Vajra Kapotasana (Dove Pose): Basics, Steps, Benefits & More

Vajra Kapotasana or Dove Pose is an extremely effective chest opener posture that strengthens the lungs. it is an advanced level back bending posture of the Ashtanga Yoga series that performed sitting in Vajrasana with hands by the sides.
Vajra Kapotasana Basics
Sanskrit Pronunciation | Vajra Kapotasana (VAHJ-rah kah-poh-TAHS-anna ) |
Meaning | “vajra” refers to ‘thunderbolt’, “kapota” means “dove” or “pigeon” “asana” means pose or posture |
Pose Type | Back bending |
Pose Level | Advanced asana |
Style of yoga | Ashtanga Yoga series |
Other Names | Dove Pose, Pigeon Pose |
Stretches | The hips and groins |
Strengthening | The core muscles |
Duration | 30 second to 3 minutes |
Vajra Kapotasana’s name comes from the Sanskrit term, where Vajra means Thunderbolt, Kapota means Dove or Pigeon, and Asana means Pose. So combine all the words, it’s pronounced as The Dove Pose.
Dove pose is one of the graceful back bending postures and an important asana in yoga with lots of health benefits. include Stretches and strengthens the spine, chest, and abdomen, reduce back pain, relieves stress, anxiety, and depression, and builds core strength, and improves digestion as well as blood circulation in the body. It stimulates the major organs in the abdominal area.
Practice Guide For Vajra Kapotasana
The guide emphasizes safety measures and modifications for practitioners at different levels, ensuring that individuals can gradually progress toward mastering the pose without risking injury. Tips for overcoming common challenges and refining one’s technique are also included to support a smoother journey toward proficiency.
Preparatory Poses
Before jumping to the pigeon pose, some basic preliminary poses should be practiced for the body warming up.
- Reclined Thunderbolt Pose (Supta Vajrasana)
- Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)
- Wheel Pose (Chakrasana)
- Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)
- Thunderbolt Pose (Vajrasana)
Steps to do Vajra Kapotasana (The Dove Pose)
- To do Kapotasana (Pigeon Pose), first sit in Vajrasana or you can also do it by sitting in Ustrasana.
- To come in Vajra Kapotasana sit onto the yoga mat in Vajrasana position. kneeling down on the yoga mat with your back straight.
- After sitting in Vajrasana, take a deep breath and place both your hands behind your back near the waist or sit in Ustrasana and place both your hands on the toes.
- Sitting in Ustrasana, tilt the upper part of the body ie your neck backward, and then slowly bend your waist backward as well.
- Try to take both your hands behind your feet towards the ground.
- If you have difficulty keeping your hands on the floor when you bend back, then you use Vajrasana. This will make it easier for you to keep your hands behind the ground.
- After keeping both hands from the ground, you slowly slide both your hands towards both your feet.
- In this position, both your hands will be bent from the elbow.
- After staying in this posture for a few seconds, again bring your hands near the toes and hold your heels by placing them on top of the toes.
- In this posture, you will come in the pose of a pigeon. Now stay in this posture for some time according to your ability.
- Finally, with the help of the hands, straighten the legs and come back to your starting position.
Follow-up Poses
- Child’s Pose (Balasana)
- Noose Pose (Pasasana)
- Downward Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
Dove Pose Benefits
- Vajra Kapotasana is beneficial for strengthening the muscles around the shoulders, elbows and wrists of the body. Also, helps in increasing elasticity in the thigh muscles, knees and lower legs.
- While holding the asana, there is intense stretching of the core muscles which increases core muscular endurance and makes the muscles flexible.
- It helps to improve the blood circulation in our body, which mean cells the more amounts of oxygen and vital nutrition that ensure the proper growth and repair of dead skin cells.
- There is better blood circulation in the pelvic region while doing this asana, which leaves the practitioner with strong flexible muscles.
- Various types of heart diseases, such as heart attack, heart attack, high cholesterol, etc. can be prevented by regular practice of Vajra Kapotasana. It also prevents the build-up of fat and cholesterol in the body, which is the main reason. of heart diseases.
- One of the best health benefits of Vajra Kapotasana is to improve digestion. While holding the last pose, it can create a lot of pressure on the abdomen and internal organs, which helps in promoting the function of the digestive system. This ultimately helps to enhance the detoxification process and prevent constipation as well.
- This great backbend keeps the practitioner feeling energized while maintaining the flow of your Vishuddhi chakra (throat chakra) and Agya chakra (third eye chakra) from your Anahata chakra (heart chakra).
Before doing this asana, you should know for whom this Vajra Kapotasana is not recommended.
- According to the experts, this asana is considered best when yogi practiced early in the morning. Mornings are preferred as the food is digested as well as the body has the energy to perform the asana. Due to some reason, you cannot practice it in the morning, you can practice this asana in the evening as well. But at least keep 3-5 hour gap between your practice and meal.
- Dove pose must avoid deep squats with any knee injury.
- Do not practice in case of a herniated disk or an injury in the lower back.
- Avoid this asana, in case of back, neck, ankles your arms injury.
Dove Pose is an advanced back bending posture of the Ashtanga Yoga series. Practicing this yoga energizes your body and has numerous therapeutic applications.