoga, as a complementary therapy, has been increasingly recognized for its potential benefits in managing epilepsy and improving overall health well-being. Here’s how yoga can be beneficial:

How Yoga Help with Epilepsy Seizures?

Based on the Cochrane Review 2015, yoga brings about essential developments in the autonomic nervous system, bringing about relaxation and stress reduction, thereby controlling seizures.

There are many asanas in yoga that will improve the functioning of the central nervous system and enhance electrical signal transmission in the neural network. At the same time, yoga can also prevent epilepsy by curing the causes of epilepsy like stress and depression. Therefore, unlike modern medications, yoga would be an attractive therapeutic option for epilepsy. (study)

Along with the practice of yoga, the role of pranayama on the nervous system is very important.

Other potential benefits

  • Stress Reduction
  • Enhanced Physical Fitness
  • Better Sleep Quality
  • Stress Management

However, practicing yoga in the wrong ways can lead to seizures. Improper exercise can put unnecessary pressure on the nerves. This may increase the frequency of seizures.

If you are planning to do yoga for epilepsy then it would be best that you do yoga under the guidance of an experienced and certified yoga teacher.

Furthermore, there was no reliable evidence regarding the effectiveness of yoga as a treatment for epilepsy to inform the results. This requires more tests.

Effective Poses of Yoga for Epilepsy Seizures

The standing posture of yoga relaxes and strengthens the muscles and nerves of the spine. The posture of bending forward can be easily appreciated, it stimulates the sympathetic nervous system. At the same time, the backbend’s poses of yoga have a soothing effect on the entire nervous system from the feet to the head. The brain cells become relaxed and increase the awareness of the mind and body.

Here are some yoga asanas that can prove effective yoga for epilepsy treatment.

1. Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

Stand straight by joining both the legs together. Keep the spine straight and relax the shoulders. Stand on your toes while actively contracting your leg muscles. Keep the body weight equally on both the legs. Interlock the fingers of both the hands and raise the hands just above the head. Keep it at the starting level for 30 seconds.

Known more about Tadasana steps, benefits, and Precautions.

2. Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)

Stand on a yoga mat in Tadasana posture with legs spread at hip-length and spine straight. Lift the right leg and rest the right foot on the inside of the left foot. Put the body weight on the left foot. Join your palms together and make Namaste Mudra at the heart chakra. Focus your vision forward. Stay as long as you feel comfortable. Repeat the same position with the left leg also.

Known more about Vrikshasana steps, benefits, and Precautions.

3. Forward Bending Pose (Uttanasana)

First of all, stand in a straight posture on the yoga mat. Now move your hands upwards. Now bend forward without folding your hands. Then try to touch the toes of both feet with both hands. Keep in mind that your knees should not bend at all. Take your head till your knees as per your capacity. If you do this process very easily then try to hold the upper part of the ankles by moving your hands towards the back of the feet. Now try to remain in this posture for some time. Then slowly come back to your initial state. This cycle can be done 4-5 times.

Known more about Uttanasana steps, benefits, and Precautions.

4. Wind-Relieving Pose (Pawanmuktasana)

First of all, spread a yoga mat on a flat surface. Lie on your back and reduce the distance between your legs. Now take a deep breath and lift your legs and bend them at the knees. Now hold your knees tightly with your arms. While exhaling, try to bring the knees near the chest. Now raise your head and try to touch your chin with your knees. Stay in this last position for 30 seconds and as soon as you feel comfortable.

Known more about Pawanmuktasana steps, benefits, and Precautions.

5. Plow Pose (Ardha Halasana)

First of all spread the yoga mat. Now lie back on the yoga mat. Keep straightening your legs. Now take your hands towards the front and keep the palms on the ground. After this, slowly raise your legs up to 90 degrees. During this time your hands will remain on the ground. Try to keep your legs in this posture for a few seconds. Keep in mind that you have to maintain the balance of this asana only with the strength of your stomach and legs. Now slowly come back to your first position. This yoga cycle can be repeated 3 -4 times.

Known more about Ardha Halasana steps, Benefits, and Precautions.

6. Corpes Pose (Savasana)

Spread a yoga mat and lie down on your back. Now keep both the hands at a distance of 2 feet from the body. The palms will be towards the sky. Keep both the feet at a distance of 2 feet from each other. The face will be towards the sky. Now close your eyes comfortably. Now keep breathing in and out normally. Remain in this posture for some time. This asana can be done daily for best results.

Known more about Savasana steps, Benefits, and Precautions.

7. Anulom Vilom Pranayama

To do Anulom-Vilom Pranayam, first sit in Sukhasana or Vajrasana. Now start this asana from the right nostril. First of all, close the left nostril with the help of your finger and take a long breath through the right nostril. After this, close the right nostril and hold the breath for some time, then exhale long from the left nostril. Then inhale through the left nostril and hold the breath for some time, then exhale for a long time through the right nostril.

For the safe and accurate practice of Anulom Vilom Pranayama download 7pranayama.

8. Mrigi Mudra

Mrigi mudra is a simple hand gesture of yoga mudra.

To practice Mriga Mudra – First of all, sit in any comfortable sitting posture and place your hands on the thighs or knees with the palm facing upwards. Now bend the index and middle fingers towards the palm of the hand or towards the root of the thumb. The thumb and the rest of the two fingers (little and ring fingers) should be spread as much as possible. All thoughts have to be removed from the mind and the mind has to be concentrated only on Om. Do this mudra daily for 30 minutes or three times a day for 10 to 12 minutes.

Known more about Mrigi Mudra steps, benefits, and precautions.


Fighting epileptic seizures is not an easy task. Apart from yoga for epilepsy, you need to focus on other lifestyle changes like exercise, diet, habits, meditation and not skip medicines. Apart from this, there is also a need to pay attention to the precautions given during yogasanas.

Additionally, individuals with epilepsy should practice yoga under the guidance of a qualified instructor who has experience working with people with neurological conditions.

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